11 Books to Help You Act with Kindness Toward Your Neighbor
Let's be kind to each other.
Welcome to Romance-Con
Get ready for Romance-Con Saturday, November 2 at Main Library!
Meet the Entrepreneur: Owner of Lavish Me Spa to Join Entrepreneurship Week Panel at Toledo Library
With help from the Toledo Library, entrepreneur Angela Hansard’s Lavish Me medical spa is celebrating three years in business. Hear from her at our upcoming Entrepreneurship Week panel in November.
Magic, and Witches, and Shifters, Oh My! 4 Paranormal Romance Writers at Romance-Con, November 2 at Main Library!
Our first-ever Romance-Con (featuring Abby Jimenez!!) is happening on Nov. 2, and we want you to be part of the fun!
5 Books to Grow Your Environmental Feminist Journey
Local environmental and spiritual leader, Rev. Aaron Baughman, continues our discussion of Feminism and the Environment that will continue at the Sylvania Branch on (Tu) August 20 at 6 p.m.
4 Titles to Continue Your Environmental Feminist Journey
Local environmental leader, Dana Reising, continues our discussion of Feminism and the Environment that will continue at the Sylvania Branch on (Tu) August 20 at 6 p.m.
5 Titles to Start Your Environmental Feminist Journey
Local environmental activist, Angie Fitzpatrick, kicks off our discussion of Feminism and the Environment that will continue at the Sylvania Branch on (Tu) August 20 at 6 p.m. Local sustainability advocates will lead a discussion on their journeys to sustainability and what women in Lucas County can do to help.
8 Titles to Pursue Your Reproductive Justice Journey: An Interview with a Local Feminist and Nurse Practitioner in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Our conversation on Reproductive Justice continues with local feminist and obstetrics and gynecology nurse practitioner Bri Bumbaugh. Join us for a discussion at the Steinem Sisters Collection Talking Circle on Reproductive Justice on Thursday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Maumee Library.
5 Titles to Continue Your Reproductive Justice Journey: An Interview with a Local Feminist and OB/GYN
Our conversation on Reproductive Justice continues with local feminist and OB/GYN Jackie Vannuyen. Join us for a discussion at the Steinem Sisters Collection Talking Circle on Reproductive Justice on Thursday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Maumee Library.
7 Titles to Start Your Reproductive Justice Journey: An Interview with a Local Feminist, Midwife, Educator, and Public Health Practitioner
Local midwife and owner of Solace Health and Wellness of Toledo, Erin Martin answers our questions about Reproductive Justice and issues in our area around reproductive health. Join us for a discussion at the Steinem Sisters Collection Talking Circle on Reproductive Justice on Thursday, June 20 at 6:30 pm at the Maumee Library.
6 Titles for Your Feminist Journey: An Interview with a Toledo Feminist
Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Steinem Sisters Collection (and Gloria Steinem's 90th birthday!) in interviews with local feminists! Our final interview features local feminist Mechelle Zarou.
6 Titles to Build a Feminist Leader: An Interview with a Steinem Sisters Feminist
Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Steinem Sisters Collection (and Gloria Steinem's 90th birthday!) in interviews with local feminists! Our third interview features local feminist and managing director of Women of Toledo, Nina Corder.
6 Titles to Grow Your Feminist Philosophy: An Interview with a Steinem Sisters Feminist
Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Steinem Sisters Collection (and Gloria Steinem's 90th birthday!) in interviews with local feminists! Our second interview features Steinem Sisters Advisory Board member Ayla.
7 Books to Launch Your Feminist Journey: An Interview with a Steinem Sisters Feminist
Celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Steinem Sisters Collection (and Gloria Steinem's 90th birthday!) in interviews with local feminists!
Need to Get Out of the House? Like Books? Books on Tap is Back!
Talk books, socialize, and relax with a cold one. Books on Tap is back!
3 Knowledge-Packed FilmToledo Classes for Aspiring Actors and Filmmakers
FilmToledo and the Library present a series of classes aimed at making you a better actor and filmmaker. Also recommended for people who just want to improve their communication skills or get better at making videos on their phone.
