10 Kids Books for the Write Stuff!

Posted on April 24, 2023

by Ready to Read

For babies, toddlers, & preschoolers:

Scribbling and drawing are forms of writing. They may not be words, but the lines and pictures your child draws mean something to him or her.  As children write, they become aware that the printed letters and words have meaning. They begin to understand the purpose of reading through the process of writing.  Writing doesn’t always have to be writing — it can be tracing in sand, playing with clay or play dough, or crinkling up newspaper to help strengthen finger muscles!

For kindergarteners to 3rd graders:

Writing sentences help students establish both the meaning of words and the use of the word in a sentence. Encourage your children to write. Stories, poems, letters, journals, and letters to pen pals are all great ways to practice writing. Writing is encoding, which is building the same brain skills that are used in decoding words while learning to read!

Check out one of these great picture books to inspire the young author in your life.

For more support and a free kit of books and literacy materials for your birth through third grade children, request a training with the Library’s Ready to Read Team.

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