Your support matters

The Library Legacy Foundation relies on the support of generous donors to provide the measure of excellence for the Library to pursue new opportunities or make investments in programs or services that are of particular need to the community. Watch these videos to see how your support can make a difference:

Learn more about a very special Toledo Library donor, the late Georgianna Saloff, and how her generosity led to a transformative vision for the Saloff Family Children’s Library.

Donor levels:

  • Invitation to an annual donor lunch/dinner with the Library Director.
  • Donors will be listed in the Library Legacy Foundation’s Annual Report.


  • Donors will receive two complimentary tickets to two Authors! programs per year, including coordinating VIP receptions (a $200 value).
  • Name recognition under this level on a video monitor at Main Library.
  • Name recognition on the Library Legacy Foundation website under this level.
  • Invitation to an annual donor lunch/dinner with the Library Director.
  • Donors will be listed in the Library Legacy Foundation’s Annual Report.

Thanks to our generous Library Level donors:

Craig Albers

Heather Allred

Kenneth & Brenda Baker

Paul & Christine Berlacher

Birmingham Hall of Fame

Black Diamond, Inc.

William Block Jr.

Terry Bossert

Shirley K. Brannan

Allan & Christine Brown Fund

Jason & Nicole Candle

Dennis Chojnacki

Margaret Danziger

Susan & Greg Denny

Michael & Louise Ehrick

Chad Gates

Dave & Carol Haddix

Impact Employment Solutions, Inc.

Insulators Local 45

James J. Jaros

Adele Jasion

John Joslin

Kevin Kennedy

LaVonne Kujawa

Jay Lowenstein

Erin McPartland

Frank Merritt

Fred & Sharon Moor

Network for Good

David O’Connell

Mandar & Jyotsna Phadke

Janet Rogolsky

Priscilla Schwier

Patrice Spitzer

Jon & Judy Strole

Olivia Summons

Stephen Swigart

Toledo Firefighters Local 92

Local 50 Plumbers & Steamfitters

Harry Ward III

Diana Waugh

Douglas & Missy Williams

Marilyn Zielinski

  • Donors will receive two complimentary tickets to three Authors! programs per year, including coordinating VIP receptions (a $300 value).
  • Name recognition under this level on a video monitor at Main Library.
  • Name recognition on the Library Legacy Foundation website under this level.
  • Invitation to an annual donor lunch/dinner with the Library Director.
  • Donors will be listed in the Library Legacy Foundation’s Annual Report.


Thanks to our generous Playwrights Level donors:

Benevity Community Impact Fund

Patrick & Mary Louise Bowe

Susan Brotje

Buehrer Group

Robert L. Fondessy Family Fund

Gallon, Takacs & Boissoneault Co.

John & Johanna Hull

Frank & Lynn Jacobs

Nancy & James Lapp

Shwu Mabrey

Mead Foundation

Karen Merrels

Holly Metzger

Morgan Stanley

Daniel Morrow

David Neufeld Memorial Foundation

Susan Pohlod

Beaulah Rochte

Searles Family Foundation

Trina Secor

Ann & David Strickler

Holly Sydlow

Toledo Federation of Teachers Local 250

Toledo Elks Lodge #53 B.P.O.

Rose Anne Wernert

  • Donors will receive two complimentary tickets to four Authors! programs per year, including coordinating VIP receptions (a $400 value).
  • Name recognition under this level on a video monitor at Main Library.
  • Name recognition on the Library Legacy Foundation website under this level.
  • Invitation to an annual donor lunch/dinner with the Library Director.
  • Donors will be listed in the Library Legacy Foundation’s Annual Report.

Thanks to our generous Poets Level donors:

Joseph & Judith Conda

ITW Foundation

James Foundation

Katherine Jones

Landmarks Preservation Council NWO

Dr. Patrick McCormick

Drs. Arun and Ashalata Patel

Mary Weiss

David & Nanci Westrick

  • Donors will receive two complimentary tickets to six Authors! programs per year, including coordinating VIP receptions (a $600 value).
  • Name recognition under this level on a video monitor at Main Library.
  • Name recognition on the Library Legacy Foundation website under this level.
  • Invitation to an annual donor lunch/dinner with the Library Director.
  • Donors will be listed in the Library Legacy Foundation’s Annual Report.

Thanks to our generous Novelists Level donors:

William & Paula Fall

Robert & Susan Savage

Stephen Sewell

Marc & Carol Williams-Young

WJUC The Juice FM 107.3

  • Donors will receive three complimentary tickets to six Authors! programs per year, including coordinating VIP receptions (a $900 value).
  • Name recognition under this level on a video monitor at Main Library.
  • Name recognition on the Library Legacy Foundation website under this level.
  • Invitation to an annual donor lunch/dinner with the Library Director.
  • Donors will be listed in the Library Legacy Foundation’s Annual Report.


Thanks to our generous Publishers Level donors:

Pat Appold

Paul Hanslik

John & Yolanda Szuch


  • Donors will receive four complimentary tickets to six Authors! programs per year, including coordinating VIP receptions (a $1,200 value).
  • Name recognition under this level on a video monitor at Main Library.
  • Name recognition on the Library Legacy Foundation website under this level.
  • Invitation to an annual donor lunch/dinner with the Library Director.
  • Donors will be listed in the Library Legacy Foundation’s Annual Report.

