Resources for Helping Young People with Eating Disorders
It can be tough to know how to support a young person with an eating disorder. Here are some great resources that can help.
Uncommon Knowledge: The Funniest Weird Trivia Books You Didn’t Know You Needed
Pub trivia nights are all the rage these days. Here are some great, fun trivia books from which to pull some great content, or just to amuse and enlighten you!
Top 10 Books on the Creative Pulse of Street Fashion
Street fashion is the venue for the bravest among us to show their personal style and possibly start a whole new trend. Here are the best photography books capturing these amazing people in action.
Totally Tubular Books about Pop Culture Life in the 1980s
Living in the 1980s was truly the end of an innocent era when we could take the phone off the hook or just go outside and be completely unreachable by anyone. Seriously: people would dial our number (which they either had to already know or get from something called a phone book), get no answer or a "busy signal" (look it up) and they'd think, "Gosh, I'll just have to call back later." It was AWESOME. Here are some great books on other bizarro aspects of life during that amazing era.
Must-Read Holiday Cozy Mysteries
Is there a better way to get into a holiday mood than to dive into a cozy mystery novel? How about diving into two! Wear your comfy pants, sip a hot beverage, and boom! Holiday self-care accomplished.
Best Books on Fall Entertaining: Food, Fun, Friends and Family
Need some ideas for fall and Thanksgiving entertaining? Check out these great books!
Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month. Check out these children's books to celebrate!
Sketchbook Secrets: How to Cultivate a Daily Drawing Habit
Keeping a sketch journal is a wonderful way to keep track of your life, spark creativity, and keep your brain sharp. Here are the best books we offer on this fun and inspiring endeavor.
Spooky Halloween Read-Alouds
Ten spooky Halloween picture books! Perfect to read to your children or students.
Best Travel Guides for Great Road Trips
Fall is a wonderful time to hit the road and see what's around us. Here are some great guides to plan anything from an afternoon drive to a long vacation on wheels.
Easy and Fun DIY Ideas for a Spook-tacular Halloween
There are so many fun crafty ideas for spooky holiday DIY fun - here are some great places to start.
5 Books to Grow Your Environmental Feminist Journey
Local environmental and spiritual leader, Rev. Aaron Baughman, continues our discussion of Feminism and the Environment that will continue at the Sylvania Branch on (Tu) August 20 at 6 p.m.
4 Titles to Continue Your Environmental Feminist Journey
Local environmental leader, Dana Reising, continues our discussion of Feminism and the Environment that will continue at the Sylvania Branch on (Tu) August 20 at 6 p.m.
Honk If You Love Safety
Actually, there's more to traffic safety and signage than just orange cones!
5 Titles to Start Your Environmental Feminist Journey
Local environmental activist, Angie Fitzpatrick, kicks off our discussion of Feminism and the Environment that will continue at the Sylvania Branch on (Tu) August 20 at 6 p.m. Local sustainability advocates will lead a discussion on their journeys to sustainability and what women in Lucas County can do to help.
Dive into the Olympics: Best Books to Get Ready for the Summer Games
The Olympics bring so many great things together - athletic excellence, international fellowship, and so many amazing stories of how the athletes got there at all. Here are some great books to get into the spirit of the games.
Small Business Partner Spotlight: The Arts Commission – Recognizing Talent, Fostering a Vibrant Community
"The Arts Commission’s emphasis is, as far as I can tell, on fostering Toledo as a healthy and vibrant art community, and the most important element of that community is its people. I appreciate the Arts Commission’s robust investment in people."
Small Business Partner Spotlight: Accelerate Your Creative Endeavors – Apply for Funding Via The Arts Commission
The Accelerator Grant is The Arts Commission’s competitive program offering financial support for local artists. Eligible categories of support include equipment and supply support, which attracted one local photographer to apply…
Discover the Best Short Reads: 20 Books Under 200 Pages
Looking for a quick read? It's the quality not the quantity that matters in these fantastic short books!
Be Transported by the Top 20 Titles for World UFO Day
June 24th AND July 2nd are both referred to as World UFO Day (it's complicated). Whichever one you celebrate, shine up your tin foil hat and Mork up your Nanoo, we have a lot of great books and documentaries on extraterrestrials and unidentified objects to share the wonder.
20 Best Cookbooks for Summer Outdoor Entertaining
International Picnic Day is June 18! We've got great books to inspire your al fresco feast. No ants or rain allowed!
Commemorating Juneteenth
Juneteenth celebrates the official date, June 19th 1865, when all slaves in Confederate states were officially freed. It has become America's second Independence Day holdiay, and we've gathered some great books to learn about this important day.
Embrace Enlightenment: A Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness and Buddhism
The idea of Mindfulness is tossed around as the answer to every problem in the universe, but what exactly is it? Here are some great books to help us understand this life-changing concept and how to effectively practice it in daily life.
From Midnight to Mourning: 25 Dark Books for Goths
World Goth Day is May 22nd, which means we're in for some super fun summer reading/viewing/listening! Re-dye your fading darks and unearth your bleakest makeup, dark times lie ahead.
