Celebrate Black History Month With These Books by Black Muslims
Celebrate Black History Month by reading Black Muslim-authored books for children and young adults.
Resources for Helping Young People with Eating Disorders
It can be tough to know how to support a young person with an eating disorder. Here are some great resources that can help.
Celebrate National Read Aloud Day With These Children’s Books
It's National Read Aloud Day. Read a book aloud to a child today, and every day!
Best Books 2024: Nonfiction for kids
Best Books 2024: Nonfiction for kids
Remembering the Fluid Lines and Savage Wit of Cartoonist Jules Feiffer
The Pulitzer-winning artist Jules Feiffer bestowed upon the world movies, plays, comics, novels, and children’s books. Which is great and impressive but also, I mean: pick a lane.
15 Steampunk Stories for Youth
Gadgets, gears, gizmos, and usually an airship or two.
Kwanzaa and the Meaning of Unity
Satisfy your thirst for cultural exploration by learning about Kwanzaa.
20 Books Celebrating National Adoption Month
Whatever your family looks like, may these books shine a light on love and adoption.
Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month. Check out these children's books to celebrate!
Local Veteran’s Brewery Business Set to Make History Twice
Ten years ago, Christopher Harris made history when he opened the first Black-owned brewery in Northwest Ohio. During our Entrepreneurship Week kickoff event on November 12 he’ll share more about how his Black Frog Brewery was uniquely sought out to open a second location, and the first of its kind in Northeast Ohio.
Intentional Choices, Endless Rewards
Read about local educator and lifelong learner Dondra Coleman’s path to building two successful businesses centered on supporting families. She will be a featured panelist during our Entrepreneurship Week kickoff on November 12.
Who Are We Having for Dinner?
Who are we having for dinner? Read these hilarious books and find out. Bon appetit!
5 Children’s Books about Canonized Saints
Learn about the lives of canonized saints with these 5 children's books.
Spooky Halloween Read-Alouds
Ten spooky Halloween picture books! Perfect to read to your children or students.
10 Books about Elections, Voting, and How Our Government Works
Voting is fundamental to how our nation works and is the cornerstone of democracy. Here are 10 books at varying levels for kids to be introduced to how voting works and how our elected officials operate once in office.
Celebrate Pura Belpré
You may have heard about the Pura Belpré Award for children's books, but have you heard about the woman who inspired it?
Fall Into Reading With These Picture Books
Fall is in the air! Cozy up with these autumn-themed picture books.
Babies Need Words: Common Objects
The latest post in our Babies Need Words series: Common Objects.
10 Books About Astronomy to Read With Your Kids While You Wait for the Nova
Here are some great books about stars and space to read while you wait... and wait... for T Corona Borealis to erupt in the night sky.
Babies Need Words: Everyday Routines
Routines are beneficial, including reading to your child! Check out these titles featuring little ones and their everyday routines.
Honk If You Love Safety
Actually, there's more to traffic safety and signage than just orange cones!
Afros, Fades, Coils, and Curls
Check out these books for youth celebrating the diversity, care, and appreciation of Black hair.
Hot Dog!
It's National Hot Dog Day! Here are 10 fun books to celebrate.
Babies Need Words: Hands-On Learning
Using books that babies can interact with, such as touch-and-feel or lift-the-flap books, helps to engage their senses and hold their attention.
Tinker, Build, Make, Create!
Find fun STEM and making activities for kids in these project-filled books!
Babies Need Words: Diversity
To build a positive sense of self, children need to see themselves, their families, and their cultural traditions in the books we read to them.
Do You Like Doughnuts? Yeah, We Like Doughnuts!
Donut sleep on these dough-rific titles. (Sorry).
D-Day for Young Readers
The 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings is June 6th. Here are 10 books for curious minds to learn more about it and the war in general.
100 Years of Summer Read: 2005-2024
It's the 100th year of Summer Read! Here are books popular from 2005-2024. You're sure to recognize some of these newer classics!
