When the Books Hit Your Eye Like a Big Pizza Pie
Posted on February 9, 2023
by Eric P
Happy National Pizza Day! There are tons of books for young people about pizza: Pete’s a Pizza, A Pizza the Size of the Sun, the entire Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles oeuvre. Apart from cookbooks, though, there are not that many books about pizza for adult readers, which seems like a missed opportunity given that annual U.S. pizza sales routinely top 80 gajillion dollars according to figures I just made up. Then again, the pizza books that do exist happen to include two entirely different pizza-themed cozy mystery series, both of which start with books titled Slice of Murder – suggesting that maybe the pizza thing gives authors only so much material to work with.

The Pizza Boys

Slice of Murder
If pizza fiction just doesn’t appeal to you as a genre, you could always go the more practical route: check out one of these delicious-looking pizza cookbooks, study them carefully until you identify exactly the right recipe for your mood and taste, and then put the books away and call to have a large thin crust with extra cheese and sausage delivered to your door. Now that’s a happy Pizza Day.
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