Read These 3 Books and Join a Feminist Book Discussion at Main Library this Summer
Join our Steinem Sisters Collection Book Club!
SPAM: 5 Books to Celebrate an Asian-American Tradition
SPAM has roots in many Asian-American kitchens, and it has an interesting connection to Toledo.
The Holding Project
What makes you feel safe? What makes you feel unsafe? These questions are the basis for an ongoing and expansive public art project called The Holding Project.
Toledo Library Offers Support for Growing Natural Hair Product Business
Through her small business, and the support of TLCPL's free services and resources, Megan Davis is educating her community about the heritage and history of African American hair.
The DREAM Project: Disability Representation, Education and Awareness in Media resources for Preschool/ Kindergarten; Early Elementary (1-3)
The Library has partnered with the Ability Center to increase awareness of literature that focuses on, includes, and/or is created by people with disabilities. Take a look at these great books for children!
Dial-A-Story Anytime
Press 1 for a story! Free, recorded stories for children, teens, and adults. Listen by phone any time of day or night by calling 419-745-9700.
Photography at Your Library
Do you appreciate good photography? Do you enjoy taking photos with your phone or camera? The Library can help you pursue those interests!
Treasure Hunt at Your Library with Geocaching
Are you looking for something free and adventurous? Well, go on a treasure hunt by geocaching at the libraries!
Singing the Praises of Freegal
Are you missing live music because of COVID? Check out the music on Freegal.
Creative Writing Workshops Return!
Whether you have a new creative piece you've been working on or you have been itching for the inspiration to begin writing, our upcoming writing workshops may be the place for you.
Caldecott Contenders – Part 1
Toledo Lucas County Public Library’s 48th Annual Caldecott Read-In is going virtual this year. It will be held Saturday, January 23 from 10-11:30 AM. A live discussion and voting will choose our local winner
Caldecott Contenders – Part 2
Check out the best picture books of 2020.
Caldecott Contenders – Part 3
Check out the best picture books of 2020!
Caldecott Read-In Goes Virtual
Check out our librarians' favorite picks to win the 2021 Caldecott Award.
Armchair Travel with Katie and Tim: French edition
Bummed out about not being able to travel? Come on a magical journey to France with two people who've never even been there before!
Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change
Even in the best of times change is difficult, and libraries must continually change to stay relevant. The Toledo Lucas County Public Library used key points from William Bridges’ Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change (4th edition, 2016) as a means by which to lead the library system during a year of massive change in 2018-2019.
Assistance for Nonprofits
If you work with/support a nonprofit that has experienced financial difficulties during the pandemic, your Toledo Lucas County Public Library is here to assist.
Business Assistance During COVID-19
If you’re a business owner who’s struggling, we can help!
Start Coding
From creating video games to designing web pages, from programming robots to developing apps, coding is the superpower you need. The Library introduces free software and classes to get you exploring this exciting field.
Meet Ruben
The Library values the diversity of its staff and the culture and history they represent. This Hispanic Heritage Month, we invite you to get to know some of our Hispanic/Latinx staff members.
Happy Birthday, Birmingham Branch!
October 5, 1925 was the grand opening of the Birmingham Branch Library!
Meet Elisia (Lisa)
The Library values the diversity of its staff and the culture and history they represent. This Hispanic Heritage Month, we invite you to get to know some of our Hispanic/Latinx staff members.
Meet Andrea
The Library values the diversity of its staff and the culture and history they represent. This Hispanic Heritage Month, we invite you to get to know some of our Hispanic/Latinx staff members.
Helen Elizabeth McMaster, 1916 – 2020
TLCPL remembers one of the community's kindest, most altruistic voices, Helen E. McMaster.
George Tucker (1942-2020)
TLCPL remembers great northwest Ohio labor leader and justice advocate George Tucker.
Celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month with Welcome TLC
Since 2016, Welcome Toledo-Lucas County (TLC) has annually celebrated Immigrant Heritage Month, held in June and organized by national partner, Forward.us to give people across the United States an opportunity to explore their own heritage and celebrate the shared diversity of America. Join us in a virtual book discussion, hear from immigrant story tellers and see how our community has celebrated.
Root Out Racism
To be anti-racist, we must understand the history of racial disparities, acknowledge privilege and actively fight against racism.
Five Books to Movies for Kids on hoopla
For those with children and tweens who prefer YouTube over books, choosing something for them to read that they can also watch, is a great way to encourage reading!
Get Your Baseball Fix
Missing baseball season this year? Check out what Hoopla has to offer on the subject!
5 Digital Library Resources for the Job-seeker
If you've been displaced as a result of the pandemic or if you are considering a career change, TLCPL has digital resources that you can access for free from home to help navigate the job-seeking landscape.
Get Personalized Reading Recommendations
Have you heard about the Toledo Library's Book Picks service? Get books picked just for you based on what you love, selected by expert librarians - never by robots.
Using Ancestry.com to Find the Good Stuff in Your Family Tree
Now available for use at home with your Toledo Library card, Ancestry.com is a great tool to use when researching your family tree.
Books to Get Us Through This
These eBooks can provide valuable perspective and understanding during the pandemic.
The Calming Hope of Snapping Turtles
Reflections on the qualities of nature, whether we are physically there or not.
Toledo Library Remembers Longtime Supporter Jim Appold
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library is truly grateful for Jim (and the Appold family)'s support over the years. The impact of his life will be felt for generations to come.
Two Librarians: Quarantined
They're back and with more time on their hands than ever! Join Katie and Allison as they discuss their picks for what to read while quarantined.
20 Totally Tubular 80s and 90s Movies on hoopla
Visit hoopla and settle in for a nostalgia-filled movie night that'll take you back in time. How very!
Explore the National Parks from Home
There are so many opportunities to safely celebrate National Park Week.
Top 5 Library Resources for the Quarantined Parent
Sometimes you need some help and sometimes you need some fun, and the Library has the best of both worlds.
Community donates more than 12,000 masks
Thanks to the overwhelming community response, more than 12,400 masks were sewn and donated at four Library drop boxes.
With Books at Home, Your Next Book Group Meets Online
Toledo Lucas County Public Library continues supporting readers and connections.
Fun Things to Do on Family Walks
Families are going on bear hunts, rock expeditions and nature adventures to relieve the boredom of sheltering at home.
Exploring Poetry and Jazz Online
Did you know the month of April is both National Poetry Month and Jazz Appreciation Month? Celebrate at home with these digital recommendations!
Library’s 3D Printers Create Face Shield Supplies for Local Healthcare Providers
TLCPL assists local medical professionals as they fight the coronavirus epidemic.
Taking in History at Home
Online exhibits document Toledo Women Lawyers History Project and Willow Beach Amusement Park.
Library Can Bridge the Gap for Nonprofit Resources
Are you looking for funding opportunities for your nonprofit agency? Is your nonprofit helping those affected by COVID-19? The Toledo Lucas County Public Library can help!
Preheat Your Oven and Download These Six Cookbooks
New and old classics will sharpen any home cook’s knife skills
Keep Building Early Literacy Skills with Virtual Storytimes
Storytimes continue through various online services.
Self Help eBooks and Audiobooks for the Quarantined
Bored? Stuck at home? Looking to read something to help you better yourself? Let’s chat.
Great Comics to Get You Through Staying at Home – All Available on hoopla
Bored with sitting at home? Can’t get through another video game, board game or movie? Try reading comics!
Five Beautiful Metroparks to Explore
Park sites are a source of comfort and relaxation in anxious times.
Online Learning for Adults & Teens
We are all officially tasked with social distancing in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus. While our 20 locations might be temporarily closed, we’re still open in many ways to our customers –
Online Learning for Families & Kids
We are all officially tasked with social distancing in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus. While our 20 locations might be temporarily closed, we’re still open in many ways to our customers –
Then-and-Now Photography Challenge, Week 2 of Social Distancing
Safely explore the natural splendor of our community, while taking the opportunity to take a break from your home.
