To keep our Library safe and welcoming, we ask all Library visitors to read and follow rules and guidelines.
I will:
- Hold harmless and indemnify the Library, its Board, officers, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including attorney fees) arising out of or related to the borrower’s use or misuse, whether directly or indirectly, of the borrowed materials or use of library spaces. The borrower acknowledges that they are responsible for the proper care and use of the borrowed materials and Library spaces. This clause shall survive the termination of the borrower’s use of materials and library spaces.
- Report a lost/stolen card immediately and not allow others to use my account.
- Pay all charges for lost or damaged materials borrowed on this card.
- Monitor all material my child selects and borrows with this account.
- Accept full responsibility for any data accessed through the Library’s Internet connection.
- Comply with the Library’s behavioral policies.
This organization shall be called “The Board of Trustees of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library” existing by virtue of Chapter 3375 of the Ohio Revised Code and exercising the powers and authority and assuming the responsibilities vested in it by law.
Section 1
The officers shall be a president, vice president, and a secretary, elected from among the appointed trustees at the annual meeting of the Board.
Section 2
At least one month prior to the annual meeting, the president shall appoint a Nominating Committee, which shall present a slate of officers at the annual meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. A majority of the whole Board shall be required to elect.
Section 3
Officers shall serve a term of one year and until their successors are duly elected.
Section 4
The president shall preside at all meetings of the Board, authorize calls for any special meetings, appoint all committees, sign all warrants and checks, serve as ex-officio member of all committees, and generally perform such other duties as are associated with the office.
Section 5
The vice president, in the event of the absence or disability of the president, or of a vacancy in that office, shall assume and perform the duties and functions of the president.
Section 6
The secretary shall be responsible for a true and accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Board and for such other duties as may be required. In the absence of the secretary, the president shall appoint another person to serve as secretary pro tempore.
Section 1
The regular meetings of the Board shall be held monthly on a schedule to be determined by the Board.
Section 2
The regular meeting in January shall be the annual meeting, at which time the election of officers shall be held.
Section 3
Special meetings may be called at the direction of the president or at the request of two members of the Board.
Section 4
All regular and special meetings shall be open to the public in accordance with Ohio’s Public Records and Open Meetings laws (collectively known as the “Sunshine Laws”), and the order of business shall include an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board.
Section 5
Four members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 6
Conduct of meetings shall be governed by the latest revised edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 1
The president shall appoint committees of two or more members for each specific purpose as may be required.
Section 2
There shall be four standing committees appointed annually during the month following the election of officers. These committees shall be Buildings and Grounds, Community Relations and Services, Finance, and Personnel.
Section 3
The Buildings and Grounds Committee shall advise on matters of acquisition, maintenance, security, remodeling, construction, disposition, etc. pertaining to Library buildings, grounds and major equipment.
Section 4
The Community Relations and Services Committee shall concern itself with the Library’s role as a public service agency and its relationship to community partners, government officials and agencies, and other community stakeholders.
Section 5
The Finance Committee shall advise the Fiscal officer on financial policies, expenditures, deposits, and investments of funds. It shall present annually an appropriations schedule and a budget request for the consideration of the Board.
Section 6
The Personnel Committee shall advise the Director regarding the personnel administration in regard to policies, wages, fringe benefits, working conditions, staff expansions and reductions, etc., making recommendations of policy changes to the Board.
Section 7
No committee will have other than advisory powers unless, by suitable action of the Board, it is granted specific power to act.
Section 1
The Board shall appoint a qualified library director who shall be the executive and administrative officer of the Library on behalf of the Board.
Section 2
The Director shall be held responsible for the management of the Library, including supervision of the staff, care and maintenance of Library property, adequate and appropriate selection of both print and non-print materials, efficiency and effectiveness of Library service to the public, development of plans for improvements in services and facilities, and financial operations within the limitations of the adopted appropriation.
Section 3
Ordinary operating expenditures may be incurred with approval of the Director, without prior consent of the Board. Such expenditures, except for binding and materials orders, shall not exceed $100,000 per order. Whenever feasible, competitive bids shall be acquired for purchases and/or repairs.
Section 4
The Director is authorized to make staff appointments or terminations subject to Board confirmation.
Section 5
The Director shall submit a monthly report to the Board on the status of the Library.
Section 1
The Board shall, at the annual meeting, designate a Fiscal Officer, who shall be treasurer of all Library funds. A bond, in an amount approved by the Board, shall be executed for the faithful performance of the Fiscal Officer’s official duties.
Section 2
The Fiscal Officer shall be responsible for the supervision of all Library funds, shall sign all warrants and checks (along with the president), and shall perform such other duties as are required by law.
Section 3
The Fiscal Officer shall take care at all times that appropriations in the various funds are not exceeded.
Section 4
Monthly and annual reports shall be submitted to the Board on the financial condition of the Library.
Section 5
A Deputy Fiscal Officer shall also be named at the annual meeting and shall be bonded. In the absence of the Fiscal Officer, the Deputy is authorized to perform the Fiscal Officer’s duties.
Section 1
An Affirmative vote of the majority of all members of the Board present at the time shall be required to approve any action before the Board unless otherwise provided by law or Board policy. The president may vote upon and may move or second a proposal before the Board.
Section 2
The Bylaws may be amended by the majority vote of the whole Board (4) provided that written notice of the proposed amendment has been mailed to all members at least ten days prior to the meeting at which the vote is to be taken.
Adopted April 19, 1979
Amended March, 1985
Amended December, 1998
Updated Dec. 2020
Purpose of Collection Development Policy
This policy guides the selection, evaluation and maintenance of the general collection. It is the goal of the Library to provide a collection of books and other materials in a variety of formats and languages for all ages that is responsive to the needs and interests of the community and is reflective of its diversity.
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library fully endorses the principles documented in the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement of the American Library Association.
Responsibility for Selection
The authority and responsibility for the selection of Library materials rests ultimately with the executive director. Under his/her direction, selection is delegated to professional collection development staff. All staff members and the public are encouraged to recommend materials for consideration.
The Library recognizes that some materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some customers. Selection of materials will not be made on the basis of anticipated approval or disapproval but solely on the basis of principles set forth in the Collection Development Policy.
Responsibility for reading and the use of the Library by children rests with their parents or legal guardians. At no time will Library staff act in loco parentis. Selection of materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that they may come into the possession of children.
Selection Criteria
To build a diversified collection, which supports the Library’s mission, the following objective criteria are used. These criteria apply to purchased and donated materials. The following criteria will guide selection; however, an item need not meet all the criteria to be selected:
- Public demand (current and anticipated), interest or need
- Accurate and authoritative information
- Price
- Historical or cultural significance to Toledo or Northwest Ohio
- Critical reviews or publicity
- Duplication of content in other formats
- Format appropriate for public use
- Currency of information
- Contemporary significance or permanent value
- Availability of material elsewhere within our state library lending partner’s collections
Gift Policy
The Library encourages the interest and involvement of citizens and organizations in its service program through contributions of book or non-book materials for collections; appropriate gifts which will enhance the physical environment; and bequests, trusts or donations of monetary or other assets for Library purposes.
Gifts of miscellaneous books or other materials are accepted with the understanding that items which are not added to collections will be disposed of at the discretion of the Library. Any proceeds derived from such disposal may be used at the discretion of the administration for library improvement or staff development.
See Gift Policy for more detailed information about giving gifts and donations to the Library.
Self-Published Materials
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library is often asked to include items that are written and/or published independently. This can include materials that are self-published or items published through a vanity press company. The Library looks for material with regional connections and collection relevance that will appeal to a wide audience. The best way to bring an item to the Library’s attention is through the Local Author Submission.
Materials must meet the Library’s Collection Development Policy. If accepted, a single copy of the work will be added to the collection. Authors’ works will be a part of a floating collection and are subject to current weeding policies and procedures. Acceptance of an author’s/artist’s work does not guarantee that we will buy additional copies, nor purchase them directly through the author/artist.
Collection Maintenance
Ongoing and regular withdrawal of materials is required to keep collections current, attractive, and responsive to community needs. Space is limited and the importance of an item to a collection can change over time. An item’s physical condition can deteriorate, its content can become obsolete, and crowded shelves make it necessary to discard items of limited use.
Criteria for Withdrawal
Library staff considers the following criteria in choosing materials for withdrawal:
- Worn or badly damaged materials
- Frequency of use
- Superseded editions or obsolete items and formats
- Availability of other titles on the subject
- Local interest/historical significance
- Importance to Toledo Lucas County Public Library’s core collections
- Availability online or elsewhere
- Classic or basic work in the field
Citizen’s Request for Reconsideration of Library Material
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library Board of Trustees and staff realize that the Library, acting to serve the residents of the community, will add materials to its collection that may be deemed controversial. For this reason, we have developed a standard procedure for the public to aid in any criticism of Library materials.
This procedure is as follows:
- Pick up a Citizen’s Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form at a customer service desk. A customer may make no more than three requests for reconsideration per month.
