Books About the Trump Administration
Posted on January 29, 2021
by Eric P
But some publishers are hoping that with this, as with so many other things, Donald Trump will defy the norms. His administration has already proven to be an unusually fecund subject: the New York Times reports that more than 1,200 books about Trump have been released during his single term, compared with only about 500 books about Barack Obama during his first four years in office. And even as Trump settles into Florida retirement, the books will just keep coming.
The library doesn’t have those future books yet, but in the meantime there’s no shortage of reading material available if you’re looking to relive the past four years.
There are so many books about Trump, in fact, that one of the books is just about the author trying to read all the other books about Trump:
What Were We Thinking
Too Much and Never Enough
The Room Where it Happened
The Briefing
Team of Vipers
Melania and me
Speaking for Myself
Leading America
Let Me Finish
A Warning
The New American Revolution
Why We Fight
A Higher Loyalty
A few caveats about this list – first of all, it’s incomplete. This is only a portion of the most recent books this library owns about the Trump presidency, and the books we own are only a fraction of the books that have been published, which if laid end-to-end could reach from Toledo to Mar-a-Lago and back seventeen times.
Second caveat: most of these books are highly opinionated, not to say inflammatory. If you hold any opinions of any kind, however mild, about the Trump administration, at least some of these titles are likely to infuriate you and should be perused only under a doctor’s supervision.
Third caveat: that Mar-a-Lago thing above was a fake fact.
A Very Stable Genius
Sinking in the Swamp
Unmaking the Presidency
The MAGA Doctrine
American Crusade
Hiding in Plain Sight
Liar’s Circus
Front Row at the Trump Show
The Cost
Follow the Money
Basically, if nobody’s making fun of you, then you’re probably not president.
Trumpty Dumpty Wanted a Crown
The Unquotable Trump
A Child’s First Book of Trump
Whose Boat is This Boat?
A Very Stable Genius!
How the Hell Did This Happen?
Mad About Trump!
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