Blog: SteinemSisters

5 Titles to Start Your Environmental Feminist Journey

Local environmental activist, Angie Fitzpatrick, kicks off our discussion of Feminism and the Environment that will continue at the Sylvania Branch on (Tu) August 20 at 6 p.m. Local sustainability advocates will lead a discussion on their journeys to sustainability and what women in Lucas County can do to help.

15 Titles to Combat Violence Against Women

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women was November 25. These titles lean on personal experience, statistics, and work being done by women worldwide to end this crisis.

Steinem Sisters Collection & The Silent Witness Project

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and the Steinem Sisters Collection has teamed up with The Bethany House to spotlight the Silent Witness Project, an awareness initiative for domestic violence. Read further for more information on domestic violence amidst the pandemic, links to resources, as well as book recommendations from our very own Steinem Sisters Collection.