Babytime Rocks!
Posted on May 1, 2017
by Rachel S
Looking for a fun and completely FREE reason to get out of the house with your 0-18 month old this summer?
Babytime is the perfect balm for a worn out routine. It is all about singing, rhyming, dancing, laughing, and, of course, stories. This is not only a joyful time for caregivers and babies to share together, but also a time to relax and socialize with other adults.
Our Babytime sessions are typically held weekly at many branches throughout Lucas County. They are easygoing, welcoming programs that are not afraid to get a little noisy! Along with reading a story or two we may also include puppets, bubbles, shakers, scarves and more.
Come and join us while we practice important early literacy skills like reading, talking, singing and playing and having an all-around good time!
The following are some favorite Babytime books:
On Wednesdays, Leo and his mom go to Baby Time. There he plays peek-a-boo; sings the rolly song, the happy song, and the name song; plays with animals; and meets new friends. The Baby Time activities featured in Leo Loves Baby Time will be familiar to children and parents and are presented in bright, vibrant colors that will draw the attention of the youngest readers. |
Todd Parr celebrates the unconditional love between parent and child. From the heartfelt (“I love you when you need hugs”) to the lighthearted (“I love you when you hide my keys”) and with many moments in between that are sure to make readers smile and reminisce, this is the perfect book for families to share together to remind children how much they are loved, each and every day. |
“Here come the babies! It’s a baby parade!” Wave to the babies as they go by on foot, in strollers, or in the arms of mommies and daddies. This adorable parade will be irresistible to toddlers everywhere. |
Click here for more great baby programs at your Library!
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