100 Years of Summer Read: 1985-2004
It's the 100th year of Summer Read! Here are books popular from 1984-2004. You're sure to recognize some of these classics!
100 Years of Summer Read: 1965-1984
It's the 100th year of Summer Read! Here are books popular from 1965-1984. You're sure to recognize some of these classics!
100 Years of Summer: 1945-1964
It's the 100th year of Summer Read! Here are books popular from 1945-1964. You're sure to recognize some of these classics!
100 Years of Summer Read: 1924-1944
It's the 100th year of Summer Read! Here are books popular from 1924-1944. You're sure to recognize some of these classics!
15 Books for New Dog Owners
To all the dog parents out there, here are some recommendations for you and your kiddos on raising your newest addition to the family!
10 Incredible Real Life Mysteries
May is National Mystery Month! Learn about incredible heists, mysterious places, disappearances, and unexpected discoveries with these books.
Quack, Quack! 10 Books to Dive Into
It's been a wet spring! Check out 10 silly and fun books featuring some delightful quacking and waddling birds.
Embracing Alone Time Through Picture Books
Here are some picture book titles you and your child can share about experiencing being "alone."
Babies Need Words: Playful Language
Help grow strong readers with these picture books that incorporate playful language.
20 (Maybe) Heartwarming Books to Celebrate Mom This Mother’s Day
Mother's Day is basically every day! Here are some fun reads to celebrate all things Mom-ish.
10 Books for Recovery and Mental Health That Can Help
When a loved one is in crisis, it is hard to know where to turn or what to do. Here are some recent titles that can help…
What’s Funnier Than 24?
Are you ready kids?! Your favorite sea sponge turns 25! Dive into nautical nonsense in celebration of SpongeBob SquarePants' 25th Anniversary.
Celebrating Día with Picture Books
Celebrate literacy and bookjoy on April 30th with these family-friendly titles.
Remembering Faith Ringgold, Groundbreaking Artist and Classic Picture Book Creator
Everyone's read "Tar Beach," but not everyone knows that its writer and illustrator Faith Ringgold was also a formidable visual artist who did things with quilts your sewing circle never dreamed of.
10 Wiggly Worm Books for Kids
It's April showers, and Earthworm season is here!
15 Teen Books for Siblings Day
April 10th is Siblings Day, so check out these Teen reads to celebrate. Hug your siblings while you're at it.
Babies Need Words: Hello, Baby!
Faces play an important role in infant development, as babies learn to mimic facial expressions and determine meaning based on facial cues.
10 Youth Novels Written in Verse
Celebrating National Poetry Month by reading poetry? Out. Celebrating National Poetry Month by reading entire novels told via poetry? In. (Actually, reading poetry is still in, but you know what I mean).
5 Books Celebrating Arab American Heritage Month & Ability Awareness
A variety of books celebrating Arab American Heritage Month and ability awareness.
National Poetry Month for Little Ones
Celebrate National Poetry Month this April with your littlest ones! Poetry and rhyming help grow strong readers by developing phonemic awareness.
Autism Awareness Month
Explore titles that teach our littlest ones about autism that include autistic characters, and help address important concepts.
Put the Smackdown on Reading with These 5 Picture Books!
Love wrestling? Love reading? Get in the ring with these 5 picture books.
10 Easter and Lenten Reads for Children
Learn more about the religious aspects of Easter and Lent with these 10 inspirational picture books.
Trail Blazing Women
10 amazing books for kids about women explorers, adventurers, and pioneers in their fields.
5 Books to Read Before the Total Solar Eclipse
Toledo is lucky to be in the path of totality for the upcoming total solar eclipse.
Babies Need Words: Black and White and Read All Over!
Try out these high-contrast picture books to help give your baby a strong start!
120 Years of Dr. Seuss
That's a lot of rhyming!
Fairy Tales Are For Everyone!
Readers of all ages are welcome to celebrate Tell a Fairy Tale Day.
