Summer Read 2024 is complete.
Summer Read 2024 is complete. We’ll see you in June 2025 for Summer Read!
Library summer reading programs began in the 1890s to encourage school-age children to use the library and read during their summer vacation months. They have become one of the most universal programs in public libraries and now include both pre-readers and adults. The first “Vacation Reading Club” held in Toledo was in 1924. The theme was a Travel Club and 85 children participated.
Miss Ethel C. Wright was the head of the Children’s Department from 1918 until 1955. Under her leadership, the children’s librarians of Toledo tried a variety of programs and reading clubs to encourage children to read good books during the summer months.
Visit our digital exhibit to learn how summer reading has changed through the years and to enjoy great pictures of old reading trackers and prizes. You may even find examples you remember from your own childhood!