Quack, Quack! 10 Books to Dive Into
It's been a wet spring! Check out 10 silly and fun books featuring some delightful quacking and waddling birds.
Transform Your Midwest Yard into a Breathtaking Oasis with Natural and Prairie Garden Techniques
Forget mowing! Plant a prairie garden to replace wasteful grass and benefit local wildlife.
Why Aren’t You Drawing a Bird Right Now? These Books Will Help
April 8th is Draw a Bird Day! Stock up on some of these great books to inspire your best avian art.
National Poetry Month for Little Ones
Celebrate National Poetry Month this April with your littlest ones! Poetry and rhyming help grow strong readers by developing phonemic awareness.
Pitch-Perfect Picks: Best Books on Baseball to Celebrate Opening Day
Just in time for Opening Day in Major League Baseball, here are some of the best books on the old (and new!) ballgame.
Get Your Irish On for St. Patrick’s Day
No matter where you're from, everyone is a little bit Irish. What better way to celebrate than by diving into a great book or film celebrating Irish culture?
5 Books to Read Before the Total Solar Eclipse
Toledo is lucky to be in the path of totality for the upcoming total solar eclipse.
All About Nothing in 10 Picture Books
Nothing like creativity and imagination!
10 Vocabulary Building Books for Rising Readers
One of the many ways we can improve reading comprehension is to strengthen children’s vocabulary and background knowledge. Try these tips from the Library's Ready to Read team to raise a confident reader.
5 Books to Develop Fluency in Young Readers
Fluency is the ability to read with the speed, accuracy, and inflection needed to approximate natural speech patterns. Try these resources as you help strengthen your growing reader's fluency.
10 Great Green Day Media to Celebrate 30 Years of Dookie
Three decades ago, Green Day released one of the biggest punk albums to ever break into the mainstream. Check out our 10 favorite albums, books, and movies from and about these East Bay pop punk icons.
World Nursery Rhyme Week
Help children learn to read by celebrating World Nursery Rhyme week singing or rhyming your favorite rhymes!
Exploring Birds All Year Round!
Take a look at these suggestions on birds and birding as a great way to explore outdoors in the colder months ahead!
5 Books to Read Before the Solar Eclipse
Toledo is lucky to be in the path of two solar eclipses in the next year! The first is October 14th, the second April 8th.
Dyslexia-Friendly Books for Juvenile Readers
Fact: Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities to affect children. Here is a selection of juvenile fiction about dyslexia, some even written in dyslexia-friendly typeface.
10 Books to Help Your Child Be Socially and Emotionally Ready for Kindergarten
Enjoy these great picture books and activity suggestions to help your child become socially and emotionally ready for kindergarten.
10 Math Picture Books to Get Your Child Ready for Kindergarten
Before starting kindergarten this fall, check out a few tips and books to strengthen your child's understanding of mathematical concepts.
Elevating Immigrant Stories with Picture Books
June is Immigrant Heritage Month, enriching our collective national self through the stories we share.
Decodable Books for Young Readers
Learning to read takes a lot of practice. Let the Library's Ready to Read team help you discover a few decodable books to try with early readers at any stage.
History of Crayons
Crayons have been around for a long time! Here are some great titles featuring crayons and their history.
On International Museum Day, Visit One of the Toledo Area’s Fine Museums
Some of the world's finest museums are closer than you think!
Prehistoric Creatures (That Are Also Not Dinosaurs!)
Five wonderfully illustrated books about prehistoric animals that are definitely not dinosaurs. From trilobites to mammoths, many of these creatures once roamed Northwest Ohio.
5 Great Books for Fans of APM Reports “Sold a Story” Podcast
If Sold a Story piqued your curiosity, explore what cognitive science says about how reading works. Try these titles for a deeper dive into the science of reading.
10 Kids Books for the Write Stuff!
Writing and reading go together! Both are ways to represent spoken words and to communicate information. Learn to read while you write!
What Are You Drawing for Draw a Bird Day? These 10 Books Will Help You…Draw a Bird
It’s officially Draw a Bird Day. Celebrate by busting out a pencil and paper and doodling your favorite bird—artistic skill is optional!
10 Nursery Rhyme Books for Future Readers
If you need a nursery rhyme refresher for your young children, look at these 10 books. Nursery Rhymes are an important part of early literacy skills.
5 More Books for Teaching Children to Read
Helping our children learn to read can be daunting, but fear not; these books will help you navigate successfully!
10 Books to Help Teach Your Child to Read
Do you want to help your child learn to read? Check out one of these great books!
10 Picture Books About Immigration and Belonging to Celebrate Welcoming Week
These books are full of stories to help you understand the successes, struggles, and journeys of immigrants past, present, and future.
Explore Your Metroparks
Here are some books to help you get the most out of your favorite Toledo Metropark!
Ability Awareness resources for Upper Elementary (4-5); Middle School (6-8)
We hope that this list of both fiction and nonfiction titles for your middle grades reader will inspire ability awareness.
Healthy Kids resources for Preschool/ Kindergarten; Early Elementary (1-3)
Help your young child develop habits to stay healthy.