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Explore these children's and teen titles that confront body shaming, embrace body positivity, and delve into the complexities of eating disorders.
All About Nothing in 10 Picture Books
Nothing like creativity and imagination!
10 Books About the Lost Art of Letter Writing
Bring back snail mail! (For things other than bills).
Babies Need Words: Bilingual Books
Celebrate the gift of bilingualism with these picture books.
Celebrating Language Diversity
Take the opportunity to explore these inclusive and empowering picture book titles with your family.
Let There Be Dragons!
It's the Year of the Dragon! Check out these books about dragons in Chinese mythology.
10 Vocabulary Building Books for Rising Readers
One of the many ways we can improve reading comprehension is to strengthen children’s vocabulary and background knowledge. Try these tips from the Library's Ready to Read team to raise a confident reader.
5 Books to Develop Fluency in Young Readers
Fluency is the ability to read with the speed, accuracy, and inflection needed to approximate natural speech patterns. Try these resources as you help strengthen your growing reader's fluency.
20 Picture Book Biographies About Literary Luminaries
If you ever wanted to know about how some of your favorite stories and poems came to be, look no further than these delightful picture book biographies.
10 Books for Young Journalists
You're never too young to take an interest in current events or to speak up for what you believe in.
8 Books for Out of This World Believers
For the future cosmonaut, astronaut, science fiction aficionado, firm believer, or curious observer.
Animals In Winter
Squirrel yourself away with these books about animals getting through the winter.
20 Hockey Books for Kids
It's Hockey Night in Toledo as we welcome the Walleye back to the ice. Before enjoying a little family fun at the Huntington Center, be sure to share a few great hockey books with the young skaters and readers in your life.
World Human Rights Day
Celebrate Human Rights Day with these impactful picture books.
10 Ice Skating Stories for Kids
Lace up your skates and take to the ice with these ten great stories for young skaters.
Celebrating Diversity in Disabilities
Enjoy these picture books with your young ones that celebrate our differences.
Ten Books for Pug Lovers
The release of Noodle Conquers Comfy Mountain surely makes it a Bones Day, right?
Amazing Aviators
It's National Aviation Month. Check out these interesting reads.
World Hello Day
Hi, there! How do you say, “Hello?” Do you sing, “Hello, hello?” Do you yell, “HELLO, HELLO?” What will you do for World Hello Day on November 21?
Hey, That’s My Picture Book!
November is National Picture Book Month! Picture books are meant to a shared reading and visual experience. What picture books are your favorites?
World Nursery Rhyme Week
Help children learn to read by celebrating World Nursery Rhyme week singing or rhyming your favorite rhymes!
10 Books to Explain Adoption to Kids
November 9th is World Adoption Day. Check out these titles for books that show the love that adoptive families share.
National Native American Heritage Month
Enjoy books for babies, toddlers and preschoolers to celebrate and honor National Native American Heritage Month.
Exploring Birds All Year Round!
Take a look at these suggestions on birds and birding as a great way to explore outdoors in the colder months ahead!
5 Books to Help You Navigate Your Child’s Health
These books about children's health aim to support and nurture the well-being of the youngest generation.
Goblins Are Good
Goblins get a bad rap. But here are five picture books that will make the case that J.R.R. Tolkien and company are probably wrong.
5 Books to Help You Save Money, Eat Healthy, and Pack Your Lunch
We round up some of the best books to help you pack your own lunch.
Youth Literature for World Mental Health Day
Help raise awareness about mental health issues and erase the stigma with these compelling children’s and young adult reads.
5 Books to Read Before the Solar Eclipse
Toledo is lucky to be in the path of two solar eclipses in the next year! The first is October 14th, the second April 8th.
Going to Toledo Comic Arts Festival on Saturday November 4? Here’s Everything You Need to Know
The first ever Toledo Comic Arts Festival is happening (Th) Nov. 2 (online) and (Sa) Nov. 4, 2023 at Main Library. Here's everything you need to know before you go.