- Fill out the form. No comment will be considered without inclusion of name, address and phone number. You may turn in the completed form to any customer service desk or mail to:
Toledo Lucas County Public Library
Collection Development Coordinator/Technical Services
325 Michigan St.
Toledo, OH 43604
The Coordinator and pertinent staff will evaluate the item in accordance with the Library’s Collection Development Policy and decide whether the Library will retain the item. A response letter from the Coordinator will be mailed within four weeks indicating his/her decision.
Approved by the Board of Trustees – July 2019
Ohio Revised Code
Section 149-43-2. Release of library record or patron information.
(A) As used in this section:
(1) “Library” means a library that is open to the public, including any of the following:
(a) A library that is maintained and regulated under section 715.13 of the Revised Code;
(b) A library that is created, maintained, and regulated under Chapter 3375 of the Revised Code;
(c) A library that is created and maintained by a public or private school, college, university, or other educational institution;
(d) A library that is created and maintained by a historical or charitable organization, institution, association, or society.
“Library” includes the members of the governing body and the employees of a library.
(2) “Library record” means a record in any form that is maintained by a library and that contains any of the following types of information:
(a) Information that the library requires an individual to provide in order to be eligible to use library services or borrow materials;
(b) Information that identifies an individual as having requested or obtained specific materials or materials on a particular subject;
(c) Information that is provided by an individual to assist a library staff member to answer a specific question or provide information on a particular subject.
“Library record” does not include information that does not identify any individual and that is retained for the purpose of studying or evaluating the use of a library and its materials and services.
(3) Subject to division (B)(5) of this section, “patron information” means personally identifiable information about an individual who has used any library service or borrowed any library materials.
(4) “Internet” has the same meaning as in section 3517.106 [3517.10.6] of the Revised Code.
(B) A library shall not release any library record or disclose any patron information except in the following situations:
(1) If a library record or patron information pertaining to a minor child is requested from a library by the minor child’s parent, guardian, or custodian, the library shall make that record or information available to the parent, guardian, or custodian in accordance with division (B) of section 149.43 of the Revised Code.
(2) Library records or patron information shall be released in the following situations:
(a) In accordance with a subpoena, search warrant, or other court order;
(b) To a law enforcement officer who is acting in the scope of the officer’s law enforcement duties and who is investigating a matter involving public safety in exigent circumstances.
(3) A library record or patron information shall be released upon the request or with the consent of the individual who is the subject of the record or information.
(4) Library records may be released for administrative library purposes, including establishment or maintenance of a system to manage the library records or to assist in the transfer of library records from one records management system to another, compilation of statistical data on library use, and collection of fines and penalties.
(5) A library may release under division (B) of section 149.43 of the Revised Code records that document improper use of the internet at the library so long as any patron information is removed from those records. As used in division (B)(5) of this section, “patron information” does not include information about the age or gender of an individual.
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library is committed to protecting the privacy of all who use its services in compliance with Ohio state laws and professional standards related to the personal information of Library users.
Data privacy and Third-Party Vendors
Toledo Lucas County Public Library uses third-party vendors to provide digital content, including eBooks, digital audiobooks, movies, music, online resources and more. Some of these vendors may collect and share the personally identifiable information (PII) you choose to provide them in order to use their services. You can choose not to use these third-party vendors.
The information that could be collected by third-party vendors may include:
- When you register with the third-party vendor, provide feedback and suggestions, request information or create shared content
- Internet address (IP address), search history, location-based data and device information
- Non-personally identifiable information, such as your ad views, analytics, browser information, cookie data, date/time of your request, demographic data, hardware/software type, interaction data, serving domains, page views and the web page you visited immediately prior to visiting the site
- Other data as described in the vendor’s privacy policy and terms of use
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library’s Personal Information System Policy does not apply to the third-party vendors we use. We suggest you review the privacy statements for individual third-party vendors to decide if you agree to their terms.
Approved by the Board of Trustees – February 2020
The Library Executive Director/Fiscal Officer is authorized by the Board of Trustees to dispose of library materials, furniture, supplies, or equipment that staff have determined are no longer functional or useful. The Executive Director/Fiscal Officer or their designee, may discard, sell, recycle, or donate such items. Any funds that the Library receives from the sale of the materials, furniture, supplies, or equipment shall be deposited into the Library’s General Fund.
With the approval of the Executive Director/Fiscal Officer and when an item is no longer functional or useful to the Library, it may be disposed of in the following manner:
- Items may be sold through a publicly advertised sale, auction including an online auction, sold to the general public by negotiated private sale, sealed bid, or public sale.
- Items not sold may be discarded or recycled at the discretion of the Executive Director/Fiscal Officer.
- An item may be donated by the Executive Director/Fiscal Officer. If an item is to be donated, it shall be donated to other public and non-profit organizations whose mission is in line with the mission of the Library, or to an organization who is better qualified to house the item.
- The Executive Director/Fiscal Officer is authorized to accept trade in allowances on any vehicle or equipment that is being replaced or upgraded for which a trade in allowance is offered.
- All software licenses, personal protection information, sensitive data and identifiable labels will be removed from all electronic devices prior to the sale, donation, or salvage process taking place.
All items considered unusual, cultural, historic, and/or artistic shall be inventoried in the library’s asset management system in the Finance Office. If an item in this category is determined by the Executive Director/Fiscal Officer to be either a surplus item or item outside the scope of the Library’s work, the Library will seek the services of a professional appraiser or outside expert opinion to identify its significance and value. The Library may dispose of the item in the following manner:
- Results of appraisal or expert opinion shall be forwarded to the Executive Director/Fiscal Officer for review and be kept in the Finance Office.
- After reviewing any possible gift agreements and their stipulations for disposal, these items may be sold through an auction, including an online auction, publicly advertised for sale, sold to the general public by negotiated private sale, sealed bid, public sale, or donation. The item shall then be removed from the Library’s asset management system in the Finance Office.
A list of any inventoried items that are being sold, discarded, recycled, or donated shall be provided to the Executive Director/Fiscal Officer and the Finance Office.
Approved by the Board of Trustees 07/22/2010, Revised Policy approved September 22, 2022
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library is proudly:
- Open to all
- A judgement-free place for everyone
- Shared by the community
- Used by many different people for many different reasons
- A cornerstone of the community, inspiring lifelong learning, providing universal access to a broad range of information, ideas, and entertainment.
We Expect Customers To:
- Respect the comfort and safety of fellow Library customers and staff. If your behavior is making others unsafe or uncomfortable, we’ll ask you to stop.
- Comply with requests from Library staff. If you don’t, we reserve the right to suspend privileges and/or access.
- Comply with local, state and federal laws and applicable health and safety regulations as mandated or recommended by local, state, or federal health officials.
- Respect the privacy of all who visit the Library. If you are taking pictures or filming for personal use, please review and adhere to the Library’s Photography and Videography Policy.
- Practice idea sharing and the respectful exchange of dialogue. The Library will not tolerate speech or suggested actions that could be interpreted as hateful or egregious. This would include threatening language that encourages violence or bodily harm, or creates mental and emotional distress to community members.
If you feel that someone or something is making your experience here uncomfortable or unsafe, please let a staff member know.
Behavior Guidelines
The following actions and behaviors are prohibited in the Library:
- Inappropriate dress. i.e., no shirt, no shoes.
- Creating unreasonable noise or mess.
- Smoking, including electronic smoking devices.
- Sleeping.
- Loitering.
- Offensive and pervasive odors, which are a nuisance to patrons and staff.
- Bringing pets into the Library with the exception of service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Soliciting, panhandling, gambling for personal profits.
- Monopolizing or obstructing Library space, including the entry.
- Improper use of Library facilities and/or equipment, to include but not limited to: bathing, shaving, or washing clothes.
- Violating Library policies and/or guidelines, including the Suspension Guidelines.
- To help protect Library resources, we may ask to inspect briefcases, bags and other packages upon leaving the Library.
- Children and teens (ages 0-16) are welcome in Library buildings and are expected to understand and follow the Behavior Guidelines. The safety of all Library customers and their ability to use Library services without disruption is the priority of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library. Children and teens who can understand and follow the Behavior Guidelines and who can care for themselves may be in the Library unsupervised. The responsibility for the safety and behavior of children in the Library always rests with the parent or caregiver and not with the Library staff. Library staff cannot act in place of parents or caregivers.
- Parents and/or responsible caregivers (age 13 or older) are accountable for their children’s behavior while in the Library. Parents and/or responsible caregivers must remain within sight and conversational distance of their children age 4 and younger. All children and teens should have contact information for someone who can assist them in an emergency.
- Any person committing a criminal act on Library premises (including violating local ordinances, state and/or federal laws, applicable health and safety regulations as mandated or recommended by local, state, or federal health officials), or using Library resources, in violation of the law, including acts of vandalism or theft, may be subject to prosecution.
Suspensions and Evictions
Customers who fail to abide by the Library’s policies are subject to suspension of their Library privileges and/or eviction from Library facilities.
