Better Toledo | Nine Steps to Unleash Your Energy with EQ
Sponsored by Real Good Ventures
(Th) October 3 | 3 — 5 p.m. | Main Library
EQ skills are vital to adapting your natural behavioral drives. This program will help you understand the top 9 EQ skills that are most important to your success and a plan to develop them.
Better Toledo | Cultural Invisibility by Jessica Vallejo
(Th) November 7 | 3 — 5 p.m. | Main Library
Jessica Vallejo from the Committee of 500 Years of Dignity and Resistance discussing the impact of Cultural Invisibility on the Indigenous community
Better Toledo | Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
Presented by Anna Toney and sponsored by Leadership Toledo
(Th) December 5 | 3 — 4:30 p.m. | Main Library
From the research of James Kouzes and Barry Posner's "The Leadership Challenge," explore the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership and how these practices can be put into motion in daily life.