American Ancestors

Discover your family ancestry by searching for names primarily covering New England. Only available inside Main Library.


Blade (Toledo)

Current and historical text and images of the Toledo Blade from 1848 to the present. Search by keyword, name, event or topic. Only available inside the Library.


Business Book Summaries

Provides concise yet comprehensive summaries of the best business books. Summaries also available in Chinese, French, German and Spanish.


D&B Hoovers

Allows the user to gain a deeper understanding of market opportunities and make informed decisions by analyzing data from a wide variety of sources.


Digital Learn

Digital Learn helps the novice user with email, internet, and computer basics. In English and Spanish.


Federal Depository

The Library is a congressionally designated depository for U.S. Government documents – Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). Public access is guaranteed by law. (Title 44 United States Code).



A premier collection of historical U.S. military records that brings to life the details of America’s military veterans with stories, photos, and personal documents. Self-guided video


Fund Analyzer by FINRA

Information and analysis on over 18,000 mutual funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs). Estimates the value of the funds and allows users to compare up to three funds.


Gale eBooks

Access books and publications within arts, biography, business, education, the environment, history, LGBTQ, medicine, multicultural studies, race, and civil rights. Self-guided video



Provides learning opportunities to improve technology (Microsoft, internet, Google), literacy (reading help, grammar, language) and math skills through interactive games.



Philanthropic research report database designed to fill in the knowledge gaps you need to find the best charities to which to donate. Only available inside the Library.


Hathi Trust

Hathi Trust is a partnership of academic and research institutions offering a collection of millions of open access titles digitized from libraries around the world. Self-guided video



Find obituaries and death notices published in newspapers dating back to 1704; funeral home notices dating back to 2019; and Social Security Death Index (SSDI) records, which mostly cover the period between 1935 and 2014. Self-guided video


Home Improvement Source

Books, projects and magazines about decorating and remodeling, electrical work, plumbing, woodworking and everyday maintenance.



Kanopy is a video streaming service that provides instant access to movies and documentaries. 30 “tickets” per month.


LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning offers unlimited access to courses in business, technology, creative, engineering, time management, computer skills, data analysis, and programming / development. Using the LinkedIn Learning app: iOS or Android First time app: OH0215 Self-guided video


Local History Digital Collections

Through our Local History Department, we are pleased to partner with Ohio Memory to present our growing digital archive which includes collections featuring historical documents, maps and atlases, photographs and more!


Mango Languages

Mango for Libraries uses native speakers, repetition and voice comparison to learn a new language or English as a second language. To use the app you will first need to create a Mango profile online through the library, then use that profile to activate the App. App Store | Google Play | Self-guided video



Offers medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system and pre-clinical sciences among many subjects. Self-guided video


Mergent Archives

Contains reports and documents from and on global companies and corporate industry (industrial, transportation, public utility, OTC).


Mergent Intellect

Access private and public U.S. and international business data, industry news, executive contact information, residential data, demographics, and consumer data.



Wide range of health topics selected from approximately 1,400 government and non-profit organizations with reliable health information.


Natural Medicines

A trusted resource for information about dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary alternative and integrative therapies.


New York Times (current issue only)

Get free unlimited access to the New York Times website and app with just your library card. You will need to create a NYTimes.com digital account and access outside the library is granted by using 72 hour access. Passes can be renewed as often as you like by visiting our site and clicking to the link provided. Inside the Library? Just visit NYTimes.com and login to enjoy unlimited access without the need of a 72 hour pass.


Newspaper Archive

Search for ancestors by name and narrow results by year and location covering historical Ohio newspapers.


Newspaper Source

Newspaper Source provides cover-to-cover full text for hundreds of national (U.S.), international and regional newspapers. In addition, it offers television and radio news transcripts from major networks.  Self-guided video


Northstar Digital Literacy

Learn basic skills needed to use a computer and the internet in daily life, employment, and higher education covering social media, information literacy, Telehealth, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Google Docs.


NoveList Plus

Find that next great read! Sort by age level, popularity, curriculum-driven material, recommended reads, book discussion guides and searchable award lists. Also includes suggestions for audiobooks. Self-guided video


O’Reilly for Public Libraries

O’Reilly for Public Libraries subscription includes more than 47,000 books and 30,000 hours of video in areas such as information technology and software; business; digital media; professional and personal development; and desktop and web applications. Self-guided video


Ohio Legal Help

Forms, resources, and attorney information specific to Ohio. The project is guided by the Supreme Court of Ohio, the Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation, the Ohio State Bar Foundation, and the Ohio Library Council.


Ohio Victims Rights

Understandable explanation of rights laws and best practices, and form letters empowering victims to exercise their rights.


Plunkett Research Online

Offers business intelligence, industry trends, market research, stats, leads, plus company contacts for over 30 different major industries and tips for job seekers.



Unlimited access to more than 7,000 publications from over 120 countries, in 60 different languages, all on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Please note: The Economist is limited to a 7-day checkout period and can be checked out again once the 7 days are over. Self-guided video


SAMS Technical Publishing

Contains service guidelines for more than 200,000 consumer electronic products, including TVs, VCRs, DVD players, stereos, CBs, and tape recorders.



Educational videos, articles, lesson plans, projects, experiments, and quizzes on Earth, geography, technology, space science, life science, health, the human body, physical science, tech, math, and engineering for elementary, middle, and high school. Self-guided video


Toledo Blade

Full text of local, award winning newspaper, featuring articles from 1997 through the present archived in a historical format.


Toledo Legal News

News regarding law and attorney-related information in the Toledo area with up-to-date articles on current events. Information requiring a paid subscription is not available through this link.



Research current events, popular topics, health, history, government, science, social studies, and technology for middle and high school that are discussed in today’s classrooms.


United Way 211

United Way 2-1-1 is a free, 24-hour, 365-day health and human service resource for those in Lucas, Wood and Ottawa counties. Dial 2-1-1 (1-800-650-HELP) – translations available if English is not your primary language, text 898-211, instant message, or search for local resources that can help you in finding food, clothing, utility assistance, and housing/shelter.


Wall Street Journal Online

Enter your library card and pin to access WSJ! An account must be created. After 3 days, click the link above and login as an existing user.



Search Ohio and Michigan court cases and statutes as well as Federal 6th Circuit materials and the United States Supreme Court cases. Only available inside the Library.