4 Titles to Continue Your Environmental Feminist Journey
Posted on August 13, 2024
by Melissa L
On (Tu) August 20 at 6 p.m. the Library will be hosting Feminism and Sustainability, Local Farming, and Eco-Activism – Steinem Sisters Collection Talking Circle at Sylvania Branch. Leading up to that event, we’ll start the conversation by interviewing local feminists and environmental activists. Our second interview is with Dana Reising, the Sustainability Manager for the City of Toledo
What is your name and what is your background in relation to environmental activism?
Dana Reising: Dana Reising, and I am the Sustainability Manager for the City of Toledo. My environmental experience is mainly tied to my educational background. I love cartography and geography, and love understanding how our society shapes the environment. The majority of my career has been spent being an Urban Planner, however, I am also a nature lover and enjoy time outdoors way more than indoors.
Do you consider yourself a feminist? Did you have an “aha” moment?
Dana: Yes! I wouldn’t say I had an aha moment, but my parents were always encouraging and wanted me to succeed in life, regardless of what that “success” looked like for me. They especially wanted me to be financially independent and to love my job. As I entered the workforce, I began to notice that men (and women at times) would talk down to me, or focus on my appearance rather than what I was bringing to the table. I noticed for example that if I wore makeup, I would hold people’s attention longer. It’s definitely still a struggle at times for my voice to be heard.
Was there a specific event that brought the issue of environmentalism to life for you?
Dana: I grew up in Seattle, and loved the environment. Played all day in forests, rolling in the dirt and looking at bugs and flowers all day. I’ve since lived in 4 other states, and it’s interesting seeing how the environment changes and how people impact it, often negatively. I wish everyone could experience the peace and joy I experienced as a child playing in the woods.
How have you seen the environmentalism community change during your career? What has been positive? What do you see that still needs to shift?
Dana: People are slowly seeing that environmentalism is not a political issue. Having a healthy environment to live in should be a human right, and without a healthy environment, we cannot exist. I love seeing when bipartisan environmental initiatives are addressed, and really hope it becomes less politicized.
How does the issue of environmentalism impact women, communities of color, and/or other oppressed groups?
Dana: These groups are often ignored and underrepresented, and may not be aware of harm being done to their environment.
What do you hope to see change in the future regarding environmentalism?
Dana: I hope it becomes less politicized and more openly discussed. I also wish to see more creativity. It’s amazing when scientists and engineers find simple solutions to complex problems.
What are a few books that you would recommend that address environmental activism and/or ecofeminism?
Dana: Drawdown edited by Paul Hawken, The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein, and Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer are some of my favorites.
What are 5 things readers can do to support environmentalism/climate action/environmental justice?
Dana: 1) Write to your elected officials at the local, state, and federal levels. 2) Purchase only what you need, don’t be tempted by fast fashion or other products made in unsafe conditions. 3) Go outside! 4) Talk to people you know about it and destigmatize it as a political issue. 5) Challenge yourself and commit to not using single-use plastic bags!
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