Uncommon Knowledge: The Funniest Weird Trivia Books You Didn’t Know You Needed
Pub trivia nights are all the rage these days. Here are some great, fun trivia books from which to pull some great content, or just to amuse and enlighten you!
Processing Civil War Papers: Who Gets To Tell The Story?
How do we understand a person's identity in historical documents? Often, it depends on who is doing the storytelling.
5 Books to Develop Fluency in Young Readers
Fluency is the ability to read with the speed, accuracy, and inflection needed to approximate natural speech patterns. Try these resources as you help strengthen your growing reader's fluency.
10 Books to Help Teach Your Child to Read
Do you want to help your child learn to read? Check out one of these great books!
Curating a Nancy Drew Collection: The Mysterious Life of a Nancy Drew Collector
How Toledo became the home to a huge Nancy Drew book and memorabilia collection.
Celebrating 150 Years of Paul Laurence Dunbar
Happy Birthday, Dunbar!
Tutor.com to the rescue
Make homework time a stress-free experience with Tutor.com!
Banned Books Week 2021: Resources for Middle School (6-8); High School: (9-12)
Teaching frequently challenged books can be a daunting task. Banned books are guaranteed to contain controversial subject matter demanding thoughtful and provoking dialogue.
Banned Books Week 2021: Harry Potter: The Most Challenged Book of the 21st Century
How can a book series be the most challenged in the 21st century, yet the best-selling series of all time? Find out here!
Historic Heroines: American Revolutionaries
Taking a look at some of the extraordinary women who helped the cause during the American Revolution.
Historic Anti-Heroines: Bad Seeds
Fact and fiction material for some of the most hated, ruthless women in history.
The Negro Leagues and Fairplay: 100 Years of Moving the Ball Forward
Ever pick up a bat or a mitt. Toledo’s most famous connection to the Negro Leagues was Moses Fleetwood Walker. A catcher who was known to play bare-handed, he made his mark 36 years before the NNL debuted.
Training Your Pandemic Puppy
We brought home a puppy during the pandemic and learned a few things along the way.
Historic Heroines: Medieval Powerhouses, Part 2
A continuum of Medieval women that left a big footprint in history and book lists to read more about them.
Summer Learning Activities and Resources for Grades 1-3
Summer learning resources and activities to help prevent the summer slide.
Biographies for Middle School (Grades 6-8)
Do you wonder what life is like for famous magicians, inventors, activists, presidents, or soldiers? Find out about their life stories by reading these biographies.
Creating a College Savings Fund (And Accessing Reliable Investment Information)
Learn more about Ohio's 529 plan and start saving for college!
Anything is Paws-ible
Lifelong learning is a real treat when you have a dog leading the way!
Realistic Fiction for Grades 4-5
Read these fictional inspiring stories that resemble realistic situations, issues or experiences that could have happened in real life.A Library card and PIN will be required to access many of the resources listed. Need
Explore Art for PreK-3
Art is anything that is beautiful to look at- it can express ideas or emotions. You can make art out of any material.
Animal Hibernation for PreK-3
What happens to certain animals during the Winter? Some hibernate- they stay in their homes and rest during the cold Winter months.
Celebrate the Winter Solstice with Archeoastronomy!
Learn about the ancient structures built to observe astronomical phenomena!
American Civil War resources for Grades 9-12
Spanning four years and resulting in more than 620,000 American casualties, historians regard the American Civil War as one of the most divisive eras in US history. Let the Library guide you to some excellent resources for furthering your research of this part of our past.
Help for Homeschoolers
Jumping into homeschooling can be challenging! As a librarian who homeschooled my two kids, I have suggestions for Toledo Lucas County Public Library resources to use as you educate your children.
Zero Waste
Our planet does not have infinite resources and humans are leaving a big, terrible footprint on it. Let us all do our part, tiny bit by tiny bit.
Homemade Holiday Gifts
Is your wallet hurting from COVID-19 troubles? Do not despair. You and your children can make beautiful homemade gifts to fit every budget.
Encouraging Children to Read
A short guide with tips to keep your children on their reading journey, plus a few recommendations for along the way.
Historic Heroines: Ancient Warriors (All BC-400AD)
An almost perfect smattering of our favorite women ancient times who just happened to wield weapons, lead armies and build empires.
Self Esteem Resources for Preschool/Kindergarten
Self-esteem resources for young children.
Media Literacy 2020
Arm yourself with the ability to stop sensational, misleading, false news in its tracks. Find the tools and learn the skills employed by the most trusted fact checkers. Be more prepared than ever to not be misled this election season.
Podcasting for Everyone!
Maybe you've listened to some podcasts. Maybe not. But did you know you can make them yourself? The Library has all the information you could want about putting your voice onto the world stage.
Spanish Resources for Middle School (6-8); High School: (9-12)
Have you ever wanted to learn a new language? Are you currently studying Spanish and could use a little extra help? Check out these great resources from your Library!
The Digital Public Library of America
Learn more about a wonderful free resource for finding more ebooks, helpful school resources, improving your genealogy ability, and just exploring what libraries across America have to offer for free.
Helping Those Who Give the Most
Library's grant specialist brings experience and expertise for area nonprofits.
Fact Checking in the Age of Misinformation
Learn how to spot false or misleading information online.
5 Digital Library Resources for the Job-seeker
If you've been displaced as a result of the pandemic or if you are considering a career change, TLCPL has digital resources that you can access for free from home to help navigate the job-seeking landscape.
