Two hands are seen exchanging a brown paper bag. The paper bag has food inside. In the background are people who are out of focus, but can be seen eating the food from the paper bags.


Our community partners are working to ensure that no one goes hungry. If you are interested in providing a service, please complete this form.

Services are subject to change.

Maumee Senior Center provides grab-and-go meals to seniors at the Waterville Branch 12:15 – 1 p.m. on Mondays and Fridays for people 60 years of age or better. There are no income restrictions to participate.
Registration is required. There are two options:
Once registered, meal pick-up is 12:15 – 1 p.m. on Mondays and Fridays. You must call 419.893.1994 24 hours before your desired meal pick-up to reserve your meal.


Connecting Kids to Meals provides onsite after-school meals during the school year and lunch during the summer to all youth under 18. There are no income restrictions or registration requirements to participate.
Call your preferred location for times:
United Way 211 is a free and anonymous information and referral service available to anyone in Lucas, Ottawa, or Wood County with a health or human service need. Connect with Community Resource Advisors 24/7 by dialing 2-1-1 (or 800.650.HELP), by texting your zip code to 898-211, or by visiting the 2-1-1 to You table at Main Library.





Tuesdays | 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. | Main Library

Get information about:

  • Food, housing, and utility assistance
  • Employment services
  • Childcare
  • Healthcare
  • Legal services
  • Veteran services
  • Tax preparation services
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • And more!
Community Resource Advisors are trained to listen, ask questions, assess needs, and connect callers to community resources from 2-1-1’s large database of national, state, and local resources.