Evictions or suspensions of privileges will be determined by the Director of Public Services or other appropriate personnel. Youth 13 and younger may be able to continue to access Library services during their suspension with parent/guardian supervision. A customer may appeal such a determination by sending a written objection within seven days of being notified of the determination to: Toledo Lucas County Public Library, Main Library Director of Public Services, 325 Michigan St. Toledo, OH 43604. The Executive Director or the Director of Public Services have the power to affirm, modify or revoke any suspension or eviction.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Approved by the Board of Trustees – June 2009 and updated – August 2021
Patrons who fail to abide by the Library’s policies are subject to suspension of their Library privileges and/or eviction from Library facilities. A patron may appeal an eviction by sending a written objection to the attention of the Director of Public Services (325 Michigan St., Toledo, OH 43604) within seven days of being notified of the eviction. The Director of Public Services has the power to affirm, modify, or revoke any suspension or eviction.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library, hereafter referred to as the “Library,” encourages the interest and involvement of citizens and organizations in its services through contributions of physical materials, appropriate gifts which will enhance the Library, and bequests, trusts, or donations of monetary or other assets for Library purposes. The gift must also be in a manner consistent with the requirements of O.R.C. 3375.40(K) and accepted pursuant to the adoption of a resolution as required by the statute. The Library also reserves the right to refuse a gift.
Physical Materials:
Gifts of physical materials, such as books, artwork, objects of historical significance, etc. may be accepted at the discretion of the Library. The board of trustees and/or director may determine to consider, on an ad hoc basis, whether to receive a gift.
Acceptance of these materials is subject to the following conditions:
- Donor must have the full authority to give the gift without any reservations or outside interests.
- While the Library cannot promise the temporary or permanent exhibition of any object, the Library does promise to thoughtfully work to display and/or use the physical materials in a circumspect manner with the donors wishes in mind.
- Any gift becomes wholly the property of the Library. The donor understands that items which are not added to a Library collection or later removed from a collection can be disposed of at the discretion of the Library.
- If an item is not added to a collection or is later removed from a collection, the donor understands it can be sold with proceeds being used to benefit the Library and/or affinity organization of the Library.
- While the Library is under no obligation to store or conserve any object, those added to a collection will be maintained at the highest level possible in accordance with Library standards for that particular type of item.
- The Library will acknowledge all gifts with a formal receipt but will not assign a monetary value to the gift.
- The donor must waive all liability against the Library for any possible cause of action or claims concerning the gift.
- Donor must have the full authority to give the gift without any reservations or outside interests.
- The gift becomes wholly the property of the Library and may be used or sold at the discretion of the Library.
- If the property is sold, the proceeds will be used to benefit the Library and/or affinity organization.
- The donor must waive all liability against the Library for any possible cause of action or claim concerning the gift.
Real Estate:
Gifts of real estate shall be referred to the director for acceptance in consultation with the appropriate finance committee of the board of trustees.
Acceptance of real estate is subject to the following conditions:
- Donor must have the full authority to give the gift without any reservations or outside interests.
- The gift becomes wholly the property of the Library and may be used or sold at the discretion of the Library.
- If the property is sold, the proceeds will be used to benefit the Library and/or affinity organization.
- The donor must waive all liability against the Library for any possible cause of action or claim concerning the gift.
Monetary Gifts:
Monetary gifts are accepted by the Library Legacy Foundation and will be managed by the Library’s development department.
The Library is committed to continuous improvement of its services for and with the Toledo and Lucas County community. As such, it uses specific types of information to achieve its mission, vision and strategic goals. Taken together, this information is called “institutional data.”
The Library is guided by the values of accountability, objectivity and integrity in the provision of public services. These values speak to the need for openness and responsibility in its information curating practices. As such, the Library upholds the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights position statement regarding users’ reasonable expectation to confidentiality and privacy.
“Institutional data” is information created, collected, maintained, transmitted or recorded in ordinary operations for the Library to improve its services, collections, programs, spaces and customer experiences. It includes
- Data used for planning, managing and assessing Library operations in an ongoing and formative manner to meet its mission, vision and strategic plan
- Metrics created, collected, maintained and reported as required for the State Library of Ohio Annual Report (SLO), Public Library of America’s Public Library Data Service (PLDS) and the International Federation of Library Association and Institutions Annual Statistical Survey (IFLA)
- Aggregated, anonymous data collected in surveys or via digital analytics directly related to services.
It does not include personal data which is information created, collected, maintained, transmitted or recorded by personal or library-owned devices, media or systems that is personal in nature and not related to Library business.
Privacy, Collection and Uses of Information
The Library does not collect, store, maintain or use any personal information from customers or staff without obtaining their permission to do so. Personal information that is collected with permission is limited to what is necessary for the proper administration of the Library, only used for the intended purpose for which it was collected and is not stored beyond its intended use.
Non-personal, non-identifiable, aggregated information is used by the Library for ordinary administration and institutional accountability. Access to and security of institutional data is limited to those Library staff as determined by the executive director whose roles and responsibilities require it in the ordinary provision of service and consistent with its intended purpose at the time of collection.
On occasion, the Library may partner with other public service agencies, educational institutions or funders beyond what is required for the SLO, PLDS and IFLA where aggregated data may be shared in order to refine services or collaboratively address a community-identified priority. No personal information would be shared without explicit consent acquired.
Choice and Consent
Choice means giving users options as to how any personal information collected may be used. Provision of many Library services requires the collection and retention of personally identifiable information. Whether this is required (e.g., in order to circulate library material), automatic (e.g., as in some web-based library services) or voluntary (e.g., when engaging in a survey), this information is retained only as long as is necessary to fulfill the function for which it was initially acquired.
For expedience and service of users, the library has adopted an “opt-in” approach for aggregated data. This means that by using Library spaces, materials and services, the default is consent for non-personalized information to be gathered (e.g., number of people entering the building in a day, number of people using a website/database, etc.). Where personally identifying information is requested, consent—verbal, paper or digital—is required at the point of collection. This includes, but is not limited to, customer service surveys, focus groups or other qualitative service-improvement information.
Approved by the Board of Trustees – February 2020
Use and Attribution
Users of all digital resources are encouraged to cite and link to digital content and are free to do so without asking for permission. All materials are available for download from Ohio Memory, or other Library digital distribution platforms, for personal research purposes. Toledo Lucas County Public Library does not have authority to grant or deny permissions to use images from materials that are in the public domain. When a user seeks to utilize materials that have been identified as under copyright protection, the user is responsible for identifying and securing the necessary permissions from the copyright holder to utilize the materials. Where uses of digital resources are permitted either because the materials do not have copyright protection, or appropriate permissions have been secured from rights holders, we request that TLCPL be attributed as the source of the digital images with the addition of “courtesy of Toledo Lucas County Public Library” to the citation, and that links to the digital images be included where possible.
TLCPL works to provide an array of archival and access services in order to preserve the history of Toledo and Lucas County. All objects in the archive are either in the public domain, have the necessary permissions from donors to make the materials available, or are shared as part of a fair-use calculation. TLCPL only provides access to those materials where permitted by law or by the rights holder. Frequently, the Library does not own the copyright for materials from our collections and cannot grant copyright permissions for these materials. When seeking to use materials under copyright protection, you need to make your own assessment of the copyright or other legal concerns related to uses beyond those provided by the Toledo Lucas County Public Library for particular works.
Please Note: This policy has been adapted from those that HathiTrust makes available under a CC-BY license.
Library Generated Digital Resources
All intellectual property generated by the Toledo Lucas County Public Library, and the agents and personnel of that organization, to which a copyright would apply and to which TLCPL would own the intellectual property rights are uniformly published under a Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain dedication (
Take-Down Policy
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library makes every effort to ensure that it has appropriate rights to provide access to digital content. In those cases where the rights are unclear (e.g., when we encounter copyright information that, relative to the work in hand, is ambiguous or contradictory), we archive but do not provide access to the work. Where possible, the Toledo Lucas County Public Library secures rights to use works that are in copyright. Parties who have questions or who wish to contest the use of specific works may contact the Digitization Services team at or:
Toledo Lucas County Public Library Main Library
Local History and Genealogy Department
c/o Supervisor Digitization Services
325 Michigan Street
Toledo, Ohio 43604
With all such communications, please include:
A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner. NOTE: If an agent is providing the notification, also include a statement that the agent is authorized to act on behalf of the owner.
Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the Library to locate the material. Providing URLs in your communication is the best way to help us locate content quickly.
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library will respond to all correspondence as expeditiously as possible. If the Library is not able to determine within three business days that the Library is permitted to use the work(s) in question, the Library will cease providing access to the work until or unless it can determine that such uses are permitted. The Library may work with the Lucas County Prosecutor’s Office to make determinations about appropriate use. Depending on these determinations, the Library may restrict access to the work(s) in question or remove them from its systems. Removing the work(s) in question will result in the Library ceasing to provide long-term preservation resources to the digitized content.
Please Note: This policy has been adapted from those that HathiTrust makes available under a CC-BY license.
Approved by the Board of Trustees – February 2020
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library provides our community with open and equitable access to resources that inform, entertain and enrich to support lifelong learning.
The Library provides access to the Internet as one means of fulfilling its mission to provide informational and educational resources to its community. The Internet is an unregulated medium, and its content can change rapidly and unpredictably. Users are hereby notified that they are responsible for the sites they reach.
As with other materials, restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. Library staff is available to provide assistance and to help identify appropriate sites. The user, however, is the selector in using the Internet with individual choices and decisions.
- Users must refrain from displaying profanity, sexually explicit graphics or other sites that violate community standards as set forth in the U.S. Code Sec. 1460 of Title 18 and the U.S. Code Sec. 2256 of Title 18.
