15 Comic Artists to Check Out for Women’s History Month
Posted on March 4, 2024
by Eric S
In many ways, comics completely dispel the idea of the singular, artistic genius. Much like film and video games, most comics require the contributions of multiple talented people who bring a unique skill to the table, and together they make a cohesive whole. Despite this, writers (and to some extent pencillers—not inkers, colorists, and letterers, though) tend to get much of the credit for a book’s success. I mention this because so many talented women have worked on comics in these essential, but less glamorous, supporting roles over the past century or so, and it’s time they got their share of the spotlight. In the realm of superhero comics, artists like Glynis Oliver and Laura Allred have provided stunning colors to their respective books, while others like Marie Severin (who was head colorist at Marvel during its heyday in the 1960s AND co-created Spider-Woman) would also contribute inks and lettering. Which is not to say that women have not been exceptional pencillers. I mean, have you seen Ramona Fradon’s drawings of Wonder Woman? So great. This is not to mention comic philosophers like Lynda Barry, whose works and observations about the medium of comics have inspired both established and up-and-coming creators, while working to create a more inclusive art form looking to expand its boundaries. And trendsetting Black cartoonists like Jackie Ormes and Barbara Brandon-Croft, whose brilliant comics were often overlooked at the time of their publication. The point is, despite the over-abundance of muscle-bound male heroes in comics, so many books would not even exist without the help of exceptionally skilled women. Whether it’s superhero books, non-superhero ones, newspaper strips, manga, indie graphic novels, zines, or any other form comics have taken, you’re sure to find talented women—even if they’re not basking in the spotlight.
For more great comics, make sure to check out the offerings of your local branch as well as the hoopla app.
Ramona Fradon: The Art of Ramona Fradon
Barbara Brandon-Croft: Where I’m Coming From: Selected Strips 1991-2005
Amanda Connor: DC Comics: The Astonishing Art of Amanda Conner
Laura Allred: X-Cellent: New Blood, New World
Alitha Martinez: Nubia & The Amazons
Jillian Tamaki: Boundless
Lynda Barry: Making Comics
Kate Beaton: Hark! A Vagrant
Alison Bechdel: Are You My Mother?
Wendy Pini: The Complete Elfquest Vol. 1
Sara Pichelli: Fantastic Four Vol. 1: Fourever
Jill Thompson: Sandman Vol. 7: Brief Lives
Glynis Oliver: X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga
Sara Anderson: Cryptid Club
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