You can register to vote at any Library location during open hours.
You must register or update your voter registration no later than 30 days before an election.
For more information on checking to see if you’re registered to vote, updating your voter registration, requesting an absentee ballot, etc., please visit our Civic Center below.
Welcome to Toledo Lucas County Public Library’s Online Civic Center! Our helpful tool can easily assist you in six key ways.
- Search and find your elected officials
- Make a pledge to vote
- Check your voter registration or register to vote
- Research your ballot
- Find out how to vote
- Request an absentee ballot
Do you want to run for office? Use this to get started.
We currently do not have any programs scheduled at this time. Please check back soon.
As a public institution, Toledo Lucas County Public Library is often asked by our City, County, etc. partners to publicly post documents or plans for Lucas County residents to review. These publications often have a public comment or public hearing date associated.
At the Library, we highly encourage community groups and organizations to host public debates and candidate forums in our spaces. To ensure a thriving, robust democracy, we must organize gatherings that share vital civic information and allow our neighbors to get to know officials or candidates. Here are some resources to help you plan your next debate or forum…
The Ohio Debate Commission Playbook.
Additional resources from the Ohio Debate Commission.
Request a Library space, such as Main Library’s Large Glass Community Room or McMaster Theater.
To partner with the Library on a debate or forum, please visit our partnership page. Note: We will do our best to connect all organizations to appropriate resources but to partner with the Library officially, we ask that gatherings are nonpartisan or that they contain diverse, multi-partisan voices during planning and event execution.