- Users must comply with the United States copyright laws and all other applicable laws.
- Users shall not use the Internet for the transmission of threatening or harassing materials.
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library complies with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), which mandates that access to the Internet be filtered for the protection of those under the age of 17.
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect arising from use of its World Wide Web site or from its connections to other Internet services.
Approved by the Board of Trustees – June 2009
I. Language Access Policy
The policy of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library (TLCPL) is to provide English language learners (ELL) timely, meaningful access to services and activities.
TLCPL personnel provide free language assistance services to ELL individuals they encounter or whenever an ELL requests language assistance services. TLCPL will inform members of the public that language assistance services are available free of charge to ELL persons and that TLCPL will provide these services to them.
II. Purpose and Authority
In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, this policy establishes guidelines for providing language-accessible services to individuals that are limited English Proficient and/or Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
III. Assessment
- Number or proportion of ELL people eligible to be served:
- Approximately 25,784 people in Lucas County speak a language other than English
2020: ACS 5-Year Estimates: Table S1601 Language Spoken at Home
- Approximately 6,833 people in Lucas County are ELL (they report speaking English “less than very well”).
- The largest ELL populations in Lucas County are comprised of people that speak Spanish (2,570), Chinese (908), and Arabic (1,192).
- The frequency with which ELL individuals encounter TLCPL staff:
- TLCPL staff may interact with ell individuals in-person, telephonically, or electronically.
- TLCPL tracks language assistance service requests from individuals.
IV. Notice of Available Services
TLCPL informs members of the public about the availability of language assistance services by:
- Placing signs in all locations that state that free language assistance is available
- Using “I Speak” language identification cards, which are available to all frontline staff
- Including and making this language access policy and plan available to the public.
V. The Plan-Procedures for Language Services
- Interpretation
Telephonic/video remote interpreters- TLCPL contracts with language assistance providers to provide ELL individuals interpretation services.
Staff are trained on how to request interpreters and when in doubt, can contact the New American Services Librarian.
New staff will be trained on the full array of language access services upon hiring and all staff will receive a review training on language access services annually.
Prohibition against using children as interpreters- Staff are prohibited from using minor children to interpret, absent emergency circumstances. Customers will be advised of their right to an interpreter at no cost to them.
- Translation
TLCPL will provide written translation of vital documents for each ELL language group that constitutes 5 percent or 1,000 persons, whichever is less, of the population of persons eligible to be served. Translation of other documents, if needed, can be provided orally; or if there are fewer than 50 persons in a language group that reach the 5 percent trigger, TLCPL may not translate vital written materials but will provide written notice in the primary language of the ELL group of the right to receive competent oral interpretation of those written materials, free of charge.
Vital documents to be translated are the Library card application, overview of services, and major educational initiatives such as Summer Read.
TLCPL’s website can be translated via individual browser language selection.
- Other services offered with Language Access capabilities:
- Sign language interpreters
- Catalog
- My account- website (Spanish)
- Lockers
- Propio translation services
- Databases- such as Libby, Mango, and Transparent Languages
- Welcome TLC newsletter
- ESOL partnership
- Scanners can translate into many languages. And the scanner interface itself can swap languages.
- Outreach
TLCPL will conduct outreach in a manner that is inclusive of ELL individuals. As necessary and as resources permit TLCPL will:
- Continue as an active stakeholder and member of the Welcome Toledo Lucas County team that promotes language access and advocates for language inclusive processes county-wide.
- Work with community-based organizations and other stakeholders to inform ELL individuals of TLCPL services and activities, including the availability of language assistance services.
- Develop community resources, partnerships, and other relationships to help with the provision of ELL
- Provide notices about the available language services and how to obtain them.
- Staff and Training
Public Services will coordinate mandatory training for employees that cover language access. Training will occur regularly. Topics that may be covered in the training include:
- The Language Access policy and plan
- How to provide language assistance services to ELL individuals
- How to obtain and work with interpreters
- How to request the translation of written documents into other languages
- How to access existing language access resources
New staff will be trained on the full array of language access services upon hiring and all staff will receive a review training on language access services annually.
- Ongoing Assessment/Improvement
On an annual basis TLCPL’s New American Services Librarian will:
- Review the language access policy, assessment, and plan
- Review the ELL program data, uses of available services
- Review the vendors providing translation and interpretation services
- Review data to obtain information on potential additional language needs
- Obtain updated ELL data for the service area if its available from the US Census Bureau
- Share with Public Service Administration any necessary changes and notate date of review/changes made
A complaint regarding the denial of language accessible services, or regarding the quality of language accessible services, including interpreters or translated materials, may be made in person, or in writing.
After completing the above steps, TLCPL will determine if any action is necessary and work with relevant staff to make changes.
Approved by the Board of Trustees June 23, 2022
I understand that by borrowing a laptop from the Toledo Lucas County Public Library I am responsible for the computer and all its components (hardware and software). A parent or guardian must sign this loan agreement in person for any juvenile card holder to be eligible to borrow a laptop. I will reimburse the Library for any damages if the laptop or any software or apps installed thereon is damaged, lost or stolen while checked out to me. The cost of replacing a laptop is $1,400.
I understand / agree:
- Laptops are for in-facility use only and can only be used in public areas of the library.
- I will not alter any settings or configurations on any device.
- I will not save information to the device.
- I must supply a data storage device compatible with the device to store my data.
- The loan period for borrowing a laptop is 3 hours.
- Devices must be returned to library staff at least 15 minutes prior to library closing, even if this does not allow me to use the device for the entire loan period.
- The Library will not be held responsible for any damage or loss of data or media due to any cause while using a library computer.
- I understand that Library wireless connections are not secure, and I will take appropriate caution with personal information while using library computers. I also understand that I am expected to abide by the same Internet Use Policy in effect for the PC workstations.
Approved by the Board of Trustees – July 2019
The primary function of display areas at all Toledo Lucas County Public Library locations is to promote its resources and programs.
If space permits, it may be used by outside organizations to post information that is cultural, civic, educational or instructional in nature to Library location.
Community newspapers will be displayed as space allows.
Businesses and for-profit groups and individuals are not permitted to advertise their goods and services, promote sales (including garage/yard sales) or place job ads.
The Library is not responsible for restocking or saving materials and reserves the right to limit the time materials are displayed. TLCPL also reserves the right to remove and discard materials at any time.
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library (TLCPL) recognizes the need to provide quality programs for all ages in keeping with the mission, vision, and goals of its strategic priorities.
Programming is an integral component of library service that:
- Expands the Library’s role as a community resource
- Introduces users and non-users to Library resources
- Offers informational, entertaining, or cultural experiences
- Provides opportunities for lifelong learning
- Expands the visibility of the library
Ultimate responsibility for programming at TLCPL rests with the Executive Director, who administers under the authority of the Board of Trustees. The Executive Director, in turn, delegates the authority for program management to the Public Services Director, who oversees this responsibility through the Youth and Adult Services Coordinators and designated staff
Library programs shall generally be voluntary, free, and open to the public. The Library’s philosophy of open access to information extends to library programming. The library does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or any other characteristics protected by local, state, and federal law.
Library staff use the following criteria in making decisions about program topics, speakers, and accompanying resources:
- Community needs and interests
- The Library’s values and strategic priorities
- Availability of program space
- Treatment of content for the intended audience
- Presentation quality
- Presenter background/qualifications in the content area
- Budget
- Safety considerations
- Relevance to community interests and issues
- Equity of programming availability across Lucas County
- Historical or educational significance
- Connection to other community programs, exhibitions, or events
- Relation to library collections, resources, exhibits, and programs
In addition, the TLCPL draws upon other community resources in developing programs and actively partners with other community agencies, organizations, educational and cultural institutions, or individuals to develop and present co-sponsored public programs. Professional performers and presenters that reflect specialized or unique expertise may be hired for programs; performers and presenters will not be excluded from consideration because of their origin, background, or views, or because of possible controversy. Library staff who present programs do so as part of their regular job and are not hired as outside contractors for programming.
Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program, or the views expressed by participants, and program topics, speakers, and resources are not excluded from programs because of possible controversy.
All Library programs are open to the public. A fee may be charged for certain types of Library programs. Registration may be required for planning purposes or when space is limited. The size of the programming space may limit the number of participants without registration. Due to limited space, we may not be able to accommodate groups at our regular public programs. Please call to register, groups may be offered an alternative program. Programs may be held on-site at any TLCPL agency, or off-site. Any sales of products at Library programs must be approved by the library and benefit TLCPL. Programs are not used for commercial, religious, or partisan purposes or the solicitation of business.
External organizations or individuals partnering with TLCPL on programs must coordinate marketing efforts with the TLCPL’s Communications and Innovations team.
TLCPL welcomes expressions of opinion from customers concerning programming. If a customer questions a library program, they should first address the concern with a Library staff member. Customers who wish to continue their request for review of Library programs may request a Request for Reconsideration form at any TLCPL location. Requests for review of programs will be considered in the same manner as requests for reconsideration of library materials as outlined in the TLCPL’s Collection Development Policy.
