Seekers and Sages: Spirituality Selections
Posted on September 6, 2016
by Suzanne S
Many seek a simple path on the road to deepen spirituality — a mindful simplicity, a purposeful kindness, an unwavering attitude of blessing. In the past, a flood of secular self-help books has now given way in part to a deeper exploration of gratitude, grace, and compassion in the search for a greater meaning of life.
Here’s a brief list of newer titles on spirituality …
Formats Available: Print Known for his iconic title, Care of the Soul, Moore encourages seekers to find their own path beyond organized religion by sharing stories of those who are creating their own spiritual experiences and a deeper inner life. |
Formats Available: Print Pastor Kang’s fifty-two short essays are simple, powerful and deep-rooted in the mystery, suffering and brokenness we encounter in daily life and in our ability to experience gratitude. |
Formats Available: Print | Large Print | Audiobook | eBook | eAudiobook Lamott is considered to be one of the top liberal Christians writing today, her essays prove to be irreverent, thoughtful, candid and comical. A nice introduction to this sassy, optimistic writer. |
Formats Available: Print | eBook | eAudiobook Dr. Sacks condenses his life lessons in a small tome consisting of 45 pages — filled with wisdom and whimsy, and shimmering with streams of the light of gratitude throughout his life. A grace-filled and giving reckoning. |
Formats Available: Print | Audiobook | eBook Famous skeptic and neuroscientist, Sam Harris explores the scientific foundations of spirituality. The author considers how to learn from the examples of famous spiritual leaders — Rumi, Buddha, Jesus — without committing to religion. This title is what the author terms a seeker’s memoir, an introduction to the brain, and an unraveling of what most people consider their center: the feeling of self we call “I.” |
Formats Available: Print Pico Iyer explores how our information-packed, interconnected, chaotic world is driving us to unplug, seek meditation, and explore stillness as a way to quietly enrich our lives. The British-born essayist investigates the lives of people who have made a life of seeking stillness. |
Formats Available: Print | Large Print | Audiobook | eBook | eAudiobook In his early forties Dr. Randy Pausch, professor at Carnegie Mellon University, was diagnosed with cancer, learning he had 6 months to live. It is the custom at the university to ask retiring “elderly” professors to deliver a last lecture. Dr. Pausch’s words of wisdom, gratitude, and wonder inspired a packed auditorium and many more with this book. |
Formats Available: Print Coming from a clinical and atheistic background, Dr. Sheff is uneasily confronted with an insight at the crossroads of science and spirituality. In his journey to India, Medjugorje, and Brazil–where he meets John of God, he undergoes a stunning experience of our true essence—joy and love. |
Formats Available: Print Bass sees the present state of religion not as dying but as transforming. Chapters covering water, sky, dirt, and roots connect us to our human geography, grounded in our common spirituality. A dense and deeply spiritual read with personal and global soundings. |
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