Meaningful Ways to Celebrate National Nurses’ Month
There are so many ways to express our appreciation during National Nurses' Month and the Toledo Lucas County Public Library provides resources to show you how.
Using Ancestry.com to Find the Good Stuff in Your Family Tree
Now available for use at home with your Toledo Library card, Ancestry.com is a great tool to use when researching your family tree.
Library Can Bridge the Gap for Nonprofit Resources
Are you looking for funding opportunities for your nonprofit agency? Is your nonprofit helping those affected by COVID-19? The Toledo Lucas County Public Library can help!
Online Learning for Adults & Teens
We are all officially tasked with social distancing in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus. While our 20 locations might be temporarily closed, we’re still open in many ways to our customers –
Online Learning for Families & Kids
We are all officially tasked with social distancing in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus. While our 20 locations might be temporarily closed, we’re still open in many ways to our customers –
New Partnership Invites Customers to Explore New Career
Through Career Exploration Sessions, the Toledo Library and Owens Community College are ready to kick start your next profession.
Mompreneur Book Club Collaborates for Small Business Success
Series of discussions highlights useful skills for business owners.
Toledo Business Grows With Valuable Library Resources
Premier Screenings owner plans expansion with digital tools.
Roadtown: Utopian Future?
Utopias are interesting to imagine, but are they really perfect?
How the Library Fixed My Sink (Twice!)
The guide helped me dismantle the faucet and find the small parts that needed replacing. And yes, I did spray water in my face cartoonishly, but only once!
Make Back to School a Breeze with Toledo Library
A wealth of resources is available to excel during this, or any, school year.
Suffrage, Liberation and Checking your Engine
What does knowledge of car maintenance and repair have to do with the women's movement? Check out this blog post to learn more about this fascinating topic.
Encouraging a Love of Reading from a Young Age
Cultivating a lifelong love of books and reading early on has innumerable benefits
Conservation and Recycling
Recycling, reusing, upcycling and more great ideas for conserving resources and saving the planet in the process.
Dollar Stretchers
Looking back at how people saved money in the early 1900s.
Car History Demystified with VIN Decoder
Vehicle history information made easy with VIN Decoder.
Learn About the Toledo Library’s Bookmobile
Our Bookmobile has been serving the community for more than 80 years! Celebrate National Bookmobile Day by learning a little bit more about this important service.
The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Development
The power of play is undeniable ... from brains to social skills, play has enormous benefits for children that last a lifetime.
African American Newspapers Chronicles a Century and a Half of the African American Experience
The African American Newspapers database is an amazing digital primary source collection providing first-hand perspectives on notable Americans.
Libraries Change Lives Every Day
Libraries provide life changing services to their communities every day.
Libraries are for Leisure
Libraries don't always have to be serious places of quiet study. A lot of what the Library does is about having fun.
Preserve and Share Precious Family Memories
Find out how the Library can help you make and preserve memories to share with loved ones.
5 Perfect Reasons to Use Your Library’s eMedia
Consider these scenarios where the convenience and portability of eMedia really shines! If you're new to eMedia, visit your favorite librarian and they'll get you downloading in no time.
Find Information You Can Trust with GVRL
Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) provides digital access to a variety of quality eBooks geared towards students, researchers, professionals and general readers.
Haunted House Histories
If you'd like to put together your house's history, put on your detective hat and visit us in the Local History and Genealogy Department at Main Library!
Explore the Universe with a Telescope Kit from Your Local Library
Did you know the Library has telescope kits available to borrow for free at several branch locations?
A Whole Lot of Fascination in A Little Bit of History
For those overwhelmed by the massive span of scientific and cultural history, there are Microhistories.
Reading Behind the Headlines: Finding Reliable Information in the Post-Truth Era
What does the headline in that article really mean? This blog post is about finding information that is factual and true.
Storytelling and Our Communities: Part II: Alzheimers
Storytelling is the way I connect with other human beings, every day. One of the most amazing audiences to engage and connect with are adults with Alzheimer’s Disease.
Storytelling and Our Communities: Part I: Autism
Storytelling is the way I connect with other human beings, every day. One of the most worthwhile audiences to engage and connect with are children with Autism.
Research 101: Using Library Databases to Find Scholarly Sources
Research with TLCPL is now easier then ever before! By utilizing our research option on the homepage, library users can explore a world of databases that offer appropriate, scholarly resources fit for use in class assignments.
Civic Literacy and Your Library
How do you know whether or not the information you have is credible, accurate, or true? We're here to help you make educated and informed decisions before casting your ballot.
Want Free Stuff? Get The Card!
September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month. Let's take a look at all of the amazing things that come along with being a card holder!
A Tree for You, A Tree for Me – At the Library!
We're talking genealogical research and family trees in this edition of "At the Library!"
Babe Ruth Signed My Baseball!
Can’t get a ticket for Antiques Roadshow? No problem! Your library has resources to help you identify and value your treasures.
Toledo Jewish News is Now Online!
Learn more about Jewish history in the Toledo area by exploring our newly updated Digital Collections of Northwest Ohio, which now includes the Toledo Jewish News.
Digitizing Local School Yearbooks
Think you escaped your bad yearbook photos? Think again! Many library and archives are digitizing school yearbooks, TLCPL included, and even if you do not want to see your yearbook photos ever again, they are a great resource for genealogy research.
Happy 100th Birthday, National Park Service!
It’s the Centennial birthday of the National Park Service, and we have all the resources you need to kick back and celebrate!
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