11 Books to Help You Act with Kindness Toward Your Neighbor
Posted on October 30, 2024
by Melissa J
Neighbor to Neighbor Toledo is a 2024 election-year community peace initiative all about love. Loving your neighbor and yourself, and even those who vote differently than you. In an era of political violence and intense rhetoric, we can probably all stand to build relationships with our neighbors. Because if we’re really honest with ourselves, how well do we know the people living right next door to us?
For the week of November 1-5, let’s blanket our community with Acts of Kindness. Let’s create positive, neighborly interactions. Let’s remind everyone to love their neighbor. Let’s lift spirits at election sites. Let’s build kinder, gentler neighborhoods. If you need ideas for what intentional acts of kindness you can do, look here or check out some of the books listed below.
Be sure to follow Neighbor to Neighbor on Facebook and Instagram to help share Intentional Acts of Kindness online!
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