TV Shows to Stream Right Now
Recommendations for streaming now on hoopla.
Macmillan Drops eBook Embargo After Libraries’ Protest
Revised policy allows TLCPL to ensure greater digital access.
Downloadable, Streaming Fun for Adults and Teens
Use Library resources to make the most of your time at home!
Downloadable, Streaming Fun for Families and Kids
Use Library resources to make the most of your time at home!
Consider Trusted Resources in Times of Uncertainty
Library is among community partners that want to ensure your health and safety.
Reaching the Hard to Count
Libraries contract census specialists with the goal of improving self-response rates.
Maumee Branch Hosts Experts for Self-Defense Class
Free class educates on individual safety.
With Library Resources, Census Coordinator Aims for Complete Count
TLCPL among only a few systems nationwide to house this role.
Library Bringing United Way 2-1-1 Service Directly to Customers
Main Library and Heatherdowns Branch to Host Monthly Assistance.
New Partnership Invites Customers to Explore New Career
Through Career Exploration Sessions, the Toledo Library and Owens Community College are ready to kick start your next profession.
Books on Tap: The Perfect Mix of Reading and Cold Brews
Books on Tap is nearly one and a half years old! Here's what we've learned about talking books and brews in some of our favorite local taprooms.
New Main Library Gallery Exhibit is Going to the Birds
Exhibit showcases work of acclaimed photographer Stephen Wilkes.
Join the 2.5 Million Customer Visits to the Toledo Library
A recent Gallup poll reports that visiting the Library is the most popular cultural activity in the nation - surpassing visits to movie theaters and sporting events!
Check Us Out 24/7
Customers are now able to pick up Library materials 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at certain locations!
Library Seeking Leader for Migrant Farm Worker Grant
New funding will improve Library's outreach.
What Does the Library Mean to You?’
In their own words, Sylvania Branch customers describe the value of the Library.
New Library Work Space Serves Entrepreneurs and Organizations
Healthcare data company first to occupy Main Library space.
Spend Your New Year – At the Library
Happy New Year from your Library! Make 2020 your best year yet by taking advantage of the many resources, materials and programs we offer. We hope to see you often!
Urban Libraries Council Honors Toledo Library for Workforce and Development Innovations
Toledo Library earned recognition during the 2019 ULC Innovations event.
Renovation Complete, Main Library Reopens to Thousands of Customers
Yearlong project brings architectural work and new technology to historic Main Library.
Maumee Branch Awarded Grant to Create Comic Book Club
The grant will allow Maumee Branch to bring a Comic Book Club to two local middle schools.
Discovery Pass Brings Arts and Events to Library Customers
New program makes available free and discounted offers from area partners.
Renovations Preserve Main Library History
Extensive project blends architectural updates with Main Library highlights.
Macmillan Publishers Further Restricts eBook Access for Libraries
Recently announced lending limit will impose embargo on new Macmillan digital releases.
10 Things to Do When You’re New to Toledo
Moving to a new place can be intimidating! Let the Library help you get acclimated to Northwest Ohio.
Jason Kucsma named Toledo Library Director
After a national search, the Board of Trustees has named acting director Jason Kucsma the new Toledo Library Director and Fiscal Officer.
Fun with Technology @ the Library
Technology use at the Library can be fun and social for area youth.
Learn About the Toledo Library’s Bookmobile
Our Bookmobile has been serving the community for more than 80 years! Celebrate National Bookmobile Day by learning a little bit more about this important service.
Toledo Library Shares Its Impact at 2019 Legislative Day
The Toledo Library is one of the many Ohio libraries who participates in Legislative Day – and this year, will proudly share the following information and accomplishments about our system.
Toledo Library Offers English as a Second Language Classes
Learn English by taking part in our ESOL classes, joining our English Language Conversation Club or learn at your pace with Transparent Languages.