The DREAM Project: Disability Representation, Education and Awareness in Media resources for Preschool/ Kindergarten; Early Elementary (1-3)
The Library has partnered with the Ability Center to increase awareness of literature that focuses on, includes, and/or is created by people with disabilities. Take a look at these great books for children!
Banned Books Week 2021: Resources for Middle School (6-8); High School: (9-12)
Teaching frequently challenged books can be a daunting task. Banned books are guaranteed to contain controversial subject matter demanding thoughtful and provoking dialogue.
Social Emotional Learning Resources for Grades 1-5
Social emotional learning (SEL) encourages the development of self control, self awareness and the interpersonal skills needed to succeed in school and life. We hope this collection of library materials will inspire you to think of many ways you can promote social emotional learning among the children in your life.
Life Cycles resources for Early Elementary (1-3)
Investigate plant and animal life cycles with these library resources.
Back to School Resources for Pre-K-Grade 3
Do you have the back to school blues? Take a look at these resources for teachers, students and parents to get you motivated and excited for the 2021-2022 school year!
Light and Shadow Leap Into Science resources for Early Elementary (1-3); Upper Elementary (4-5)
What is light? How does a shadow form? Children have many questions about the nature of light, these library resources can help to guide them to a logical understanding.
Bugs resources for Preschool-Grade 3
Explore the busy bugs that buzz all around us.
Gardening resources for Preschool/ Kindergarten; Early Elementary (1-3)
Many of the libraries have community gardens for you to pick from. After you read these books, check out the community gardens at the Birmingham, Lagrange, Locke, Maumee, Mott, and Toledo Heights branches.
Summer Learning Activities and Resources for Grades 1-3
Summer learning resources and activities to help prevent the summer slide.
Cinco de Mayo resources for Preschool/ Kindergarten; Early Elementary (1-3)
Cinco de Mayo celebrates the victory of Mexico in a battle with France. People of Mexico and in the United States celebrate with fiestas, food, and crafts. Learn more about it in these books and other resources.
Interactive Picture Books for Preschool/ Kindergarten
Interactive picture books that are sure to get kids moving and engaged.
eBooks About Rain for Little Learners (Preschool, Kindergarten, and Grades 1-3)
Have you ever heard that April showers bring May flowers? Rain is important to help everything grow.
Best Books for Preschool and Kindergarten
Is your preschool or kindergarten-aged child looking for something new to read? Check out this curated list of best books for Preschoolers and Kindergarteners for your little one to enjoy!
Science Fiction resources for Early Elementary (1-3)
Out of this world selections for budding science fiction readers.
WW2 Fiction resources for Upper Elementary (4-5); Middle School (6-8)
A list of 9 World War Two fiction titles appropriate for Upper Elementary and Middle School audiences.
Best Series Books for Grades 4-5
A book series motivates children to continue reading to see what happens next. This selection highlights the first book in these popular children’s series.
Short Books for Grades 4-5
Great (and short) reads for grades 4-5!
Guiding Kids in the Digital World, Books for PreK-Kindergarten
Keeping children safe while using digital technology.
Energy Education for Grades 4-5
In honor of Earth Day, take a deeper look at how we get electricity to power our homes (and lives) and whether there are more sustainable and healthier ways to obtain this resource from the environment.
Science Fiction resources for Upper Elementary (4-5)
Do you need a good Science Fiction title to read? Check out these recommendations curated from the youth librarians at Toledo Lucas County Public Library for upper elementary students, grades 4-5!
Independent Kids Embrace Fashion with Style! Resources for Preschool and Kindergarten
When it's time to get the little ones dressed, some children will insist upon being fashionable. You can embrace it or debate it, but fashion is all about independence, personal style and self expression.
Historical Fiction for Grades 1-3
Historical Fiction recommendations for grades 1-3.
Forces and Motion Resources for Preschool, Kindergarten, and Early Elementary Students
Help young children undertand some of the universal laws of forces and motions with these engaging library resources.
Mystery Resources for 4-8 Graders
Are you wishing your middle grade reader is into Nancy Drew or the Boxcar Children as much as you were (or are)?! Check out this list of middle grade novels with a tried and
Graphics and Comics for Grades 6-8
Adventure, magic, and good friends can be found in these books of amazing artwork. Try one of our recommendations for middle schoolers! A Library card and PIN will be required to access many
Graphics and Comics for High School
A graphics or comics exists for everyone. Adventure, magic, romance, and history can be found in these books of amazing artwork.
Ohio Biographies resources for High School: (9-12)
Biographies on famous people from Ohio for your next report.
Poetry Resources for PreK-Grade 3
Poems are words put together using rhythm, patterns, and rhymes to express thoughts and emotions. April is National Poetry Month.
Earth Day Resources for Preschool-Grade 3
Earth Day a day to remind us to take care of our world. We reflect on our planet, our environment, and learn what we can do to help keep the Earth healthy.
Poetry Books for Grades 4-5
Get rhyming with these fun poetry books.
Mysteries for High School Readers
If you want amateur detectives and thrills, grab one of these novels that you won’t want to put down.