Approved by the Board of Trustees June 23, 2022
Item Type | How Long? | How Many? |
eMedia | Varies | Varies |
OhioLINK | Varies | 25 |
Playaway Launchpads | 7 Days | 2 |
SearchOhio | Varies | 25 |
Wonderbooks | 21 days | 6 |
All other items | 21 Days | Unlimited |
Lending Policy
Your library card is the key to unlocking the endless possibilities of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library’s collection. It’s simple to get, even easier to use, and priced so everyone can afford it.
All Ohio residents may apply for a free Toledo Lucas County Public Library card at any of our locations. Residents of other states who pay Ohio property or payroll taxes also qualify for a free library card. Proof of tax payment required.
In addition, the Toledo Lucas County Public Library offers any organization (schools, businesses, churches, non-profits) in the state of Ohio the opportunity to obtain an organization card.
While a library card is available to all who request it, use is a privilege and one that comes with responsibilities. When you register for a card, you agree to be responsible for all materials borrowed and any overdue fines and any loss or damage of Library materials. Your library card belongs to the Toledo Lucas County Public Library and may not be used by other persons. You should have it with you to borrow materials from the Library or to use the Internet. Customers under the age of 17 need the signature of a parent or guardian who must show a valid ID with current address to receive a Library Card. Both child and parent/guardian must be present. The Access Card does not require a parent’s signature. Please call 419.259.5200 for more information.
If you lose your card, notify a staff member immediately so that others do not abuse your privileges. If not reported, you are responsible for all replacement costs. If you report your card lost/stolen after items have been borrowed, you are responsible for a maximum of $50 toward the cost of the items checked out (provided you furnish a police report within 30 days of loss). Notify the Library promptly of a change of name, address or phone number.
Library Card Replacement Fees:
Adult cards = $1
Juvenile and senior cards – $.50
Lost Materials
The Library charges replacement price plus a $5 processing fee for lost materials. Replacement cost (less $5 for processing) will be refunded within 30 days of payment. To obtain refund, receipt must accompany item.
The primary purpose of all Library spaces is to provide Library service. A number of public spaces are available and appropriate for use by other individuals, groups and organizations. The following policies apply to such use.
1. Outside groups or organizations may use facilities like the conference rooms and quiet study rooms without charge during normal hours of operation by reservation. There is also limited opportunity to use the Community Room (on parking level) outside of normal Library hours. These no-cost spaces can be reserved by making a reservation through the Library’s Meeting Rooms webpage. All of these spaces are subject to availability, and functions held in these areas must be free and open to the public and follow all Library policies and practices. The Library reserves the right to cancel or deny a request.
In addition, during normal hours of operation, all Library branches have meeting rooms that may be reserved at no charge, as long as the rooms are used in accordance with Library policies and practices.
2. Main Library does offer rentable spaces, as well. Areas available for rental include: the McMaster Family Center for Lifelong Learning, the Lobby of the McMaster Center, the Large Meeting Room and the Gathering Space (just outside the Large Meeting Room). The capacity for each area is determined by the Fire Marshal. For more information, call 419.259.5199.
3. Library events take precedence over requests from outside organizations. The Library administration reserves the right to decline any request.
4. All events held at Main Library need to be conducted in an orderly manner, and in full compliance with applicable laws, regulations and Library’s Expectations of Behavior. Spaces must be used in accordance with Library policies and practices.
5. Any party desiring to rent Library facilities must complete a reservation form and must submit a floor-plan for each requested area. Costs will be calculated based on a fee structure. All forms must be received and approved by the Library a minimum of twenty working days in advance. A fifty percent deposit of the room rental is required for rentals and must be submitted upon Library’s approval of the rental. All deposits not received within 10 business days of approval may cause the renter to lose the hold on the space. Checks may be written to the Toledo Lucas County Public Library. Final payment, including any additional costs incurred, must be paid within twenty working days after the event. Any payments not received within twenty working days of the event shall be in default and subject to penalty fees.
6. Teleconference and/or A/V requirements must be submitted at the time of the application. All digital presentations must be submitted at least three working days prior to the event. Failure to do so may result in the technology not being available for use.
7. The Library reserves the right to approve the caterer, the menu, the entertainment, the schedule of activities and the decorations. These details must be included in the application. Food and beverages are permitted only in the area rented but may not be taken in to the McMaster Family Center for Lifelong Learning without prior approval and an additional security deposit received. If food/beverages are to be allowed in McMaster, a cleaning deposit of $250 will be required. The deposit will be returned if the venue is found to not need additional deep cleaning after the event.
8. Materials cannot be nailed or taped to any Library wall or structure.
9. If alcoholic beverages are to be served, special approval from Library Administration must be granted, and strict compliance with state liquor laws must be adhered to including, without limitation, a properly issued liquor license issued from the Ohio Department of Liquor Control.
All costs associated with securing a liquor license shall be at renter’s sole cost. A copy of the license must be submitted to the Library at least three working days prior to the event. The Library reserves the right to cancel the serving of alcoholic beverages at the event if the permit is not received in time.
In addition to a liquor license, if alcohol is being served, renter shall provide a Certificate of Insurance verifying insurance coverage, including applicable liquor liability coverage or endorsement, and naming the Library as an additional insured. Coverage shall be provided with limits of no less than One Million Dollars. A copy of the Certificate of Insurance must be submitted to the Library at least three working days prior to the event. The Library reserves the right to cancel the serving of alcoholic beverages at the event if the certificate is not received in time.
10. The Library reserves the right to require additional liability insurance when the Library deems appropriate, even if alcohol is not to be served, in its sole discretion, and at the sole cost of the renter. If it is deemed by the Library that the event requires additional liability insurance, a copy of the Certificate of Insurance must be submitted to the Library at least three working days prior to the event. If this is not received, the Library reserves the right to cancel the event.
11. Smoking is not allowed on Library premises, including the Civic Plaza (rooftop) and the parking garage.
12. Parking in the Library garage may be used, subject to availability, and with a fee structure to be calculated on an individual basis. Valet parking services must be approved by the Library.
13. The use of an audio-visual technician for events must be arranged through the Library and applicable fees will be assessed. Organizations are not permitted access to the McMaster Center control room or A/V technology in the Large Meeting Room under any circumstances. Attempting to do so may result in additional fees.
14. If the Library determines, in its sole discretion, that additional security is required for the event, any additional costs will be charged to the renter.
15. If there is additional set-up or clean-up required on the Library’s part, an additional fee may be incurred, at the Library’s discretion. Library staff only handles set-up and tear-down of Library owned property.
16. Load-in and load-out are to be done at times agreed upon by Library and renter and shall be performed by renter’s staff or contractors. Certificates verifying workers’ compensation and insurance coverage shall be provided for all workers. Library staff will not handle renter’s equipment. Docks are not to be tied up for any period longer than 30 minutes at any given time.
17. A written notice is required for all cancellations, and the renter must receive a confirmation from the Library to be valid. Deposits are nonrefundable if canceled within five working days of the event. If the room reservation is cancelled before five working days of the event, a $25 processing fee will still be charged. Cancellation notice of less than 48 hours of the event will still require full payment.
18. Renter agrees, at its sole expense, to defend the Library against, and to indemnify and hold the Library harmless from, any and all damages, costs, claims, suits, actions, liabilities, obligations, losses or expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, presented by any third party against renter or the Library, as a result of any personal injury, death or property damage arising from (a) the use of the Rental Area by Renter or (b) the negligence or breach of this Agreement by Renter or Renter’s employees, contractors, agents, representatives or guests.
This “Policy Statement Agreement” must be completed by an adult authorized by his/her organization to enter into this agreement, and the organization is responsible for adhering to these regulations and for the orderly conduct of the group while on Library premises. In the event of any damage to the Library and/or equipment, that individual, as well as the organization, will be liable. The applicant takes responsibility for seeing that attendance does not exceed the posted capacity of an event area, and that all/any changes to estimated quantity or set-up or event program are communicated to the Library’s Development Department – 419.259.5199.
Download the form: Main Facilities Policy And User Agreement
Approved by the Board of Trustees – July 2019
Oracal 651 24 ft by 5 ft Permanent Vinyl – $0.25 per linear inch
Siser Easyweed Heat Transfer Vinyl Sheet – $4.25 each
Plotter Large Format Printer
$1.50 per linear foot (default width is 36 inches)
Poster Printer
$0.50 per page if you bring your own paper OR
Photo Glossy Paper:
8.5×11 – $0.75 per page
11×17 – $1.50 per page
13×19 – $2.00 per page
3D Printer
$0.10 per gram ($2.86 per ounce)
Requirements for Access to Equipment
Prior to using making spaces and equipment, users must complete an orientation and register for a library card. Accounts must be considered in good standing. Prior to reserving making spaces and equipment, the borrower must review the appropriate guidelines. Independent use by those younger than 17 is subject to approval by Library staff.
Personal Equipment
All personal equipment and items must be removed from Technology Tools spaces at the end of the reservation. Personal property left in making spaces will be retained according to the Library’s Lost and Found policy. Setup, breakdown and clean‐up are built into the reservation time. Making spaces must be restored back to the original condition by the end of the reservation time. Security of personal items is the responsibility of the customer.