Explore the Galaxy with Star Wars Reads
You thought May the Fourth was the only Star Wars holiday worth celebrating? Think again.
Banned Books Week: Challenges That May Surprise You
If a book is being challenged, the author probably did something right. Write? Right.
100 Years of West Toledo Branch
You may have heard West Toledo Branch is celebrating its 100th anniversary. Read this to drop some historical knowledge at the event (and check out some staff book recommendations too).
Celebrating Deaf Awareness With Children’s and YA Literature
Celebrate Deaf Awareness Month with these memorable titles for kids and teens.
10 Titles for Navigating Young Grief
These 10 titles are for recognition of National Grief Awareness Day on August 30th.
5 Books To Help Simplify The Back To School Chaos
5 books with tips to help you organize and simplify your busy life.
Totally Tubular Skateboarding Books
Whether you live to shred or like to cruise, check out these 15 titles about skateboarding.
LGBTQIA+ Nonfiction for Beginners
Talking about feelings is hard. Talking about feelings when you don't have the right vocabulary to describe them is even harder. And it's hardest when you don't know if those feelings are okay to have. (Hint: They are).
10 Super Summer Graphic Novels
Breeze through some of these graphic novels before the inevitable return to school.
Food Friends!
It's a food frenzy! Check out these funny books with food as characters. We hope you'll find them a-peeling!
It’s Barbie’s World and We’re All Just Living in It: 5 Books to Get You Ready for ‘Barbie’
Hop in the pink convertible as we drive out to a pink dream house where we'll talk about all things pink.
5 Books About People With Facial Differences
Take a look at these five titles aimed at young readers to learn about people with facial differences for National Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness Month.
Dyslexia-Friendly Books for Juvenile Readers
Fact: Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities to affect children. Here is a selection of juvenile fiction about dyslexia, some even written in dyslexia-friendly typeface.
Let’s. Get Down. To Business. To Rewatch “Mulan.”
Twenty-five years ago this month, Disney's animated movie "Mulan" landed in popular culture with all the force of a great typhoon.
Meet Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur!
One of Marvel's newer comics, it's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur! Being a girl superhero is already hard enough: fight the bad guys, save the city, basic stuff, right? Well, add in a T-Rex companion and face off a gang of space villains, all before class starts!
Haunted Houses, Schools, and Mansions. Oh My!
What better time to celebrate haunted dwellings (for youth audiences) than the upcoming release of The Haunted Mansion?
5 Monster Stories to Read by Flashlight
Build a blanket fort and get your flashlight ready! Try these 5 books for some scream-worthy fun.
10 Books to Help Your Child Be Socially and Emotionally Ready for Kindergarten
Enjoy these great picture books and activity suggestions to help your child become socially and emotionally ready for kindergarten.
10 Math Picture Books to Get Your Child Ready for Kindergarten
Before starting kindergarten this fall, check out a few tips and books to strengthen your child's understanding of mathematical concepts.
African Americans in the Civil War
This Juneteenth, check out 5 kids books that focus on African Americans who fought in the Civil War.
Elevating Immigrant Stories with Picture Books
June is Immigrant Heritage Month, enriching our collective national self through the stories we share.
Decodable Books for Young Readers
Learning to read takes a lot of practice. Let the Library's Ready to Read team help you discover a few decodable books to try with early readers at any stage.
15 Youth Titles for Appreciating Audiobooks
I love physical books as much as the next person, but audiobooks are preferable while driving. Check out these titles and get lost in some new soundscapes.
History of Crayons
Crayons have been around for a long time! Here are some great titles featuring crayons and their history.
Prehistoric Creatures (That Are Also Not Dinosaurs!)
Five wonderfully illustrated books about prehistoric animals that are definitely not dinosaurs. From trilobites to mammoths, many of these creatures once roamed Northwest Ohio.
10 Fractured Fairy Tales for Big Stinking Ogres
Okay, not all of these have ogres, but Shrek is a type of fractured fairy tale, and while the next installment doesn't have a release date, we can still get excited. Read these if you want to get in the spirit.
