By Allison Fiscus, Adult Services Coordinator
Is there a book you’ve read that you could not stop talking about?
I have about 10 from last year alone.
For me, reading is a bit of a competitive sport. I want to read more than I did last year, find more new authors, and be the first person to find *that* book that blows up into the next big thing.
I also really, really want to share the books I love because when I love a book, I feel deeply connected it. Be it the characters, the message, the situation—I’m invested and I want you to read it because it means something to me, and I’m hoping it will mean something to you. It’s a form of connection unique to reading and something I’m confident is shared by readers everywhere—a universal truth. Continue Reading

Whether you are just beginning to explore your family history, or can’t quite solve a family mystery, the Local History and Genealogy Department is here to help with your family tree:

Do you want to learn a little bit about your family, house, or community? Are you an advanced or expert researcher looking for more support? Make connections with the Local History and Genealogy Department.

By Allison Fiscus, Adult Services Coordinator
Is there a book you’ve read that you could not stop talking about?
I have about 10 from last year alone.
For me, reading is a bit of a competitive sport. I want to read more than I did last year, find more new authors, and be the first person to find *that* book that blows up into the next big thing.
I also really, really want to share the books I love because when I love a book, I feel deeply connected it. Be it the characters, the message, the situation—I’m invested and I want you to read it because it means something to me, and I’m hoping it will mean something to you. It’s a form of connection unique to reading and something I’m confident is shared by readers everywhere—a universal truth. Continue Reading

Historic discoveries during a kitchen renovation sent Youth Services Coordinator Nancy Eames down a rabbit hole of research and discovery.

What mysteries does your house hold? Find out how you can unlock its secrets with resources from the Local History and Genealogy Department.
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