Thanks to our generous Legacy Level donors:

Anderson Foundation

Bob Anspach

Buckeye Broadband

Sara Jane and Bill DeHoff

Directions Credit Union

John Henry Eldred, Jr. Foundation

Fifth Third Bank

Friends of the Library

Dr. Jayantilal and Prafulla Galani

Huntington Bank


Mourad Family

Ohio Department of Development

Jean Rocchi

Mary Anne Tigges

Toledo Refining Company

United Way of Greater Toledo

Tom & Gretchen Ziems

Anderson Foundation

James & Patricia Appold

Norman & Betty LaRue – Bertiaux Trust

Jamie & Ellen Black

The Blade Foundation

Robert Brown

Buckeye Broadband

Joe and Judith Conda


Elizabeth Cramer

Dana Corporation Foundation

Margaret Danziger

Eleanor Davies

Lillian Dean

Bill & Sara Jane DeHoff

Directions Credit Union

Lucille Farison

FirstEnergy Foundation

The France Stone Foundation

Friends of the Library

Greater Toledo Community Foundation

The Herrick Foundation

Robert L. & Posy Huebner

Huntington Bank

Dennis & Sheila Johnson

John Kelchner

Harold Kelley


Bigelow Kinsey

Dorothy Louise Kyler Fund

The Landman Goldman Foundation

Theodore R. Langerman

Richard LaValley & Family

Helen McMaster & Family

Mercy Health

Edna Miller Trust

Munger Munger & Associates Architects

Ohio Department of Development


PNC Bank

Karen Poole

Dorothy MacKenzie Price


David N. Rayman Trust

Jean Rocchi

The Rotary Club of Toledo

The George K. Saloff Family

Robert & Susan Savage

Richard & June Saxe

Ann Searles

St. Luke’s Hospital

Virginia Stranahan

The Stranahan Foundation

Dorothy Strouse

John & Yolanda Szuch

The Terhune Memorial Fund

Mary Anne Tigges

United Way of Greater Toledo

Georgia Welles

James & Patricia Appold

William & Carol Block

Benjamin & Margaret Brown

Lindell Clemens

William R. Conrad

Barbara Goodman

Suzanne Hagelberg & Joseph Ludwig

Crystal R. Hixson

Marjorie Hutton

Frank & Lynn Jacobs

Frank S. Merritt

Martin J. Miller

David & Adrienne Noel

Wayne Osborne

Dr. Richard & Barbara Perry

Karen L. Poole

David N. Rayman

Janet Rogolsky

Charles & Kristine Schaub

Mary A. Tigges

Mary Jo Antalek

Cathy Bartel

Sandy Bauer

Beth Bonk

Cam Brady

Greg Brown

Julie Bursten

Terri Carroll

Sue Coburn

Andre Criner

Margaret Danziger

Meg Delaney

Nancy Eames

Colette Egner

Brigid Fall

Linda Fayerweather

Kathryn Fell

Nancy Foth

Andrea Francis

Jim Funk

Gretchen Gehring

Rebecca Gilliam

Jeff Godzak

Lisa Green

Hannah Grohowski

Teeny Guynes

Faith Hairston

David Harris

Valerie Harrison

Amy Hartman

Consuelo Hernandez

Ed Hill

Mary Hubbard

Zachary Huber

Jo Kehoe

Linda Kerul

Anne Kier

George Kline

Jason Kucsma

Joanne Loolen

Mike Lora

Pat Lora

Pat Lusher

Ben Malczewski

Carole Malczewski

Jim Marshall

Julie McCann

Frank Merritt

Jim Miller

Kim Penn

Odessa Rowan

Jody Ruby

Lisa Schmidt

Clyde Scoles

Rhonda Sewell

Kathy Selking

Mary Ann Silka

Susan Skitowski

Janet Snider

Sue St. John

Dorcel Thrower-Dowdell

David Topoleski

Chris Varwig

Roger Veitch

Jeffrey Wale

Jeannine Wilbarger

Mary-Thom Williams

Heidi Yeager

Marilyn Zielinski

Jeri Ackerman

Alana Ackley

Vivian Adams

Amy Adler

Charles Aldrich

Judy Aldrich

Adrienne Amborski

Donna Anaya

Sharon Anderson

Marcy Andrews

Mildred Andrews

Anonymous (5)