5 Great Books for Fans of APM Reports “Sold a Story” Podcast
If Sold a Story piqued your curiosity, explore what cognitive science says about how reading works. Try these titles for a deeper dive into the science of reading.
10 Books to Get Kids Excited About Birding
Have an aspiring young birder? Here are some books to get them excited about birding!
Quantum Computing for Babies (and pretty much the rest of us)
Quantum Physics for BABIES? It's never too early (or too late) with these easy-to-understand books!
10 Kids Books for the Write Stuff!
Writing and reading go together! Both are ways to represent spoken words and to communicate information. Learn to read while you write!
Autism Awareness for Kids
Embracing neurodiversity is what Autism Awareness Month is all about.
Get Ready to Grow, Lucas County!
We'd love to see how things are growing! Tag @ToledoLibrary and show us your plant friends.
10 Books for Rainy Days
April showers, right?
I Need a Vacation!
Involve your kids in the vacation planning or take a no-cost virtual vacation with these Library resources!
The Elephant on the Screen
The classic children’s author and Newbery award winner Kate DiCamillo has another page-to-screen adaptation out while I’m still recovering from Because of Winn-Dixie.
10 Nursery Rhyme Books for Future Readers
If you need a nursery rhyme refresher for your young children, look at these 10 books. Nursery Rhymes are an important part of early literacy skills.
5 More Books for Teaching Children to Read
Helping our children learn to read can be daunting, but fear not; these books will help you navigate successfully!
Before Peppa, There Was Olivia
Remembering artist and author, Ian Falconer.
13 Important Books for Rare Disease Day
Rare does not mean unimportant.
I’m Just a Blog, Yes I’m Only a Blog.
Schoolhouse Rock is fifty years old. And if you know what that is, then maybe so are you.
10 Books and Stories by Meg Medina, New Ambassador For Young People’s Literature
Meet Meg Medina, the new Ambassador for Young People’s Literature.
Five Titles for Pelé Fans of All Ages
He was soccer, he was an icon, he was the biggest athlete in the world: nobody ever asked "Pelé who?"
Good Grief! 10 Books to Read for Charles M. Schulz’s 100th Birthday
Security blankets. Great Pumpkins. Pulled-away footballs. If "Peanuts" creator Charles M. Schulz hadn't been born 100 years ago, we'd have 10% fewer metaphors.
Being a Man: Books About Health, Masculinity, Boyhood, and General Well-Being
Let's undo toxic masculinity.
Top 10 Worst Schools in Books
By now everyone's gone back to school for fall. Which is sad. But at least you're not at one of these schools. So that's something.
10 Picture Books About Immigration and Belonging to Celebrate Welcoming Week
These books are full of stories to help you understand the successes, struggles, and journeys of immigrants past, present, and future.
10 Ways to Commemorate the Retirement of Tennis Legend Serena Williams
Tennis superstar Serena Williams is moving on to other things, and the sport may never be the same.
StoryWalk Challenge
Enjoy fall while walking through TLCPL StoryWalks and earn a cozy prize. *while supplies last.
Banned Books Week 2021: Captain Underpants and the Putrid Persecutions of the Beastly Book-Banner
Dav Pilkey's rollicking "Captain Underpants" books are routinely included on banned-book lists. Because underpants.
Dial-A-Story September 29-October 12
Call us Fall stories! Free, recorded stories for children, teens, and adults. Listen by phone any time of day or night by calling 419-745-9700.
Banned Books Week 2021: Harry Potter: The Most Challenged Book of the 21st Century
How can a book series be the most challenged in the 21st century, yet the best-selling series of all time? Find out here!
Dial-A-Story September 15-28
Our call-in line is open! Free, recorded stories for children, teens, and adults. Listen by phone any time of day or night by calling 419-745-9700.
