Blog: New Books and Movies

Must-Read Holiday Cozy Mysteries

Is there a better way to get into a holiday mood than to dive into a cozy mystery novel? How about diving into two! Wear your comfy pants, sip a hot beverage, and boom! Holiday self-care accomplished.

Best Travel Guides for Great Road Trips

Fall is a wonderful time to hit the road and see what's around us. Here are some great guides to plan anything from an afternoon drive to a long vacation on wheels.

Rachel Recommends: Autumn Reads

Autumn means mugs of cider, supermoons, accessories with the color palette of a 1970s kitchen and, of course, a pile of good books.

15 New Cute and Cozy Holiday Mysteries

Few things go together like murder and the holidays. Here are the newest cozy mysteries with a chilling holiday theme. And some of the punniest titles ever!

10 Best Doctor Strange Comics

Excited for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness? Check out some of the Sorcerer Supreme’s greatest comic book adventures.

Children’s Library & Teen Recommends – Summer 2021

Youth Services Librarians love to read, too! Check out what your favorite Children’s and Teen Librarians at Main Library are reading, whether it be a picture book about penguins, a middle grade adventure in a treehouse, vampires in Louisiana, or a time-traveling phone booth!

Calling All Bridgerton Fans

So you’ve finished binge watching Bridgerton? Now what? To satisfy your need for more romantic rom-com during Regency England, take a gander at these reads below. You may just find something to your satisfaction until the next season comes around.

To All the Otaku, with Love – April 2021

Are you a manga or anime enthusiast? We are, too! We are constantly looking for new (and awesome) titles to add to our collection. We are happy to share some of our favorites with you, including some light novels! For more suggestions, please feel free to contact your teen librarian at the Library!

A Plethora of Poetry Books to Celebrate National Poetry Month

National Poetry Month is the largest literary celebration in the world, with tens of millions of readers, students, K-12 teachers, librarians, booksellers, literary events curators, publishers, bloggers, and, of course, poets marking poetry’s important place in our culture and our lives every April.

Helping You Meet Those Reading Goals

Have you started a reading challenge yet this year? Maybe you need a little inspiration to log a few more books for TLCPL’s Winter Read. Maybe you want to challenge yourself to “read harder” this year. No matter what, the team at Kent Branch has you covered! We have curated a list of challenges to diversify your reads this year, and our staff has provided suggestions of some of their faves to match!

Books About the Trump Administration

Publishers love putting out books about whoever the current president is, but public interest in those titles tends to plummet as soon as the White House changes hands. Which makes sense: people love reading

Caldecott Contenders – Part 1

Toledo Lucas County Public Library’s 48th Annual Caldecott Read-In is going virtual this year. It will be held Saturday, January 23 from 10-11:30 AM. A live discussion and voting will choose our local winner

New Year’s Romances

Be inspired to fall in love, travel through time, and set new goals with this list of New Year's romances.

Nobel Prize Winners

The Nobel Peace Prize has an interesting history - continue reading to learn more about it and check out a selection of books by some of the recipients.

Exploring Detroit by Bike

Travelling Detroit by bike, without having to worry about traffic, directions, or parking was a unique and advantageous way to tour the city.