Mary Jo Antalek

Colleen Archer

Galen Avery

Julie Baker

Cathy Bartel

Rita Bates

Sandy Bauer

Pat Behan

Jeanette Bell

Sue Bentley

Wendy Bethune

Amy Blair

Bonnie Bond

Beth Bonk

Alan Borer

Jackie Borgess

Cam Brady

Dorothy Brooks

Pat Bromley

Ernie Brown

Greg Brown

Dave Bush

Denise Campbell

Felix Campbell

Deborah Campbell

Deborah Carman

Sue Casida

Donna Christian

Mary Chwialkowski

Pat Claussen

John Cleveland

Jill Gregg Clever

Katherine Coad

Sue Coburn

Brin Coleman

Earnest Coleman

Virginia Cook

Ann Corder

Andrea Criner

Roberta Crosson

Joanne Cudlike

Ray Curtis

Margret Danziger

Janet DeBacker

Meg Delaney

Tim Desmond

Leann Dewitt

Colleen Donaldson

Willian Drew

Nancy Eames

Colette Egner

Blanche Ellis

Jade Ellis

Roxanne Emerson-Powell

Brigid Fall

Molly Feeney

Kathryn Fell

Diane Folsom

Patrick Ford

Theresa Ford

Nancy Foth

Betsy Fried

Gretchen Gehring

Patty Gentile

Rebecca Gilliam

Jeff Godzak

Laura Grasser

Mary Beth Gratop

Tom Gray

Lisa Green

Shirley Greenwade

Linda Greer

Parry Gregg

Cynthia Griffin

Sue Grim

Merle Gunderman

Jerome Hamilton

Conetta Harkness

Dave Harris

Amy Hartman

Ann Hemming

Consuelo Hernandez

Lori Hersh

Lisa Hoenig

Leslee Hooper

Kathy Horvat

Cheryl Hughes

Margaret Hughes

Ann Hurley

Mary Lou Huss

Bettye Hutt

Maria Jadwisiak

Lynn Jagos

Nancy Janney

Margaret Jaynes

Al Johnson

Shirley Johnson

Patricia Johnston

Barb Jones

Judy Jones

Jennifer Joynt

Jo Kehoe

Cathy Keil

Linda Kerul

Patty Kessler

Anne Kier

Mary Kinkus

Melanie Kleinfelter

George Kline

Sharon Knox

Tom Konczal

Joanne Kosanke

Janey Kozbial

Tom Krasa

Marcia Kreinbrink

Lorraine Krerowicz

Tracy Kulwicki

Lara Kutsche

Pauline Kynard

Gina Labban

Hannah Lammie

Jeanne Langendorfer

Linda League-Harrison

Joan LeGros

Colleen Lehmann

Mary Leugers

Pat Ligibel

David Lockwood-Lass

Joanne Loolen

Mike Lora

Pat Lora

Barb Lough

Therese Luchsinger

Joe Ludwig

Kathy Lundberg

Pat Lusher

Dave Lutz

Larry Lytle, Jr. 

Jim Marshall

Irene Martin

Becky Martinez

Gayle Martinez

Susan Mason

Margaret Mazur

Jacey McCandlish

Julie McCann

David McCrary

Tom McDonald

Jeanne McHugh

Denise McNair-Brown

Marilee McSweeny

Joan McWilliam

Frank Merritt

Jeff Meyer

Jeri Micks

Barbara Miller

Jim Miller

Lori Moore

Jack Moran

Judy Murray

Mary Murphy

Nicole Mushisky

Jolynn Nalls

Nicole Naylor

Brenda Nelson

Brian Nichols

Pat Nigro

David Noel

Denise Noel

Fran Nowak

Janice Olsen

Karen Olsen

Charlie Oswanski

Angela Ovall

Eleanore Overmann

Walt Palicki

Tim Panek

Michelle Parrish

Bobbie Patridge

Karen Patterson

Barb Periat

Dennis Periat

Kathy Petro

Kathy Pfeifer

Mary Plews

Sue Pohlman

Susan Polte

Jeanne Poole

Paige Price

Patty Pruss

Connie Quintanilla

Virginia Radcliffe

Carol Rader

Melissa Renck

Nancy Rhoads

Sue Rice

Lynn Rioux

Rebecca Roberts

Susan Roudebush

Odessa Rowan 

Maria Jesus Royuela-Tomas

Jim Rust

Monica Saniford

Mark Kay Sanford

Sue Schafer

Tony Schafer

Diane Schlageter

Connie Schmitz

Deidra Schmitz

Linda Schramm

Barbara Schultz

Tom Schweyer

Clyde Scoles

John Selzer

Peg Sheehan

Sarah Shoffer

Mary Ann Silka

Olga Sinram

Susan Skitowski

Dolores Smith

Jeanette Smith

Joyce Smith 

Julie Smith

Sue Smith

Teddy Smith

Tom Smith 

Janet Snider

Donna Spence

Donna Spychala

Sue St. John

Kathie Steenrod

Marc Steingroot

Roberta Stewart 

Sandra Streets

Joanna Suter

Carol Ann Swartz

Jan Thomas

Corcel Thrower-Dowdell

Bernie Tomesek-Singer

David Topoleski

Diane Travis

Elizabeth Tuohy

Kim Turner

Rondy Turner

Cliff Upp

Roger Veitch

Dave Velliquette

Laura Voelz

Rick Wall

Heather Weaver

Julie Weislak

Karen Wiggins

Lara Wiggins

Pat Wiggins

Jeannine Wilbarger

Dough Wilbur

Kevin Wilbur

April Wilkinson

Mary Williams

Mary-Thom Williams

Glenna Wilson

Sheila Wisniewski

Deborah Wolcott

Louise Wolpert

Virginia Wolter

Marilyn Zielinksi