Financial Responsibility
The borrower is financially responsible for the full cost of any intentionally damaged or missing equipment. An equipment review will occur between the borrower and Library staff prior to and after use of studios. Any damage or technical problems related to the equipment must be immediately reported to a staff member.
Rules of Conduct
Visitors agree to adhere to the Library’s Behavior Guidelines. No drinks or food are allowed in making spaces. Items considered to be weapons, materials containing visual depictions that are obscene, contain child pornography, or which may be considered harmful to minors are not permitted and cannot be created.
Reserving Time in the Center
The borrower who makes any reservation for equipment or space must be present at all times. Certain charges to use making equipment may apply based on service used. Please see a staff member for details.
A borrower may use the making spaces and creative software for up to three hours per day. These computers are reserved for creative projects associated with making type activities.
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library is not responsible for the loss, theft or damage of files. Users are responsible for transferring or saving all files to their personal cloud server or to their personal external drive. Computers will be rebooted after the reservation time period ends and all files saved on the computer will be deleted.
Intellectual Property Rights
Users shall respect Intellectual Property Rights. The Toledo Lucas County Public Library is not responsible for any infringement of Intellectual Property Rights that may occur.
*Terms are subject to change.
Approved by the Board of Trustees – April 2015.
TLCPL welcomes news media photographers, videographers, and reporters who document stories or projects that directly involve TLCPL and its programs, resources, and/or services, provided that the public use of the Library is not impeded. Requests may be made to the Communications Department at 419.259.5200.
News media are permitted to access Library facilities to the same extent as other members of the public and should contact the Communications Department at 419.259.5200 for assistance in coordinating interviews with Library experts to provide context and clarity to news stories.
News media seeking to access and cover third-party programs or events at the Library shall be credentialed/granted access by the third-party program or event host.
Photographs and/or videos may not capture identifiable likenesses of individuals without their permission. We ask that news media photographers, videographers, and reporters do not approach minors for photography and/or videography requests unless an accompanying guardian grants permission. Minors are not able to provide consent, and such requests are expressly prohibited.
We also ask that news media do not approach customers, or conduct or schedule interviews with the public, about non-Library stories or projects.
News media photographers, videographers, and reporters who wish to attend a ticketed event may do so solely for news coverage. They may not attend the event as a guest unless a ticket is purchased.
Approved by the Board July 25, 2024
In keeping with its mission, Toledo Lucas County Public Library encourages public use of meeting rooms as gathering places to exchange ideas; access and share information and participate in programs created for public enjoyment, public education, cultural and civic engagement subject to the rules outlined below. The rooms are available as a free community service when Library programs are not scheduled.
The Library supports and endorses the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, which states: “Libraries which maintain meeting spaces, exhibit space or other facilities open to the public should make them available on equal terms to all persons, regardless of their beliefs or affiliations.”
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library agencies will allow businesses, organizations, and groups to use the public meeting rooms on an equitable basis subject to the parameters for use defined below.
The fact that an organization is permitted to meet at the Library does not constitute an endorsement of the organization’s beliefs by the Library, its staff, its Board of Trustees, or the Lucas County Board of Commissioners.
- An online reservation for Library meeting rooms must be completed before a group can use a room. The person requesting use of a meeting room will be held responsible for the order and conduct of the group and for any damage to Library property, as defined by the Library.
- Groups may not fundraise, sell goods, solicit commercial services or future commercial services, charge admission, or ask for donations for or during their meetings/events held on Library premises. Meeting rooms are not available for private events or gatherings.
- Each group is responsible for its own meeting publicity, which must not include the Library’s information as a contact. Publicity must state that the meeting is not sponsored by the Toledo Lucas County Public Library.
- If you invite media to cover your event, or if media attends your event as part of their news coverage, the group is responsible for speaking with the media and making sure the media is aware of the Library’s photography and videography policy. This means media can’t film people without their consent, that media can’t film children without parent or guardian consent, and that media presence can’t disrupt other Library programs or services. Alert the branch manager if you have invited or expect media coverage.
- Audiovisual equipment may be available and varies by location. Library staff are not available to run equipment for meetings. Groups may be required to work with Library staff prior to the engagement to become familiar with any AV equipment that may be needed.
- The Library is not responsible for equipment, supplies, or any other materials owned by a group and used in the Library. Each group is responsible for the set-up and running of its equipment. No modifications will be allowed to the Library’s existing equipment to accommodate a temporary interface with the group’s equipment.
- Groups wishing to serve light refreshments may do so. Be prepared to supply your own equipment and utensils. Please note that groups using the Library meeting rooms are responsible for clean-up. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on Library premises.
- The group using the room may be responsible for setting up tables and chairs.
- Young children accompanying adult users of the meeting room shall not be left unattended in the Library. Minors are not permitted to use meeting rooms without adult supervision.
- The Library reserves the right to limit the number and time length of reservations made by individuals, groups, or organizations in order that all have a fair opportunity to use the meeting rooms.
- Groups holding reservations are requested to notify the Library of any cancellation at the earliest possible date in order to free the room for use by others. Groups failing to give notice of cancellation twice in succession may be denied future use of meeting rooms.
- Meeting facilities are available only during the hours the agency is open to the public. Reservations are available 15 minutes after opening and cannot extend later than 15 minutes prior to the agency closing time.
- The Library will approve and schedule only those meetings that will not disturb other Library activities. The Library reserves the right to withdraw permission for use when conditions warrant such action and to stop meetings that interfere with the normal operation of the Library.
- Library staff may enter the meeting space at any time.
- Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the loss of future meeting room use. Concerns or questions about these guidelines should be referred to the agency manager or the appropriate administrator of Library locations.
- All groups and individuals using the Library’s meeting rooms must adhere to the Expectations of Behavior Policy and Photography/Videography Policy.
Approved by the Board July 25, 2024
In general, public library agencies are named to identify appropriately their location within their respective service areas. Under extraordinary circumstances, however, an agency may be named in honor of a citizen of the community who has performed unusual or meritorious service to the library. In such case, the person to be so memorialized shall have been deceased for a minimum of ten years. Unanimous agreement by the Board of Trustees shall be required for the naming of an agency in honor of an individual. Exceptions to this policy will be made at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
Approved by the Board of Trustees – September 1975
Revised and approved by the Board of Trustees – June 2007
Fines for late books have always been part of the Library experience. But should they be?
Barriers to access
While overdue fines are assumed to help get books returned and back in circulation, the fact is that for many families in our community, overdue fines are a real barrier to access. For those who can afford the fines, paying a small late fee is no problem, so the overdue fines are not a particularly strong incentive. For those who can’t afford the overdue fines, they have a disproportionately negative impact. In fact, staff at Toledo Lucas County Public Library (TLCPL) hear from people daily that the fear of fines keeps them from accessing Library materials. This is in direct opposition to TLCPL’s mission to engage all of our communities, inspire lifelong learning, and provide universal access to a broad range of information, ideas and entertainment. To improve access and opportunity in our community, TLCPL will be eliminating overdue fines effective January 1, 2019.
The negative consequences of overdue fines have prompted numerous library systems in Ohio, including the Columbus Metropolitan Library and Dayton Metro Library, and other libraries across the country, to eliminate overdue fines during the last few years. The systems have seen increases in the amount of materials borrowed, without any significant increase in materials not returned. In fact, Colorado’s library district found that 95 percent of materials are returned within a week of their due date. TLCPL eliminated fines for youth, senior and military cards in 2016 which has improved access and opportunities for these populations and serves as a springboard for eliminating overdue fines for the entire community.
What about accountability?
Historically, overdue fines have been viewed as a way to make people accountable for the privilege of borrowing materials and the elimination of overdue fines feared to be a “moral hazard.” Eliminating overdue fines does not mean eliminating accountability. Customers will need to return their items before checking out new ones, and still pay for lost items. The head of The New York Public Library asked, “What is truly the greater moral hazard? Having fines or not having fines? In my view, teaching kids that the library is not an option for the poorest among them is absolutely unacceptable.”
Doesn’t the Library need the money generated from fines?
Fines and fees make up less than one percent of funding at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library, and enforcing fines itself costs money for software and collection services as well as staff labor expenses. Managing overdue fines and helping customers who are confused or disenfranchised also takes staff time that we would rather have spent helping customers. In short, we don’t rely on the money we receive from overdue fines to run the Library and the expenses don’t justify the activity.
Won’t people just keep books instead of returning them?
Customers who haven’t returned or renewed books won’t be able to check out additional books. Once items are two weeks overdue, no further materials can be checked out. Customers that do not return items will be billed when the materials are four weeks overdue. A courtesy notice is sent three days before items are due only if the account contains an email or text number. Beginning in 2019, TLCPL will send a notice by phone, email, or text the day after an item is due. A second notice by phone, email, or text will be sent when an item is one week overdue. At two weeks overdue, another notice by phone, email, or text will be sent, and borrowing privileges are blocked until the overdue item is returned or renewed. At four weeks overdue, a bill via the United States Postal System, email or text will be sent. At 80 days overdue, the account will be sent to collections. TLCPL offers easy online and mobile technology options for renewing materials in order to help customers keep their accounts in good standing. If materials are returned, there will not be an overdue fine.
