Ready to Read Early Literacy Tip 5- Playing
Posted on June 2, 2021
by Ready to Read
Who doesn’t love to play? Play is a beneficial early literacy practice that will make you want to put your work away and engage in this important educational task with your child. When children play, they use their imaginations to make up stories, use new vocabulary, and explore the world around them. These elements come together to create a good reader, able to understand books and stories.
With so much technology nowadays, children don’t often get the chance to get down on the floor with cardboard boxes, pots and pans, letting their imaginations run. Yet not all technology is bad! We know that technology used during playtime can build great vocabulary and background knowledge, important predictors of good reading skills. Remember, it’s best when you can sit down with your child and discuss what is happening on a screen. It’s all about balance and all about having fun!
Let your imagination run as you read these playful books!
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Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
eBook | hooplaNino Wrestles the World
eBook | eAudiobook | hooplaWhere the Wild Things Are
DVD | eAudiobook | eMovie | BookFlixPress Here
Look What I Can Do!
From Head to Toe
Bringing the Outside In
My Rainy Day Rocketship
eBookTo learn more about all the ways that play can benefit children from birth to preschool, please contact the Ready to Read Team. We offer a 30-minute early literacy training full of tips, tools, and tricks to help your child on the path to reading!
Interested in a different topic for your child? Complete our teacher collection request form or contact any location for help.
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