National Library Week resources for PreK-Grade 3
National Library Week resources for Preschool/ Kindergarten; Early Elementary (1-3)
Best Books for Grades 7-8
Finding just the right book for a seventh or eighth grader can be a challenge. Let your librarians help you with a few of our favorite fiction titles.
Fantasy Books for Middle School (Grades 6-8)
Escape to these far off worlds with Middle School Fantasy Books
Science Fiction for High School Readers
Titles for High School students who already love Science Fiction or want to delve into the genre.
Realistic Fiction for Grades 1-3
Realistic Fiction for Grades 1-3
Spring Resources for Grades PreK-3
Spring will warm up the weather and bring back the animals. What are the things you like to do in spring?
Comics and Graphic Novels for Grades PreK-3
Are you an avid comic reader and looking for comics and graphic novels to share with your little one? This list will introduce your child to the wonderful world of comics and graphic novels!
Sports Fiction for Grades 4-5
Fun sports reads for athletes and fans
Best Books for Second Grade Readers
Looking for books for a second grader? Here are wonderful picture books and easy readers specifically chosen for this age group. Books in series are noted. A Library card and PIN will be required to access many of the resources listed. Need help with your card or PIN? Contact your nearest location or call 419-259-5200. Need a new card?
Best Books for Fourth Grade Readers
Trying to find books perfect for your fourth grade reader? Take a look at these diverse books specifically chosen for this grade level.
Best Books for Grades 9-10
Check out these titles for students in 9th and 10th Grade looking for their next great read
Easter Resources for Grades PreK-3
Enjoy these stories of bunnies, eggs, crafts and Easter fun.
Best Books for Grades 11-12
Escape the stress of decisions about the future with these books for Juniors and Seniors in High School
April Fool’s Day for Grades PreK-3
April Fool’s Day is celebrated this year on Thursday, April 1, 2021. Whatever your prank, joke or pun, make it a great time to celebrate with a smile.
Comics and Graphic Novels for Grades 4-5
Go on exciting adventures and experience thrilling new worlds with these graphic novels.
Biographies for Middle School (Grades 6-8)
Do you wonder what life is like for famous magicians, inventors, activists, presidents, or soldiers? Find out about their life stories by reading these biographies.
Sports Books for Grades 6-12
Get your middle schooler off the field and into a book with these sports novels!
Introducing Wonderbook!
Wonderbooks read to children, ask questions, and make learning fun.
Dental Health Resources for Preschool/ Kindergarten
Books about dental health for preschool and kindergarten age children.
Top Ten Teen Books
In 2020, teens across the country voted these 10 books as their most favorite. Be a part of the vote for 2021!
Realistic Fiction Resources for Middle School Readers
A curated list of realistic fiction books for 6th to 8th graders.
Alternate Fairy Tales for High School Readers
These alternate version fairy tales are sure to enchant teens.
Ohio Biographies for Grades 4-5
Be proud of our Ohio heritage. Research the lives of famous and noteworthy Ohioans from the past to present times
St. Patrick’s Day Resources for Grades PreK-3
Top O' the Mornin' to Ya!
Science Fiction for Middle School Readers
Take a trip into the future with these Sci-Fi reads for Grades 6-8.
Realistic Fiction for Grades 4-5
Read these fictional inspiring stories that resemble realistic situations, issues or experiences that could have happened in real life.A Library card and PIN will be required to access many of the resources listed. Need
Realistic Fiction for High School Readers
Check out the following titles for teens in high school.
Short Books for High School Readers
Check out these quick reads for teens!
Poetry for Middle School Readers
Middle school comes with a lot of feelings. Poetry is a beautiful outlet of those feelings. Share these great books with your middle schooler.
Multicultural Teen Perspectives for High School Readers
These novels about teens from different cultures offer multicultural perspectives about living in the United States.
Short Books for Middle School Readers
Some of our favorite short books for middle school readers.
Sports Books for High School Readers
Check out these sport books perfect for high school students.
Sports Books for Grades 1-3
Put me in coach, I'm ready to play!
Women’s History Month for PreK-3
March is Women's History month and is a great time to discover and celebrate women and their many contributions throughout history.
Attention Grabbing First Lines
Teen novels with attention grabbing first lines.
The Motivation to Be or How to Wait in This New Year of So Much Anticipated Waiting
To be or not to be--that is the question,” says Bill Shakespeare’s Hamlet. But is it? As simple as Hamlet tries to frame that question, just simply being - is easier said than done in this year 2021, when after months of having to put things off we are asked to do even more. More. Waiting.
Presidents’ Day for Grades PreK-3
President’s Day is celebrated on the third Monday of February. It was originally a celebration of George Washington, the first president, but now it is a celebration for all presidents.
100th Day of School for PreK-3
Celebrate 100 days of learning!
Mysteries for Grades 4-5
Are you ready for some mysteries to keep you warm with anticipation this winter? Check out our list for some ideas on what to read!
Fantasy Books for Grades 1-3
Books about dragons, magic and adventure for beginning readers.
