Articles and Research



Unlimited access to more than 7,000 publications from over 120 countries, in 60 different languages, all on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Please note: The Economist is limited to a 7-day checkout period and can be checked out again once the 7 days are over. Self-guided video

Blade (Toledo)


Current and historical text and images of the Toledo Blade from 1848 to the present. Search by keyword, name, event or topic. Only available inside the Library.

Federal Depository


The Library is a congressionally designated depository for U.S. Government documents – Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). Public access is guaranteed by law. (Title 44 United States Code).



Research current events, popular topics, health, history, government, science, social studies, and technology for middle and high school that are discussed in today’s classrooms.

Newspaper Source


Newspaper Source provides cover-to-cover full text for hundreds of national (U.S.), international and regional newspapers. In addition, it offers television and radio news transcripts from major networks.  Self-guided video

New York Times (current issue only)


Get free unlimited access to the New York Times website and app with just your library card. You will need to create a digital account and access outside the library is granted by using 72 hour access. Passes can be renewed as often as you like by visiting our site and clicking to the link provided. Inside the Library? Just visit and login to enjoy unlimited access without the need of a 72 hour pass.



Offers medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system and pre-clinical sciences among many subjects. Self-guided video

Hathi Trust


Hathi Trust is a partnership of academic and research institutions offering a collection of millions of open access titles digitized from libraries around the world. Self-guided video

Gale eBooks


Access books and publications within arts, biography, business, education, the environment, history, LGBTQ, medicine, multicultural studies, race, and civil rights. Self-guided video