Quack, Quack! 10 Books to Dive Into
It's been a wet spring! Check out 10 silly and fun books featuring some delightful quacking and waddling birds.
Decodable Books for Young Readers
Learning to read takes a lot of practice. Let the Library's Ready to Read team help you discover a few decodable books to try with early readers at any stage.
5 More Books for Teaching Children to Read
Helping our children learn to read can be daunting, but fear not; these books will help you navigate successfully!
Healthy Kids resources for Preschool/ Kindergarten; Early Elementary (1-3)
Help your young child develop habits to stay healthy.
The DREAM Project: Disability Representation, Education and Awareness in Media resources for Preschool/ Kindergarten; Early Elementary (1-3)
The Library has partnered with the Ability Center to increase awareness of literature that focuses on, includes, and/or is created by people with disabilities. Take a look at these great books for children!
Social Emotional Learning Resources for Grades 1-5
Social emotional learning (SEL) encourages the development of self control, self awareness and the interpersonal skills needed to succeed in school and life. We hope this collection of library materials will inspire you to think of many ways you can promote social emotional learning among the children in your life.
Life Cycles resources for Early Elementary (1-3)
Investigate plant and animal life cycles with these library resources.
Back to School Resources for Pre-K-Grade 3
Do you have the back to school blues? Take a look at these resources for teachers, students and parents to get you motivated and excited for the 2021-2022 school year!
Light and Shadow Leap Into Science resources for Early Elementary (1-3); Upper Elementary (4-5)
What is light? How does a shadow form? Children have many questions about the nature of light, these library resources can help to guide them to a logical understanding.
Bugs resources for Preschool-Grade 3
Explore the busy bugs that buzz all around us.
Gardening resources for Preschool/ Kindergarten; Early Elementary (1-3)
Many of the libraries have community gardens for you to pick from. After you read these books, check out the community gardens at the Birmingham, Lagrange, Locke, Maumee, Mott, and Toledo Heights branches.
Summer Learning Activities and Resources for Grades 1-3
Summer learning resources and activities to help prevent the summer slide.
eBooks About Rain for Little Learners (Preschool, Kindergarten, and Grades 1-3)
Have you ever heard that April showers bring May flowers? Rain is important to help everything grow.
Science Fiction resources for Early Elementary (1-3)
Out of this world selections for budding science fiction readers.
Short Books for Grades 4-5
Great (and short) reads for grades 4-5!
Historical Fiction for Grades 1-3
Historical Fiction recommendations for grades 1-3.
Forces and Motion Resources for Preschool, Kindergarten, and Early Elementary Students
Help young children undertand some of the universal laws of forces and motions with these engaging library resources.
Poetry Resources for PreK-Grade 3
Poems are words put together using rhythm, patterns, and rhymes to express thoughts and emotions. April is National Poetry Month.
Earth Day Resources for Preschool-Grade 3
Earth Day a day to remind us to take care of our world. We reflect on our planet, our environment, and learn what we can do to help keep the Earth healthy.
National Library Week resources for PreK-Grade 3
National Library Week resources for Preschool/ Kindergarten; Early Elementary (1-3)
Realistic Fiction for Grades 1-3
Realistic Fiction for Grades 1-3
Spring Resources for Grades PreK-3
Spring will warm up the weather and bring back the animals. What are the things you like to do in spring?
Comics and Graphic Novels for Grades PreK-3
Are you an avid comic reader and looking for comics and graphic novels to share with your little one? This list will introduce your child to the wonderful world of comics and graphic novels!
Best Books for Second Grade Readers
Looking for books for a second grader? Here are wonderful picture books and easy readers specifically chosen for this age group. Books in series are noted. A Library card and PIN will be required to access many of the resources listed. Need help with your card or PIN? Contact your nearest location or call 419-259-5200. Need a new card?
Easter Resources for Grades PreK-3
Enjoy these stories of bunnies, eggs, crafts and Easter fun.
Sports Books for Grades 1-3
Put me in coach, I'm ready to play!
Women’s History Month for PreK-3
March is Women's History month and is a great time to discover and celebrate women and their many contributions throughout history.