Get Unplugged with a Day of Play
Why not choose a just one day a week to get unplugged? Encourage your family to take a digital diet away from all devices, just for a single day! A one-day “fast” from technology is a great way to refresh your senses, add spontaneity to your life and reconnect with your family!
Best Series Books for Middle School Readers
Our favorite series in many forms can be found in this list for Middle Schoolers.
Mysteries for Grades 1-3
Can you help crack the case? These mystery books for grades 1-3 won't leave you guessing, whodunit?!
Fantasy Books for Grades 4-5
Magic, mischief, and mayhem! Find fantastical elements in these books for middle school readers.
Fantasy Books for High School Readers
Adventure awaits in this list of fantasy books for high school readers.
Best Series Books for Early Elementary Readers
A list of great series for children in early elementary school.
Valentine’s Day Picture Books for Grades PreK-3
Celebrate Valentine's Day with these books about love, friendship and kindness!
Best Books for Sixth Grade Readers
Time to get lost in a good book!
Biographies for Grades 4-5
A selection of biographies for 4th and 5th graders.
Best Books for Fifth Grade Readers
A list of diverse books for anyone in the 5th grade.
Great Ideas for Teachers and Parents: Resources for Teaching Grades K-8
Calling all teachers (professional AND/OR parental)! We’ve gathered the most recent teaching support materials in print to help get everyone through learning at home. Nature Play Workshop for Families A Year of Forest School:
Best Books for Third Grade Readers
Looking for great books for third graders? These books will capture the interest of all types of readers. Children this age love to read book series, and many series are included.
Biographies for High School Students
Enjoy this selection of fascinating biographies for high school students.
Chinese New Year resources for Grades PreK-5
Celebrate the Chinese New Year with these beautiful eBooks.
Homeschooling Resources for Grades PreK-12
Below are just some of the materials that may be helpful to teaching children at home. Whether you’re new or experienced, there are resources available to help you. The Independent Learner’s Guide to Successful
Biographies for Grades PreK-3
Who was the first Black woman in space? Who invented crayons? Explore colorful life stories with preschool and early elementary students.
Unplugged Play resources for Grades PreK-5
Do you feel like your children use electronics too often? Check out these great books for ideas on unplugged play!
Arctic Animals resources for Grades PreK-3
Learn more about Arctic animals with these resources.
Art resources for Grades PreK-3
Here are 12 books (a mix of fiction and nonfiction) that are perfect for introducing young readers to the world of fine art. These books are a great place to start whether you’re looking for inspiration, fun facts, or just a good story!
Explore Art for PreK-3
Art is anything that is beautiful to look at- it can express ideas or emotions. You can make art out of any material.
Martin Luther King, Jr. resources for Grades 4-5
Do you want to know more about one of the most well-known activists for the Civil Rights Movement? Start here!
Martin Luther King Jr., Day for PreK-3
Learn about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights movement.
Animal Hibernation for PreK-3
What happens to certain animals during the Winter? Some hibernate- they stay in their homes and rest during the cold Winter months.
Caldecott Contenders – Part 1
Toledo Lucas County Public Library’s 48th Annual Caldecott Read-In is going virtual this year. It will be held Saturday, January 23 from 10-11:30 AM. A live discussion and voting will choose our local winner
Caldecott Contenders – Part 2
Check out the best picture books of 2020.
Caldecott Contenders – Part 3
Check out the best picture books of 2020!
Snowy Days for PreK-3
What do you like to do when there’s a snowy day? Do you make forts, have a snowball fight, or snuggle up to read?
Caldecott Winners for PreK-3
The Caldecott Medal is given to one children's picture book a year. The award winners are announced every January.
Caldecott Read-In Goes Virtual
Check out our librarians' favorite picks to win the 2021 Caldecott Award.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. resources for Grades PreK-3
Explore these titles and find out more about one of the greatest leaders of our time, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Music Themed Books to Read to Your Child for Grades PreK-3
A variety of music-themed stories with a wide range of appeal for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and elementary age children.
Community Helpers resources for Grades 1-3
Learn how community helpers use their skills and knowledge to benefit all people.
New Year’s resources for Grades PreK-5
Celebrate the 2021 New Year with these great eBooks.
Poetry Books for Grades 9-12
A beautiful list of books in verse and poetry collections for young adult readers.
Historical Fiction for Middle School Readers
A comprehensive list of Historical Fiction books appropriate for Middle School students in various formats.
Historical Fiction for High School Readers
A variety of historical fiction for high school readers.
Series Books for High School Readers
Librarians love a good series. Your high school students should too. We recommend these.
Penguin Books for Grades 1-3
Fun and informative books about these flightless birds.
Kwanzaa resources for Grades K-5
Kwanzaa eBooks for grades K-5
Christmas (Secular) resources for Grades PreK-5
Christmas eBooks for grades PreK-5 to enjoy.
Religious Christmas resources for Grades PreK-5
Religious Christmas Holiday eBooks for grades K-5
Dealing with Sadness
It is OK to feel things. Sadness is a feeling that everyone knows. Let’s explore how to help our children understand this feeling.
