A woman holds up a tablet to browse the Libby app.


You can access books, comics, movies, music, and magazines with your internet-connected devices and a Library account number.

To get started, you will need:

  • A Library card number and PIN.
  • An internet-connected device: a computer, smartphone, tablet, or Smart TV.
  • To install an app from the app store on your device (when applicable.)
  • A valid email address (when applicable.)

If you don’t have a Library card, you can register for one online. A valid email address is required. If you need help with your Library account, or using Library services on your device, we can help! Visit your favorite location, call 419.259.5200, or try the chat window when it is open in the lower right corner of this page.

Libby App Store | Google Play
Check out 20 titles at a time with no monthly limit!

hoopla App Store | Google Play
Instantly stream and download eBooks. 10 checkouts per month.

O’Reilly App Store | Google Play
Instantly read 47,000 books focused on technology skills.

Tumblebooks App Store | Google Play
Picture books with added animation, sound, music, and narration which you can read or have read to you.

Bookflix Google Play
Instantly watch, read, and listen to animated picture books including Spanish language titles.

eBooks and publications focus on nonfiction categories.
Libby App Store | Google Play
Check out 20 titles at a time with no monthly limit!

hoopla App Store | Google Play
Instantly stream and download eAudiobooks. 10 checkouts per month.

Tumblebooks App Store | Google Play
Picture books with added animation, sound, music, and narration which you can read or have read to you.

Bookflix Google Play
Instantly watch, read, and listen to animated picture books including Spanish language titles.

Libby App Store | Google Play
Unlimited magazine checkouts. Magazines on Libby do not count toward the 20-title limit.

Flipster App Store | Google Play
Instantly read eMagazines or download to a device for offline viewing.

Unlimited access to more than 7,000 publications from over 120 countries, in 60 languages, all on your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Freegal App Store | Google Play
Unlimited streaming music, videos, and audiobooks with 5 downloads per week.

hoopla App Store | Google Play
Instantly stream and download music. 10 checkouts per month.

hoopla App Store | Google Play
Instantly stream and download movies and TV shows. 10 checkouts per month.

Kanopy App Store | Google Play
Kanopy is a video streaming service that provides instant access to movies and documentaries. 30 “tickets” per month. 

Kanopy Kids App Store | Google Play
Kanopy Kids is a video streaming service that provides instant access to kids’ shows and movies. Unlimited borrows of Kanopy Kids content.

Comics Plus  App Store | Google Play
Unlimited access to digital comics, graphic novels, and manga.

hoopla App Store | Google Play
Instantly stream and download comics. 10 checkouts per month.

Thousands of comics available for checkout.
  • Borrow 20 titles at a time.
  • 10 holds at a time. Holds expire after one year.
  • Magazine checkouts do not count toward loan or hold limits.
  • Borrow 10 titles per month. Please note that returning a title does not give users additional borrows that month.
  • Binge Passes use one borrow for seven days.
  • Borrows reset at midnight on the first day of the month. 
  • 30 tickets per month. Tickets reset at midnight on the first day of the month. 
  • The number of tickets required to watch each title and length of the borrow is listed before you checkout.
  • Unlimited borrows of Kanopy Kids titles—these do not use tickets. 

eMedia with unlimited borrows and no holds!