Ohio Libraries that are now fine-free
- Columbus Metropolitan Library
- Dayton Metropolitan Library
- Wood County District Public Library
- Way Public Library
- Stark County District Library
- Westerville Public Library
No Overdue Fines Policy FAQ
Late materials
No overdue fines will be incurred once materials are returned.
Never-returned and damaged items
All cardholders will be responsible for never-returned and damaged items. Charges for never-returned or damaged items will be calculated at list price. Collection agency fees will still be charged, as will fees for missing chargers, damaged security cases, lost power cords, etc.
When will this take effect?
Beginning January 1, 2019, any borrowed items returned will not be charged overdue fines.
Does this mean my current overdue fines are being wiped away?
Our goal is to improve access and opportunity. If a customer has existing overdue fines, we invite them to speak with a staff member about returning any overdue items and updating the customer record.
Blocked or suspended Library cards
Toledo Lucas County Public Library cardholders who owe $10 or more for never-returned or damaged items will have their borrowing privileges blocked until their charges have been paid or reduced below $10. Cardholders who have items overdue by two weeks will have their borrowing privileges blocked until items are renewed or returned.
Collections agency
The Library uses the services of a collection agency to collect money for never-returned and damaged items when the obligation equals or exceeds $25. If an account is referred to a collection agency, an additional non-refundable charge of $10 is applied.
Approved by the Board of Trustees – September 2018.
Approved by the Board: 5/26/2022
Toledo Lucas County Public Library (Library) believes that the exchange of, and access to, civic information is the cornerstone of a vibrant democracy. It is a responsibility of this institution to create space for the consumption of relevant election-based information, which is partisan in nature.
If a respective issue-based campaign wishes to leave behind, or display materials in a Library location, the Library requests that you submit a “Share My Materials at Library Locations” form, outlining the purpose of materials, with up-to-date contact information for Library patrons who may have further questions or comments. Display of materials does not signify as an endorsement from the Library.
- Individual candidates will not be allowed to leave campaign promotional materials of any kind in Library spaces.
- Local levy issues, local political grassroot organizations, local 501(C)(4)’s, or local political party materials of appropriate size are permitted (flyers, yard signs, brochures, rack cards). All materials must be time-bound, or in relation to, an upcoming election.
- Available space for partisan/nonpartisan/issue-based materials at each Library location varies greatly, and branch managers/staff fully reserve the right to prescribe where materials are accessible and displayed, as well as how many materials or what specific materials will be accepted.
- Issues that will be placed on an Election Day ballot may begin dropping off materials to Library locations 60 days prior to the relevant election. If the Library location, where partisan/nonpartisan/issue-based materials were dropped off, also serves as a polling location for the community, materials will be discarded the morning of Election Day prior to the polls opening.
- Signature collection is not permitted inside any Library location, nor is sign placement in Library greenspace. Signature/petition collectors cannot obstruct outside entrances or walkways, and cannot yell at, “hawk,” or harass Library patrons.
- The Library is not meant to serve as a mass material pickup location for the campaign. Library locations are to be viewed as another educational avenue, allowing community members to read campaign materials, and learn more about local issues.
Toledo Lucas County Public Library (TLCPL) staff may request that patron identification, such as a valid TLCPL Library card or driver’s license, be left at the Library desk for security reasons, with respect to certain materials specified by the Library executive director. Staff should be cautious about taking any patron identification that contains the patron’s Social Security number on it.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees – October 2007.
The Library’s Photography and Videography policy is designed to protect the privacy of Library customers and to minimize the disruption of delivering Library services and programs in accordance with the Library’s Expectations of Behavior Policy.
Photographs and/or videos of specific, copyrighted (or otherwise protected) materials for redistribution is prohibited.
Library staff may stop any photography and/or videography that appears to interfere with TLCPL’s ability to conduct business, violate a customer’s privacy, or compromise public safety or security.
Customers and visitors may take photographs and/or videos in the public areas of the Library to record their own visit or capture a building’s architecture. You may not ask staff for assistance, move any furniture or materials, or block access to Library spaces or collections.
Photography and/or videography may not include other customers without their permission, as this violates the expectation of privacy within a limited public forum. Permission to photograph or video record individuals must be granted by those individuals or their guardians. Minors cannot give permission – only their parent or guardian can grant permission. Library staff will not coordinate or administer permissions.
Non-flash photography and/or videography is permitted at Library programs and events for personal documentation of the experience, not for publication or broadcast, provided that it is not disruptive and does not capture any identifiable likenesses of other individuals without their permission. Taking photographs and/or videos at Library events or author events is subject to the wishes of the individual author or paid performer/presenter.
Community organizations
Community organizations holding scheduled events or meetings in TLCPL study, conference, or meeting rooms may arrange for their own photography or videography of their event. The public may photograph and/or video record community events or meetings so long as the activity does not compromise public safety or security or interfere with the meeting organizer’s ability to conduct the business of the meeting. The photographs and/or videos may not capture any identifiable likenesses of individuals without their permission. Library staff will not coordinate or administer permissions.
People providing programs or performances in Library spaces may not use photographs or videos from the event for promotional purposes. Performers or presenters may not list the Library as a customer nor imply that the Library endorses their services.
Commercial/promotional photography/videography
Commercial and/or promotional photography and/or videography to promote a good, service, or organization inside or outside of Library facilities is not permissible. This includes, but is not limited to, any images for use on print, social media, website, or any digital communications.
Wedding or portrait photography/videography
Should you wish to use TLCPL facilities for family or wedding photography and/or videography, permission should be secured from the manager of the Library location to ensure the request doesn’t affect TLCPL’s ability to conduct business, or that compromises public safety or security. Should permission be granted, you may not ask staff for assistance, move any furniture or materials, or block access to Library spaces or collections.
Approved by the Board July 25, 2024
All meetings of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library’s Board of Trustees are open to the public. Because space may be limited for seating, citizens interested in attending the meeting are encouraged to contact the office of the executive director so that sufficient seating may be provided ( If the attendance will exceed the capacity of the Board Room, the executive director will move the meeting, with the approval of the Board president, to a more appropriate location.
While Board meetings are open to the public for attendance, the purpose of these meetings is to allow the Board to transact the normal business of the institution. For this reason, interruptions by the public cannot be permitted. Board meetings are not public hearings.
Any person wishing to appear before the Board or Board committees to speak on any matter must sign in at the meeting and are requested to provide the following information:
- Name, address, email, and phone number of person requesting to speak
- Subject on which he/she wishes to speak
Any person who wishes to address the Board concerning a given item on the agenda will be allocated time not to exceed three (3) minutes.
The number of speakers on any given topic may be limited to three (3) speakers in opposition and three (3) speakers in favor of each item, at the discretion of the President.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees, April 23, 2015.
It is the policy of Toledo Lucas County Public Library that openness leads to a better informed citizenry, which leads to better government and better public policy. It is the policy of Toledo Lucas County Public Library to strictly adhere to the state’s Public Records Act. All exemptions to openness are to be construed in their narrowest sense and any denial of public records in response to a valid request must be accompanied by an explanation, including legal authority, as outlined in the Ohio Revised Code. If the request is in writing, the explanation must also be in writing.
Section 1. Public records
Toledo Lucas County Public Library, in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code, defines records as including the following: Any document – paper, electronic (including, but not limited to, e-mail), or other format – that is created or received by, or comes under the jurisdiction of a public office that documents the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the office. All records of Toledo Lucas County Public Library are public unless they are specifically exempt from disclosure under the Ohio Revised Code.
Section 1.1
It is the policy of Toledo Lucas County Public Library that, as required by Ohio law, records will be organized and maintained so that they are readily available for inspection and copying (See Section 4 for the e-mail record policy). Record retention schedules are to be updated regularly and posted prominently.
Section 2. Record requests
Each request for public records should be evaluated for a response using the following guidelines:
Section 2.1
Although no specific language is required to make a request, the requester must at least identify the records requested with sufficient clarity to allow the public office to identify, retrieve, and review the records. If it is not clear what records are being sought, the records custodian must contact the requester for clarification, and should assist the requestor in revising the request by informing the requestor of the manner in which the office keeps its records.
Section 2.2
The requester does not have to put a records request in writing, and does not have to provide his or her identity or the intended use of the requested public record. It is Toledo Lucas County Public Library’s general policy that this information is not to be requested.
Section 2.3
Public records are to be available for inspection during regular business hours, with the exception of published holidays. Public records must be made available for inspection promptly. Copies of public records must be made available within a reasonable period of time. “Prompt” and “reasonable” take into account the volume of records requested; the proximity of the location where the records are stored; and the necessity for any legal review of the records requested.
Section 2.4
Each request should be evaluated for an estimated length of time required to gather the records. Routine requests for records should be satisfied immediately if feasible to do so. Routine requests include, but are not limited to, meeting minutes (both in draft and final form), budgets, salary information, forms and applications, personnel rosters, etc. If fewer than 20 pages of copies are requested or if the records are readily available in an electronic format that can be emailed or downloaded easily, these should be made as quickly as the equipment allows.
All requests for public records must either be satisfied (see Section 2.4) or be acknowledged in writing by the Toledo Lucas County Public Library within three business days following the Library’s receipt of the request. If a request is deemed significantly beyond “routine,” such as seeking a voluminous number of copies or requiring extensive research, the acknowledgement must include the following:
Section 2.4a – An estimated number of business days it will take to satisfy the request.