American Civil War resources for Grades 9-12
Spanning four years and resulting in more than 620,000 American casualties, historians regard the American Civil War as one of the most divisive eras in US history. Let the Library guide you to some excellent resources for furthering your research of this part of our past.
Animal Hibernation resources for Grades PreK-3
Animal hibernation is a fascinating adaptation to changing environmental conditions.
Happy 250th Birthday, Beethoven!
Fun and informative books about the life and music of Ludwig van Beethoven.
Winter Solstice resources for Grades PreK-5
Warm up with some books about the first day of winter.
Winter Weather Resources for Grades PreK-3
Have fun learning about a variety of winter weather conditions.
Hanukkah Stories for Grades PreK-5
Hanukkah eBooks for grades PreK-5
Spread Kindness for PreK-3
Even small acts of kindness can change the world.
Better Together for PreK-3
Explore our differences and similarities. What makes you special? What does community mean?
Help for Homeschoolers
Jumping into homeschooling can be challenging! As a librarian who homeschooled my two kids, I have suggestions for Toledo Lucas County Public Library resources to use as you educate your children.
Learning to Read Begins at Birth!
Many families are looking for the best ways to help their little one be ready to read. With so many resources available, it can seem overwhelming but the Ready to Read librarians are here to assist.
Thanksgiving Resources for Grades 1-3
Children’s Thanksgiving books and media range from funny stories of escaped turkeys to more sober histories of settlers and Native Americans, and reflections on thankfulness.
Elections & Voting for PreK-3
Read-Watch-Do! - Learn about elections and voting with these eBooks, movies and activities.
Self Esteem Resources for Preschool/Kindergarten
Self-esteem resources for young children.
Election Resources for Grades 4-5
Resources on elections and voting for grades 4 and 5.
Biome and Ecosystem Resources for Grades 4-5
Biomes are a large naturally occurring community of plants and animals occupying a habitat. Ecosystems are the interactions between the living things and the non-living things in a biome. Want to learn more? Check out these great resources from your Library!
Stay Healthy for PreK-3
Learn about germs and how doctors help keep us healthy with these eBooks, movies and activities. Use your Library card and PIN to access these resources.
Landforms Resources for Grades 1-5
Landforms are the features that make up the surface of the Earth. From mountains to valleys, and all the plateaus in between, the library has resources to help you explore landforms.
Spanish Resources for Middle School (6-8); High School: (9-12)
Have you ever wanted to learn a new language? Are you currently studying Spanish and could use a little extra help? Check out these great resources from your Library!
Resources on Shakespeare for High School Learners
Are you overwhelmed with the number of resources to help your students learn? Let the Library help! Using trusted resources and expert knowledge, our resourceful librarians have gathered a collection of credible and reliable resources – both electronic and books on Shakespeare, specifically for High School learners.
Holocaust Resources for High School Learners
Are you overwhelmed with the number of resources to help your students learn? Let the Library help! Check out these trusted resources on the Holocaust, selected by our knowledgeable librarians for high school learners.
Resources for Middle School Studies of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome
Are you overwhelmed with the number of resources to help your students learn? Let the Library help! Using trusted resources and expert knowledge, our resourceful librarians have gathered a collection of credible and reliable resources – both electronic and books on Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, specifically for Middle School students.
Election Resources for Kids K-3
Here are some great resources about elections and voting for kids grades K-3.
Election Resources for Grades 6-8
Interested in finding out more about voting and elections? Here are some great resources for grades 6-8.
September 11 Resources for High School Students
Are you overwhelmed with the number of resources to help your students learn? Let the Library help! Using trusted resources and expert knowledge, our resourceful librarians have gathered a collection of credible and reliable resources – both electronic and books on 9/11, specifically for High School learners.
Extracurricular: Animation Toolkit
A smattering of tools and information for the would-be animator.
So You Still Say You Hate Musicals
Thanks to the new streaming movie, everyone's talking about Hamilton again. But you feel left out of the conversation because you hate musicals. Let us help.
Fact Checking in the Age of Misinformation
Learn how to spot false or misleading information online.
Top 5 Library Resources for the Quarantined Parent
Sometimes you need some help and sometimes you need some fun, and the Library has the best of both worlds.
Keep Building Early Literacy Skills with Virtual Storytimes
Storytimes continue through various online services.
Online Learning for Adults & Teens
We are all officially tasked with social distancing in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus. While our 20 locations might be temporarily closed, we’re still open in many ways to our customers –
Online Learning for Families & Kids
We are all officially tasked with social distancing in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus. While our 20 locations might be temporarily closed, we’re still open in many ways to our customers –
Spend Your New Year – At the Library
Happy New Year from your Library! Make 2020 your best year yet by taking advantage of the many resources, materials and programs we offer. We hope to see you often!
Ready to Read Expands Early Literacy in Lucas County
Since launching in 2014, the program has reached nearly 20,000 families.
Redesign Brings ‘Wow’ Factor to Saloff Children’s Library
Renovations further improve popular area of Main Library.
