Then-and-Now Photography Challenge, Week 2 of Social Distancing
Posted on March 30, 2020
by John D
PLEASE NOTE: While we invite you to contribute to the Community Photo Album and engage in documenting our local history, the community’s safety is our top priority. We recommend following Ohio Department of Health guidelines and limiting the total amount of time out in public, maintaining a safe distance of six feet from others and avoiding crowded environments such as public transportation and large group settings, if possible. Please visit the COVID-19 information portal set up by the Ohio Department of Health to learn more.
With that in mind, there are still opportunities to explore Toledo and the surrounding area while being mindful of the need to maintain safe practices. Now that spring is finally starting to creep into northwest Ohio, it’s time to take advantage of the warmer weather by exploring our many Toledo city parks, Metroparks, as well as our very own state park.
In the Local History and Genealogy Department, we work to digitize our historical image collections and make them available online for the public’s research purposes. But those images only provide one snapshot in time, such as these from the past sixty years of our shared history.
We would like to challenge you to flex your photography skills and provide some contemporary views of our nearby natural settings and submit them to the Community Photo Album. Help record the region’s history in real time and show off your artistic flair with a camera. Explore everything from Maumee Bay State Park in the east, to Oak Openings Preserve Metropark to the west, and enjoy the changing weather while getting moving.
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