Children’s Library & Teen Recommends – Summer 2021
Youth Services Librarians love to read, too! Check out what your favorite Children’s and Teen Librarians at Main Library are reading, whether it be a picture book about penguins, a middle grade adventure in a treehouse, vampires in Louisiana, or a time-traveling phone booth!
StoryWalks® at the Library
Go adventuring outside and read along with one of these vocabulary-rich picture books.
YA Books Featuring Characters with Mental Illnesses
Struggling with anxiety or any type of mental illness is usually up there with resounding themes of Young Adult Fiction, including first love. That is because our teenage years are often very complicated, especially when mental health issues start to first arise. There are so many other factors that young adults face (besides growing up) that can push anyone over the edge.
Ready to Read Early Literacy Tip 5- Playing
Parents and caregivers, save the chores for later, you have important work to do by playing! This month, Ready to Read's blog is all about play and how doing just that will help your child build essential early literacy skills for future reading success!
Red or White?
Unfortunately, this blog is not about Italian Chianti or Chardonnay. It is about Mother's Day.
Children’s Books about Personal Responsibility and Self-Discipline
Personal responsibility and self-discipline are the hallmarks of a successful life. The following children’s books highlight strategies and techniques that anyone can adopt to improve their life and attain their full potential.
Container Gardening for Small Spaces
Container gardening is a simple way to enjoy nature’s bounty without the struggle and trouble of digging up a yard.
Mother’s Day
With Mother’s Day coming up, here are some books about moms.
LGBTQIA+ Books for Teens
A list of just a few favorite LGBTQIA+ teen fiction books.
Race and Police Violence in Children’s Books
News items about police violence involving Black Americans have become so prevalent even young kids can't help but become aware of them. Here are some books to help them make sense of it all.
Ready to Read Early Literacy Tip 4- Writing
In this month's Ready to Read blog, we explore writing. Writing begins at birth! Learn tips and tricks on building fine motor skills to get your little one ready for future school success!
Ready to Read Early Literacy Tip 3- Reading
There are so many benefits to reading to your child, but did you know that reading to infants is one of the best ways to start building early literacy skills? This month's Ready to Read blog includes reading tips and research that shows it's never too early to start reading!
Boost Your Resilience – Children’s Edition
Merriam-Webster defines resilience as “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.” This is not an ability we typically associate with young children; instead, we picture the terrible twos, what it’s like
Beverly Cleary, Age 104
Beverly Cleary, who died March 25 at the age of 104, was once named a “Living Legend” by the Library of Congress, and rarely has such a distinction seemed so well-deserved.
Comics About Girls By Women For Kids
There was a time in human history when some people didn’t think comics were suitable reading material for girls. (There are some, even today, who don’t think comics are suitable reading material for anyone, but that’s a whole other outrage.)
Ready to Read Early Literacy Tip 2- Singing
Parents and caregivers, warm up your voices! It's time to sing! In this month's Ready to Read blog, learn about all the ways that singing has positive impacts on the success of your future reader.
Children’s Library and Teen Recommends – Winter 2021
Check out what your Children's and Teen librarians have been reading lately!
Realistic Fiction for Grades 4-5
Read these fictional inspiring stories that resemble realistic situations, issues or experiences that could have happened in real life.A Library card and PIN will be required to access many of the resources listed. Need
Celebrate Toni Morrison Day!
On December 21, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine signed House Bill 325 declaring Toni Morrison’s birthday, February 18, Toni Morrison Day in Ohio.
Children Love Everything About Music
Whether it’s banging on a pan or plastic tub to hear the sound or dancing enthusiastically to toddler tunes, music has the potential to engage children in fun and unique ways. Music may even help reduce stress and alleviate boredom, which is something we all need from time to time.