West Toledo Branch Manager Recognized for Innovation
West Toledo Branch Manager Andrea Francis was named as one of Library Journal's 2019 Movers and Shakers - Innovators!
Toledo Library Launches Two New Story Sharing Initiatives
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library is launching two new initiatives aimed at capturing the stories of its community through storytelling and photography.
No Fines Equals Better Customer Service
For many families in the Lucas County area, overdue fines can be a real barrier. To improve access and opportunity in the community at large, TLCPL will be eliminating overdue fines effective Jan. 1, 2019.
Great Things Happen When Communities Collaborate
Community resources made possible by people working together in Lucas County.
Playwright Dr. John S. Scott Inducted into Toledoana Collection
Renowned playwright Dr. John S. Scott and his collective works were recently inducted into the Library’s Toledoana Collection, which features works by prominent Toledo and Northwest Ohio authors.
Girl Scouts to honor Toledo Library’s Rhonda Sewell
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library is proud to announce that its External and Governmental Affairs Manager Rhonda Sewell was named among the Girl Scouts of Western Ohio's 2018 Women of Distinction. Sewell was recognized for her extensive and impactful community work.
Toledo Library Adds Tutor.Com to List of Free Educational Offerings
Tutor.com is the world's largest and highest-rated online tutoring company with a community of more than 3,200 expert tutors and 14 million one-to-one online tutoring sessions served.
Toledo Library Program Gives Customers Device Advice
As part of its continued effort to address the digital divide and provide free technology training to customers, the Toledo Lucas County Public Library (TLCPL) is hosting a series of Device Advice programs this fall.
Toledo Library Takes Services on the Road with New Book Bike
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library (TLCPL) recently added a new vehicle to its list of outreach offerings - the #ToledoBookBike!
Toledo Library Joins Initiative to Help Entrepreneurs
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library is partnering with 11 other public library systems in the U.S. and Canada to explore ways libraries can reach and engage entrepreneurs in their communities — particularly people of color, women, immigrants and veterans.
Building Great Learners Starts With Reading
Since its inception in April 2014, the Ready to Read program has provided more than 4,000 parents and childcare providers with free kits and training, impacting the lives of more than 10,000 children.
Library Joins Local Steel Company to Strengthen Workforce
The Library is proud to partner with Foundation Steel offering technology and language training in order to strengthen the local workforce - and so far, it's produced highly successful results!
Celebrating Our Creativity Lab’s One Year Anniversary
On Saturday, Feb. 24 at 2 p.m., we hope you will join us in celebration of the Creativity Lab’s first anniversary.
National Day of Listening
The National Day of Listening is an opportunity to sit down to have a face to face conversation - and really listen.
FREE Flashlights & a Chance to WIN!
Stop in, pick up a FREE flashlight (while supplies last) and share a photo for a chance to WIN!
Celebrating YOUR Success!
It's always a great day at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library when we're able to celebrate the success of our customers!
A Library Card for the Digital Age
Does your smartphone or tablet go wherever you go? Why not take your Library with you too! With our new eMedia card, you can borrow eBooks, eAudiobooks, music, movies & more - without having to visit us in person.
Tracy Chevalier To Visit Toledo, Ohio
Learn more about the international bestselling author Tracy Chevalier ... and check out some of her books.
The Haynes Family: Library Customers for Life
Meet the Haynes family - They began using the library when daughter Alysa and son Orlando were children, and have kept using it ever since.
Meet the Future Stephen Kings!
Stephen King, R.L. Stine, and Alfred Hitchcock have some new competition. Check out our "Get Your Spooky On" short story contest winners!
Pokemon Go? Yeah, We’ve Got ‘Em!
The struggle to catch ‘em all is real! The latest cultural phenomenon has made its ways to the Library, and we’re excited to offer up a number of PokeStops and Gyms as we share in this entertaining venture with you.
Shopping on Amazon for your Library
Shopping on Amazon already? Help your library by selecting the Library Legacy Foundation as your charity, and every time you shop on Amazon, a portion of your purchase price will go toward supporting your Library.
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