Maumee Branch Awarded Grant to Create Comic Book Club
The grant will allow Maumee Branch to bring a Comic Book Club to two local middle schools.
Make Back to School a Breeze with Toledo Library
A wealth of resources is available to excel during this, or any, school year.
Using Touch in Babytime to Support Learning
Babytime books and activities that involve touch and body part identification help lay the groundwork for learning from others.
Creating a Village for 3rd Grade Success
Mott Branch program emphasizes creativity and skills in advance of third grade test.
Encouraging a Love of Reading from a Young Age
Cultivating a lifelong love of books and reading early on has innumerable benefits
Parents are a Child’s First Teacher
Parents play a critical role in their child's early development.
For Science! True Stories of Discovery for Children
Fascinating nonfiction picture books for kids interested in science and scientists.
Teaching Kids about Kindness
Spread a little joy with small acts of kindness.
Women’s Education as an Experiment
What was it like for women seeking education in 1920s America?
Preparing for Kindergarten: Is Your Child Ready for School?
What does your child need to know before entering Kindergarten?
Tips For A Better Video Training Experience
Video watching tools can make learning so much easier.
Learn All About Bees and Ways to Help Save Them
Bees are essential to our ecosystem. Learn more about bees and what you can do to help save them.
Fun with Technology @ the Library
Technology use at the Library can be fun and social for area youth.
Toledo Library Offers English as a Second Language Classes
Learn English by taking part in our ESOL classes, joining our English Language Conversation Club or learn at your pace with Transparent Languages.
Dog Ate Your Homework? The Library Can Help With Your Printing Needs
Need to print without using your own printer? Just send it to a Library printer and pick it up when you get there, that same day, that is. Works with phones, tablets, laptops and desktops.
The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Development
The power of play is undeniable ... from brains to social skills, play has enormous benefits for children that last a lifetime.
Online Privacy Tips & Tricks
What do you know about your online privacy? Here are some books and other resources that might help you maintain privacy online.
African American Newspapers Chronicles a Century and a Half of the African American Experience
The African American Newspapers database is an amazing digital primary source collection providing first-hand perspectives on notable Americans.
Libraries Change Lives Every Day
Libraries provide life changing services to their communities every day.
Replace Bad Habits With New Skills
Get a jump start on your resolutions for the new year! Trying to change a not-so-great habit? Replace it with something new, and let your library help!
Counting Books for Preschoolers
A variety of counting books to teach young children about numbers in an entertaining way.
Best Picture Books of 2018
Two perspectives on some of the best children's picture books of 2018.
10 Best Books of 2018 for Middle Grade Readers
We have sifted through some excellent offerings and are pleased to present the best books of 2018 for middle grade readers.
Learn More About Writing Books for Children and Young Adults
Resources for individuals interested in writing and publishing a book for children or young adults.
Find Information You Can Trust with GVRL
Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) provides digital access to a variety of quality eBooks geared towards students, researchers, professionals and general readers.
Toledo Library Adds Tutor.Com to List of Free Educational Offerings is the world's largest and highest-rated online tutoring company with a community of more than 3,200 expert tutors and 14 million one-to-one online tutoring sessions served.
Explore the Universe with a Telescope Kit from Your Local Library
Did you know the Library has telescope kits available to borrow for free at several branch locations?
Squawnkers: Sandhill Cranes and Birding
Learn more about one of the most beautiful birds in this part of the world - the Sandhill Crane.
A Whole Lot of Fascination in A Little Bit of History
For those overwhelmed by the massive span of scientific and cultural history, there are Microhistories.
Raising Awareness: The Silent Witness Project at TLCPL
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Join the Steinem Sisters Collection @ TLCPL as we honor those lost to domestic violence in the Toledo area.
Reading Behind the Headlines: Finding Reliable Information in the Post-Truth Era
What does the headline in that article really mean? This blog post is about finding information that is factual and true.
7 Wonderful Picture Books on the Power of Friendship, Empathy and Kindness
Picture books about friendship, redemption and kindness.
Get Kids Outside To Learn All About Nature and Science
Learn all about nature, science and so much more with these great educational books.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, the Carle and the Wondrous World of Picture Books
This blog post discusses the classic picture book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle, his artwork and the Carle museum.
Historical Fiction Reads for Fourth and Fifth Graders
Travel back in time with these great historical fiction books.
Sharks, Sharks and More Sharks: Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Shark Week
Sharks are the star of the show in this blog post featuring resources for kids and adults.
Babies vs Babytime
Babies are wonderful, beautiful and thoroughly amazing human beings. Baby storytime gives babies and their caregivers the chance of developing early literacy skills together at the library.
Endearing Stories Kids and Parents Will Love
Tomie dePaola is a very prolific author and illustrator who has published over 200 books - this post highlights a small sampling of his works.
The Immigrant and Refugee Experience in America
A selection of books and resources exploring the immigrant and refugee experience in America.
Storytelling and Our Communities: Part II: Alzheimers
Storytelling is the way I connect with other human beings, every day. One of the most amazing audiences to engage and connect with are adults with Alzheimer’s Disease.