Great Ideas for Teachers and Parents: Resources for Teaching Grades K-8
Calling all teachers (professional AND/OR parental)! We’ve gathered the most recent teaching support materials in print to help get everyone through learning at home. Nature Play Workshop for Families A Year of Forest School:
Homeschooling Resources for Grades PreK-12
Below are just some of the materials that may be helpful to teaching children at home. Whether you’re new or experienced, there are resources available to help you. The Independent Learner’s Guide to Successful
Ready to Read Early Literacy Tip 1-Talking
The more words children hear before they enter kindergarten the better readers they will become. Check out this month's Ready to Read blog on all the ways talking benefits early literacy!
Caldecott Contenders – Part 1
Toledo Lucas County Public Library’s 48th Annual Caldecott Read-In is going virtual this year. It will be held Saturday, January 23 from 10-11:30 AM. A live discussion and voting will choose our local winner
Potty Training Tips and Resources
Getting ready to take on the challenge of potty training? Don't know where to begin? Here are some great resources to help get you going in the right direction!
Our Favorite Apple Books
Sit down with your family, one of these books, and a mug of hot apple cider for a fantastic (and warm) fall experience.
5 Halloween Stories Perfect for Small Children
A selection of not-too scary stories for young children to enjoy during the Halloween season and beyond.
Online Learning for Families & Kids
We are all officially tasked with social distancing in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus. While our 20 locations might be temporarily closed, we’re still open in many ways to our customers –
Library Empowers Foster Parents as Need Grows
Number of children in state system expected to reach 20,000 this year.
Library-Themed Picture Books Kids Will Adore
Explore a selection of imaginative and delightful picture books centering around a love of books and the Library.
Creating a Village for 3rd Grade Success
Mott Branch program emphasizes creativity and skills in advance of third grade test.
Parents are a Child’s First Teacher
Parents play a critical role in their child's early development.
Teaching Kids about Kindness
Spread a little joy with small acts of kindness.
Kindness Matters
Spread joy and happiness through small acts of kindness.
10 Great Science Fiction and Fantasy Books for Kids
A variety of imaginative sci-fi and fantasy books for children.
Preparing for Kindergarten: Is Your Child Ready for School?
What does your child need to know before entering Kindergarten?
5 Picture Books Adults Will Love (and Kids Too!)
A grown-up who has a confession to make: she loves picture books! Read on to find some of her current favorite titles that are just as enjoyable for adults as they are for kids.
Sports Stories for Children
True sports stories for kids.
Learn All About Bees and Ways to Help Save Them
Bees are essential to our ecosystem. Learn more about bees and what you can do to help save them.
LGBTQ+ Chapter Books For Kids
I am pleasantly surprised with recent books for middle schoolers which feature kids and parents who are LGBTQ. Engaging books with compelling characters are a welcome addition for LGBTQ kids who want to read
Yoga @ the Library
The Library has programs and resources designed to help the entire family on their wellness journey.
The Human-Nature Connection
The Library and Metroparks are great community resources that enrich the quality of life in the communities in which they serve.
7 Really Good Reasons to Read to Your Baby and Toddler
Reading to your baby from the start leads to positive long-term benefits including cognitive, language and social skills.
Adorable Bedtime Stories for Children featuring Owls
Colorful and expressive picture books where owls take center stage. Perfect for reading to your kids at bedtime or anytime.
Books Make the Best Gifts: Ideas for Kids, Teens and Adults
Shopping for someone who loves to read this holiday season? Check out our librarian selected list of books that make gifts for all ages!
13 Fun and Entertaining Picture Books Your Preschooler Will Adore
These fun picture books will induce giggles in your preschooler. And don't be surprised if they ask you to read them multiple times.
Ideas for Making Artsy Handmade Gifts
Create artsy, personalized gifts for your family and friends all year-round.
Lively Rhyming Picture Books for Kids
Funny picture books featuring animals and fun rhymes that will keep your kids hooked from start to finish.
Spy Fiction for Children and Teens
Action packed spy stories for children and teens.
Fun and Engaging Stories to Read to Your Child
Imaginative and engaging picture books your child is sure to love.
Start the Music: 10 Fun Music Themed Picture Books for Young Children
Fun books with musical themes for kindergarteners and first graders.
