A child holding a pink dry erase marker is practicing tracing the letter "C." The letters "A" through "H" are also on the dry erase activity booklet.


The youngest children need to be exposed to lots of words, stories, songs, and activities. You will be building a base for reading by having fun and interacting with your child each day and adding early reading activities to your time together.

Talk: Talking with children helps them learn new words and stimulates brain development which encourages learning. 

Talking tips: Talk during morning routines, in the car, waiting in line, before a nap, during meals, doing household chores, at the store, out on a walk, during bath times, and before bedtime.

Sing: Singing, which also includes rhyming, increases children’s ability to hear different sounds within words and prepares them to sound out written words. 

Things to sing about: Clean up, bath time, diaper changes, reading time, daily tasks, and classic nursery songs. 

Play: Playing is one of the main ways young children learn about the world which helps children understand books and stories once they begin to read. 

Things needed for play: A little space and simple props like large boxes, old clothes, empty food containers, and empty paper towel rolls. Using props helps spark your child’s imagination! 

Write: As soon as a child can grasp a crayon, they can begin scribbling which sets the stage for more advanced writing. 

Things needed for writing: pencils, crayons, markers, and scrap paper for your child to practice writing and drawing. 

Read: Reading to little ones helps children become skilled, lifelong readers. You will be creating a reader with each word you share.

Reading to the youngest children: Have fun! Don’t make reading a chore or stressful. You don’t have to finish a book if your child is no longer interested in sitting still. You also can keep reading while your child runs or jumps around!

Individual training: The Library’s early reading specialists provide individual and group training to help you get your child ready to read. You will get a free kit with books and early literacy materials.


Call 419.259.5253 for help.

Storytimes: Storytimes are a great way to make getting ready to read fun and easy! Choose from a variety of age groups and locations. View storytimes.

Get a free Library card! Make sure you have lots of books for reading to your child. Your Library card allows you to check out unlimited books and we don’t charge fees if you return your books late. Get a card today.

Get free books sent to your house: Sign up today for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to have one free book per month sent to your home for all children under age five. Sign up for free books.

Let us get a stack of books for you. We can pick books for you! Tell us what topic you’d like and we’ll get a stack that you can pick up at your preferred location. Request books to read to your child.

Come play at the Library. All of our locations have play spaces just for children, including a huge children’s space at Main Library. These spaces are also a great place for you to get support from our librarians while meeting other parents and caregivers. Plan a trip today.

Library digital resources for ages birth – two:

Preschool Early Literacy Playdate

(Tu) February 18 | 6:30 — 7:30 p.m. | Holland

Bring your preschooler to move, explore, pretend and make friends. While they play, our Ready to Read team will introduce you to our early literacy program designed to help you raise great readers.

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Helping your K-3 Reader

(Sa) February 22 | 2 — 3 p.m. | Online Programs

Let us support you and your K-3 child on their reading journey. Participating caregivers will receive a Ready to Read K-3 toolkit, filled with tools and activities to help strengthen reading skills.


Preschool Early Literacy Playdate

(M) March 3 | 6 — 7 p.m. | Sanger

Drop in with your preschooler. While they move, explore, pretend and make friends, our Ready to Read team will introduce you to our early literacy program designed to help you raise great readers.

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Helping your K-3 Reader

(Th) March 13 | 1 — 2 p.m. | Online Programs

Let us support you and your K-3 child on their reading journey. Participating caregivers will receive a Ready to Read K-3 toolkit, filled with tools and activities to help strengthen reading skills.


Preschool Early Literacy Playdate

(Tu) March 18 | 6 — 7 p.m. | Maumee

Drop in with your preschooler. While they move, explore, pretend and make friends, our Ready to Read team will introduce you to our early literacy program designed to help you raise great readers.

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Helping your K-3 Reader

(F) April 25 | noon — 1 p.m. | Online Programs

Let us support you and your K-3 child on their reading journey. Participating caregivers will receive a Ready to Read K-3 toolkit, filled with tools and activities to help strengthen reading skills.