Presidents’ Day for Grades PreK-3
President’s Day is celebrated on the third Monday of February. It was originally a celebration of George Washington, the first president, but now it is a celebration for all presidents.
100th Day of School for PreK-3
Celebrate 100 days of learning!
Fantasy Books for Grades 1-3
Books about dragons, magic and adventure for beginning readers.
Best Series Books for Early Elementary Readers
A list of great series for children in early elementary school.
Valentine’s Day Picture Books for Grades PreK-3
Celebrate Valentine's Day with these books about love, friendship and kindness!
Great Ideas for Teachers and Parents: Resources for Teaching Grades K-8
Calling all teachers (professional AND/OR parental)! We’ve gathered the most recent teaching support materials in print to help get everyone through learning at home. Nature Play Workshop for Families A Year of Forest School:
Best Books for Third Grade Readers
Looking for great books for third graders? These books will capture the interest of all types of readers. Children this age love to read book series, and many series are included.
Chinese New Year resources for Grades PreK-5
Celebrate the Chinese New Year with these beautiful eBooks.
Homeschooling Resources for Grades PreK-12
Below are just some of the materials that may be helpful to teaching children at home. Whether you’re new or experienced, there are resources available to help you. The Independent Learner’s Guide to Successful
Unplugged Play resources for Grades PreK-5
Do you feel like your children use electronics too often? Check out these great books for ideas on unplugged play!
Arctic Animals resources for Grades PreK-3
Learn more about Arctic animals with these resources.
Explore Art for PreK-3
Art is anything that is beautiful to look at- it can express ideas or emotions. You can make art out of any material.
Martin Luther King Jr., Day for PreK-3
Learn about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights movement.
Animal Hibernation for PreK-3
What happens to certain animals during the Winter? Some hibernate- they stay in their homes and rest during the cold Winter months.
Snowy Days for PreK-3
What do you like to do when there’s a snowy day? Do you make forts, have a snowball fight, or snuggle up to read?
Caldecott Winners for PreK-3
The Caldecott Medal is given to one children's picture book a year. The award winners are announced every January.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. resources for Grades PreK-3
Explore these titles and find out more about one of the greatest leaders of our time, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Music Themed Books to Read to Your Child for Grades PreK-3
A variety of music-themed stories with a wide range of appeal for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and elementary age children.
Community Helpers resources for Grades 1-3
Learn how community helpers use their skills and knowledge to benefit all people.
New Year’s resources for Grades PreK-5
Celebrate the 2021 New Year with these great eBooks.
Kwanzaa resources for Grades K-5
Kwanzaa eBooks for grades K-5
Christmas (Secular) resources for Grades PreK-5
Christmas eBooks for grades PreK-5 to enjoy.
Religious Christmas resources for Grades PreK-5
Religious Christmas Holiday eBooks for grades K-5
Animal Hibernation resources for Grades PreK-3
Animal hibernation is a fascinating adaptation to changing environmental conditions.
Winter Solstice resources for Grades PreK-5
Warm up with some books about the first day of winter.
Winter Weather Resources for Grades PreK-3
Have fun learning about a variety of winter weather conditions.
Hanukkah Stories for Grades PreK-5
Hanukkah eBooks for grades PreK-5
Spread Kindness for PreK-3
Even small acts of kindness can change the world.
Better Together for PreK-3
Explore our differences and similarities. What makes you special? What does community mean?
Thanksgiving Resources for Grades 1-3
Children’s Thanksgiving books and media range from funny stories of escaped turkeys to more sober histories of settlers and Native Americans, and reflections on thankfulness.
Elections & Voting for PreK-3
Read-Watch-Do! - Learn about elections and voting with these eBooks, movies and activities.
Stay Healthy for PreK-3
Learn about germs and how doctors help keep us healthy with these eBooks, movies and activities. Use your Library card and PIN to access these resources.
Landforms Resources for Grades 1-5
Landforms are the features that make up the surface of the Earth. From mountains to valleys, and all the plateaus in between, the library has resources to help you explore landforms.
Election Resources for Kids K-3
Here are some great resources about elections and voting for kids grades K-3.
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