Dog Tales for Second and Third Graders
Dogs are the star of the show in these books geared towards second and third graders.
12 Great Children’s Books Exploring Difficult Issues
These books help to make sense of, and deal with, challenging times in life.
Silly Stories for Second and Third Graders
These humorous stories will tickle your funny bone.
Fun Read Alouds
Fun picture books your preschooler will want to read again and again.
Get Kids Outside To Learn All About Nature and Science
Learn all about nature, science and so much more with these great educational books.
Every Day Should Be Mother’s Day
A variety of books about and for moms.
Feeling Crafty?
Summer is a great time to craftily relax and enjoy ourselves.
Diverse Voices in Juvenile Literature
A small collection of juvenile books for middle graders exploring the complexity and diversity of experiences children are faced with in our society today.
Ruth Bader Ginsblog
In her twenty-five years on the Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has become both an influential jurist and a pop culture icon, and the library has books about her that are as idiosyncratic as she is.
Dealing With Death Through Picture Books
Talking about death, loss and grief is difficult for most adults, let alone children.
Youth Art Month: It All Starts With a Simple Box of Crayons
March is Youth Art Month at your Library! Make time to get unplugged and immersed in some family art time.
10 Picture Books to Help Tackle Tough Topics
A selection of picture books covering tough topics.
A Year Of …
How much can one person accomplish in the span of a year - continue reading to find out.
DIY Baby and Toddler Food
Making baby food is easier than you might think. This blog post includes tips, recipes, and baby food cookbooks.
FREE Flashlights & a Chance to WIN!
Stop in, pick up a FREE flashlight (while supplies last) and share a photo for a chance to WIN!
Storytime Blastoff
Rev your engines and zoom into your local library for Fall storytimes!
Caldecott Award 2018: Early prediction edition
Includes a list of early predictions for the 2018 Caldecott Awards.
Kids in the Kitchen
Featuring library and web resources to help you and your family with creative culinary creations.
The Humorous Misadventures of Parenthood
Raising children can be challenging ... and hilarious from time to time.
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!
Explore the world of Dr. Seuss and learn more about the man behind the infamous children's books - Theodor Seuss Geisel.
Caring & Compassion
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” - the Dalai Lama. Continue reading for a list of resources exploring the topic of compassion.
Caldecott Contenders 2
Did you know that the Toledo Lucas County Public Library hosts a Caldecott Read-in? This year marks the 44th and TLCPL has correctly predicted the winner several times!
Caldecott Contenders
Award season is upon us. Take a look at some 2016 titles that may win the much coveted Caldecott Award!
2016 Run, Turkey, Run!
Story time for preschoolers is a joy and a challenge ... it's the one place the title "The Librarian of Organized Chaos" fits perfectly.
Holy 50 Years, Batman!
Sanger Branch is celebrating 50 years of Batman in film with a special showing of the 1966 Batman movie, the movie that started it all.
Children and Grieving
Helping children cope with the loss of a loved one can be quite challenging. We have a selection of books that may help open up a dialogue between you and your child and in turn help with the grieving process.
Back to School Book Lists
Is your child experiencing the back to school jitters? Check out our list of books to help kids deal with everything from riding the bus for the first time to making new friends at school!
Always Hungry? Explore Diets At Your Library
So what if all you’ve been taught about dieting is wrong? Continue reading to learn more about popular diet trends.
Using Mindfulness to Help Kids Destress
Practicing mindfulness can benefit both parent and child - reducing stress and anxiety.
We Will, We Will Rock You … To Sleep?!
Songs from popular musicians are turned into plinky, plunky instrumental lullabies with a few bells and barks thrown in for good measure. It’s soothing music for your little ones that won’t drive you crazy.
Family Movie Night
Beat the last of the Winter Blah Blahs with some animated fun for everyone. Stay home and cozy up for some family time with these fun family movies!
Great Expectations: Books on Pregnancy
Resources on conceiving, fertility, pregnancy, nutrition and parenting.
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