Section 2.4b – An estimated cost if copies are requested.
Section 2.4c – Any items within the request that may be exempt from disclosure.
Section 2.5
Any denial of public records requested must include an explanation, including legal authority. If portions of a record are public and portions are exempt, the exempt portions are to be redacted and the rest released. If there are redactions, each redaction must be accompanied by a supporting explanation, including legal authority.
Section 3. Costs for Public Records
Those seeking public records will be charged only the actual cost of making copies.
Section 3.1 The charge for paper copies is 5 cents per page.
Section 3.2 The charge for downloaded computer files to a compact disc is $1 per disc.
Section 3.3 There is no charge for documents emailed.
Section 3.4
Requesters may ask that documents be mailed to them. They will be charged the actual cost of the postage and mailing supplies.
Section 4. Email
Documents in electronic mail format are records as defined by the Ohio Revised Code when their content relates to the business of the Library. Email is to be treated in the same fashion as records in other formats and should follow the same retention schedules.
Section 4.1 – Records in private
e-mail accounts used to conduct public business are subject to disclosure, and all employees or representatives of Toledo Lucas County Public Library are instructed to retain their emails that relate to public business (see Section 1 Public Records) and to copy them to their business email accounts and/or to the Library’s records custodian.
Section 4.2
The records custodian is to treat the emails from private accounts as records of the public office, filing them in the appropriate way, retaining them per established schedules and making them available for inspection and copying in accordance with the Public Records Act.
Section 5. Failure to respond to a public records request
Toledo Lucas County Public Library recognizes the legal and non-legal consequences of failure to properly respond to a public records request. In addition to the distrust in government that failure to comply may cause, The Toledo Lucas County Public Library’s failure to comply with a request may result in a court ordering the Toledo Lucas County Public Library to comply with the law and to pay the requester attorney’s fees and damages.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees – January 2008
Public Records Retention Schedule
Accounts Payable/Receivable Ledger and Documents
Retention: 5 years, provided audited
Annual Employee Leave Use/Balance Report
Retention: 5 years
Annual Financial Report to the Auditor of the State
Retention: Permanent
Annual Report for Main Library/Branches
Retention: Permanent
Annual Report to State Library
Retention: Permanent
Applications for PERS Refund or Waiver
Retention: Permanent
Appropriation Ledger
Retention: 5 years, provided audited
Audit Reports
Retention: Permanent
Bank Deposit Receipts
Retention: 5 years, provided audited
Bank Statements
Retention: 5 years, provided audited
Bids (Successful)
Original, if made part of a contract and filed with contract
Retention: 15 years after expiration of contract
Bids (Unsuccessful)
Retention: 4 years after letting of the contract
Board Policy Files
Retention: Permanent
Board of Trustees Agenda Packets
Retention: Permanent
Board of Trustees Minutes
Retention: Permanent
Building Blueprints
Retention: Permanent
Building Projects Records (successful)
Retention: Permanent
Building Specifications
Retention: Life of structure
Cancelled Checks
Retention: 5 years, provided audited
Cash Books and Cash Journals
Retention: 5 years, provided audited
Check Registers
Retention: 5 years, provided audited
Circulation Records
Retention: Until no longer of administrative value.
Construction Contracts
Retention: 16 years after the project is completed
Retention: 15 years after expiration
Correspondence-General (Includes internal correspondence (letters, memos); also, correspondence from various individuals, companies, and organizations requesting information pertaining to agency and legal interpretations and other miscellaneous inquiries. This correspondence is informative, it does not attempt to influence agency policy)
Retention: 3 years
Correspondence-Routine (Referral letters, requests for routine information or publications provided to the public by an agency which are answered by standard for letters)
Retention: Until no longer of administrative value
Court Orders for Payroll Deductions
Retention: 7 years after termination of employment or order rescinded
Data Files and Records
Retention: According to content.
Documentation of Leave
Retention: Permanent. Filed with personnel files.
Depository Contracts and Related Collateral
Retention: 5 year after the contract has expired, provided audited
Electronic Resources
Retention: According to content.
Retention: According to content
Employee Earning Records
Retention: Permanent. Filed with personnel files.
Employee Withholding Requests
Retention: Until replaced or revoked by employee, provided audited.
Employment Applications
Retention: 7 years after receipt
Employer Quarterly Federal Tax Return
Retention: 10 years, provided audited
E-Rate Application
Retention: 7 years.
Expense Records
Retention: 5 years
Formal Legal Opinions
Retention: Permanent
Garnishment Orders
Retention: 7 years after termination of employment or order rescinded
Grant Files
Retention: 10 years provided all state or federal audits have been conducted, the
audit reports released and litigation, claims, or audit findings have been resolved
Incident/Accident Reports
Retention: 5 years
Insurance Policies
Retention: 2 years after expiration, provided all claims settled
Interlibrary Loan Records
Retention: 5 years
Inventories (Property)
Retention: Permanent
Retention: 5 years, provided audited
Real estate
Retention: 5 years after expiration, provided audited
Library Card Applications
Retention: Permanent
Library News Releases
Retention: 4 years
Library Publications
Retention: 2 years
Litigation Records
Retention: 5 years after case is closed and appeals exhausted
Monthly Financial Reports to Library Board
Retention: 5 years, provided audited
Overdue Circulation Records
Retention: Adults = 6 years; Juveniles = 1 year.
Payroll Journal/Ledgers
Retention: 10 years, provided audited
Payroll Reports
Retention: 10 years, provided audited
Personnel Files
Retention: Permanent
Petty Cash Records
Retention: 5 years, provided audited
Purchase Orders/Requisitions
Retention: 5 years, provided audited
Real Property Acquisition Records
Retention: Permanent
Reports to Retirement Systems
Retention: Permanent
State Income Tax Report
Retention: 25 years
Tax Withholding Reports
Retention: 10 years
Technology Plans
Retention: Permanent
Retention: 5 years, provided audited
Retention: 5 years, provided audited
W-2 Forms
Retention: 10 years, provided audited
W-4 Forms
Retention: Until superseded or employee terminates, provided audited
Workers Compensation Claims
Retention: 10 years after termination of employment
Approved by the Board of Trustees – January 2008
The purpose of this policy is to transition Toledo Lucas County Public Library (TLCPL) to a tobacco- and smoke-free system, to promote a healthy campus environment by decreasing community exposure to secondhand smoke, and reduce the direct health impacts of tobacco and smoke use.
The goal of this policy is to provide and enforce a 100% tobacco-free, smoke-free environment for all employees, customers, and contractors within its facilities, grounds, and vehicles. This goal will be achieved by the leadership/management being supportive in:
- Exhibiting healthy behavior for all employees, contractors, and visitors;
- Providing appropriate tobacco cessation educational materials; and
- Providing access to cessation counseling and/or referral services.
In alignment with Ohio Revised Code 3794, smoking (inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated tobacco product or plant product intended for inhalation in any manner or in any form, including the use of an electronic smoking device and a vapor product) is illegal in TLCPL owned or rented buildings and covered areas, including the entire parking garage at Main Library.
Additionally, the products listed below are prohibited throughout the entire TLCPL system, including, but not limited to all grounds and parking lots, as well as in TLCPL-owned vehicles and trailers. Smoking and/or vaping is also prohibited in personal vehicles while parked on TLCPL grounds or when transporting persons on TLCPL-authorized business.
The policy applies to all nicotine, tobacco-derived or containing products, and plant-based products including cigarettes (e.g., clove, bidis, kreteks), electronic cigarettes/vaping, cigars and cigarillos, pipes, hookah-smoked products, and oral tobacco (spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff).
FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapy is allowed (e.g., patches, gum, inhalers, and lozenges).
The Library’s social media channels serve as a resource for TLCPL to share and distribute pertinent information about the Library’s materials, services, and initiatives.
Comments and posts are welcome on the Library’s social media sites, however, content containing any of the following may be removed:
- Obscene comments or hate speech
- Personal attacks, harassment, or threatening language
- Potentially libelous statements
- Plagiarized or copyrighted material
- Commercial promotions or spam
- Political or religious messages
- Material that is deemed off-topic or inappropriate
- Private or personal information
- Falsification of identity
- Hyperlinks to material not directly related to the discussion
- Any illegal activity
- Solicitations for donations, or membership requiring a fee
- Photos or other images that may fall into any of the above categories
TLCPL reserves the right to edit or remove any comments, images, graphics, or posts that fall into any of the above categories. Additionally, TLCPL reserves the right to temporarily or permanently block from the site person(s) who continue to violate the above guidelines.
Social media sites may have their own terms of service, privacy, acceptable behavior, and stated consequences for violating those terms of service.
Comments expressed on any of the Library’s social media platforms do not reflect the views or positions of the Library, its officers, or its employees. Social media users should exercise their own judgment about the quality and accuracy of any information presented through social media.
Approved by the Board July 25, 2024
Toledo Lucas County Public Library should not report suspected truancies. Reporting truancies is the responsibility of parents, truant officers, and the police.
Approved by the Board of Trustees October 2007