Storytelling and Our Communities: Part I: Autism
Storytelling is the way I connect with other human beings, every day. One of the most worthwhile audiences to engage and connect with are children with Autism.
The Art of Storytelling: 5 Tips on Crafting Compelling Storylines
Tips and resources to help you craft compelling storylines and draft dynamic dialogue.
Building Great Learners Starts With Reading
Since its inception in April 2014, the Ready to Read program has provided more than 4,000 parents and childcare providers with free kits and training, impacting the lives of more than 10,000 children.
6 Ways to Celebrate National Poetry Month
Find poetic inspiration during National Poetry Month.
Colorful and Informative Nonfiction Picture Books Curious Kids Will Be Wild About
Curious kids will definitely love the amazing illustrations and educational content found throughout the picture books in this blog post.
Let’s Talk About Facebook and Social Media Privacy
With recent news heavily focused on Facebook and user data, we decided to weigh in on the subject by shedding a little light into the world of social media privacy.
Library Joins Local Steel Company to Strengthen Workforce
The Library is proud to partner with Foundation Steel offering technology and language training in order to strengthen the local workforce - and so far, it's produced highly successful results!
Let’s Get Creative! Nonfiction Books for Masters and Enthusiasts Alike
Explore a variety of resources designed to spark artistic inspiration.
I Hope My Kids Are Accepted to Hogwarts
Why science fiction and fantasy books are some of the best for your child to read.
Celebrating Our Creativity Lab’s One Year Anniversary
On Saturday, Feb. 24 at 2 p.m., we hope you will join us in celebration of the Creativity Lab’s first anniversary.
Research 101: Using Library Databases to Find Scholarly Sources
Research with TLCPL is now easier then ever before! By utilizing our research option on the homepage, library users can explore a world of databases that offer appropriate, scholarly resources fit for use in class assignments.
5 Tips to Improve Your Writing Skills
Get tips and resources designed to help improve your writing skills.
Memoir Writing Resources
Everyone has a story to tell. If you would like to tell your story, we have memoir writing resources to help.
Lights, Camera, Action! GoPro Video Camera Kits from Your Local Library
The GoPro Action Camera has become very popular because it's easy to use and produces high quality photos and movies. Continue reading to explore creative ways you can use the kits we have available for checkout.
Welcoming Week: What It Is, Why It’s Important
Launched in 2009, Welcoming Week is a national initiative aimed at bringing citizens closer together.
Gearing up for ACT and SAT Tests
The college admissions process can be a bit daunting, but your Library is here to help with a variety of test prep resources.
Want Free Stuff? Get The Card!
September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month. Let's take a look at all of the amazing things that come along with being a card holder!
Storytime Blastoff
Rev your engines and zoom into your local library for Fall storytimes!
Explore Your Toledo Area Metroparks
Do you know what the Toledo area Metroparks hold inside? Explore notable features and related books to get your next nature fix.
Celebrating YOUR Success!
It's always a great day at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library when we're able to celebrate the success of our customers!
Total (Solar) Eclipse of the Heart
We're about to witness history folks - by way of the Great American Eclipse! Mark your calendars for August 21, and join us for solar eclipse viewing safety workshops.
An LGBTQ Reading List for Children & Young Adults
June is GLTB Book Month, and Toledo Library is offering a list of books for young readers that explore the LGBTQ experience!
Kids in the Kitchen
Featuring library and web resources to help you and your family with creative culinary creations.
Babytime Rocks!
Where can you find a wild party on a weekday morning? Look no further than Babytime!
Celebrate Earth Day: Raising Children to be Environmental Stewards
This Earth Day take the time to start a conversation about environmental stewardship. Teaching kids about the need to preserve and protect our environment can be a process that is fun and educational for everyone involved.
Back To School For YA
For all Young Adult readers heading back to school this month, it’s time to hit the books. Here are some great extra-curricular reads to check out.
Crazy About Jane
The great thing about Jane Austen’s work is that it’s easy to find something to love, because she writes with sincerity and humanity with a dash of wit thrown in from time to time to keep us on our toes. It's no wonder people around the world are crazy about Jane Austen to this day.
Back to School Book Lists
Is your child experiencing the back to school jitters? Check out our list of books to help kids deal with everything from riding the bus for the first time to making new friends at school!
Using Mindfulness to Help Kids Destress
Practicing mindfulness can benefit both parent and child - reducing stress and anxiety.
Celebrate Shark Week with These Sharkalicious Selections
Shark week is almost here! We have a variety of sharkalicious suggestions for kids of all ages fascinated with these toothsome creatures.
Summer Reads For School-Aged Kids
Are the kids in your house looking for something to read this summer? Here are a few suggestions to help get them started!
Making A Difference With Make U Mobile Art Labs
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library presented numerous Make U Mobile Art Lab programs in 2016 and have many more scheduled for this summer. Continue reading to learn more.
Strategies for Success: Top 5 Blogging Tips
Anyone can blog, but what makes a blog successful? That’s the question. Why does one blog take off and another fail? Blogging isn’t just about putting something out there – the secret to success – is providing content people are actually interested in checking out. Give ‘em what they want!
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